Cec har lansert et litt rimeligere drivverk til sin portefølje. TL5 deler reimdriftprinsippet med sine større brødre, men bruker som CD5 enkel reim istedet for dobbel. CD5 ble en suksess med sin innebygde Hi-Rez DAC, og det ble åpningen for å benytte seg av samme drivverksidé i en rimeligere transport.
TL5 vil koste 22.900,-
Cd5 cd spiller/DAC m/DSD - 29.900,-
TL3N cd drivverk - 31.000,-
TLO 3.0 - 299.900,-
Since the introduction of the worlds first Belt-Drive CD Transport in the spring of 1991, CEC has continued to improve on it. The latest technology of Belt- Drive Mechanism’s achieved in CD5 CD Player has been refined in the latest Transport TL 5.
In order to read the signal recorded with Constant Linear Velocity (CLV) on CD, rotation speed should be slowed down as it goes to the outside.
In CEC TL 5 Belt-Drive the spindle motor is placed independently from the center shaft and vibration as well as electromagnetic noise effect to the CD are thus minimized. A heavy CD stabilizer provides bigger inertia of turntable and achieves a stable and smooth rotation of discs. Smaller torque motor and longer distance from the motor to the center shaft (turntable) create the ideal fundamentals of music reproduction. By placing the turntable shaft in the center of the top loading open space the rubber belt replacement is now done with ease on the TL 5
TL5 vil koste 22.900,-
Cd5 cd spiller/DAC m/DSD - 29.900,-
TL3N cd drivverk - 31.000,-
TLO 3.0 - 299.900,-
Since the introduction of the worlds first Belt-Drive CD Transport in the spring of 1991, CEC has continued to improve on it. The latest technology of Belt- Drive Mechanism’s achieved in CD5 CD Player has been refined in the latest Transport TL 5.
In order to read the signal recorded with Constant Linear Velocity (CLV) on CD, rotation speed should be slowed down as it goes to the outside.
In CEC TL 5 Belt-Drive the spindle motor is placed independently from the center shaft and vibration as well as electromagnetic noise effect to the CD are thus minimized. A heavy CD stabilizer provides bigger inertia of turntable and achieves a stable and smooth rotation of discs. Smaller torque motor and longer distance from the motor to the center shaft (turntable) create the ideal fundamentals of music reproduction. By placing the turntable shaft in the center of the top loading open space the rubber belt replacement is now done with ease on the TL 5