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Selection Dual Diffuser Array with Optional HF Poly
After years of research and computer modeling this wonderful product, formerly available only in professional studios, is now available for public use for three easy payments of $29.95 (per unit) plus shipping and handling. It consists of a single low frequency diffuser (top half), and 12 high frequency diffusers (lower half) including 5 SpikeFusers! (The engineering required to determine the 5 to 12 ratio of spike fusers to high frequency deffusers is currently a corporate secret, patent pending.)
This dual diffuser array by Selection is available in any colour you want, as long as it's grey.
They may be arranged in arrays on your walls to give hithertofore undreamed of sound quality. A quantity discount is available: pre-packaged units of ten for only $898.49 !
The optional high frequency poly's (two shown), specially designed to fit into the wells of the high frequency diffusers, may be purchased in any colour, carefully dunked each Easter holiday by any 6 year old daughter into yellow, red, blue, green food dye, or left in their original white (shown). They're fun for the whole family!
Fine tuning of the massive effectiveness of the high frequency polys is possible by using the four placement modes: wide end up, pointy end up, horizontal allignment spaning two high frequency diffuser wells, and diagonal/wobbled allignment.
The entire unit is eco friendly, made of recycled or organic materials.
And, for you survivalists out there, the high frequency poly's are both edible and nutritious parts of your 72 hour emergency bug out bag. Having grown up in New Orleans, I can't tell you how I'd wished I'd had some Selection high frequency polys back in August 24, 2005. Which is why we're giving them away at cost of $19.95 each, as a humanitarian service to our fellow man.
Due to recent problems encountered during shipping, the polys are no longer available for distribution to end users in the 50 US States, Canada, Mexico, Any island or other part of North America, Africa, Antarctica, Asia, South America, Europe, and Australia. However, visit our Contact Us page for our email, and we will do our best to locate a Selection high frequency poly authorized distributor in your area.