Hva er inne i disse strømdingsene og hva gjør de egentlig?
Først ut er Nordost Qx2
Produsenten sier:
QX2 and QX4 units are power purifiers that are affective Each QX unit contains QRT field generators (two in the QX2, four in the twice as powerful QX4) that alleviate the impact of poor quality AC power on your sensitive electronics, limiting RFI and timing errors
without compromising the peak current capabilities of your power supply or the integrity of your grounding.
Hva er så inne i:
fra Nordost QX2 QX4 inside upgrade QX2 to QX4
How this work?
Inbound electricity does not flow through the entire system. Is from the board transfers directly to exit! Serves energised microcontroller and inductors.
Electric from 70032K transformers (2*12V) flow to RS201L Bridge Rectifiers. From output bridge 17V go to L7805CV voltage stabiliser. This stabiliser set voltage on 5V for power supply microcontroller PIC16F54. First output from microcontroller switch two transistors, second output two next transistors. Each transistor is connected to: output microcontroller over resistor, ground and inductor. Inductors form a two sections. In each section have 1 inductor for QX2 and 2 inductors for QX4. Inductors are connected parallel in QX4. The idea of the device is switching outputs of the microprocessor and generating an electromagnetic field.
Hva skal man si til dette? Ja , apparatet gjør tydeligvis ingenting med strømtilførslen da strøm/spenning går rett fra inngang til utgang uten noe inngrep.
Det er noen spoler som lavspenning føres gjennom med en viss frekvens og genererer et magnetfelt. Takket være metall/ferritt? ringene holdes magnetfeltet innenfor spolen. Så rent teknisk så stemmer nordost sin beskrivelse "without compromising the peak current capabilities of your power supply or the integrity of your grounding." Strøm og spenning går jo kun gjennom en ledning og ut igjen. Og "contains QRT field generators " ja det dannes et magnetfelt, ja.
Hvordan og om dette forbedrer noe mht strøm og lyd er diplomatisk sagt heller uklart. Men det blir kanskje en demo ett sted en gang..så får man høre og spørre
Pris kr 15990
Først ut er Nordost Qx2
Produsenten sier:
QX2 and QX4 units are power purifiers that are affective Each QX unit contains QRT field generators (two in the QX2, four in the twice as powerful QX4) that alleviate the impact of poor quality AC power on your sensitive electronics, limiting RFI and timing errors
without compromising the peak current capabilities of your power supply or the integrity of your grounding.
Hva er så inne i:
fra Nordost QX2 QX4 inside upgrade QX2 to QX4
How this work?
Inbound electricity does not flow through the entire system. Is from the board transfers directly to exit! Serves energised microcontroller and inductors.
Electric from 70032K transformers (2*12V) flow to RS201L Bridge Rectifiers. From output bridge 17V go to L7805CV voltage stabiliser. This stabiliser set voltage on 5V for power supply microcontroller PIC16F54. First output from microcontroller switch two transistors, second output two next transistors. Each transistor is connected to: output microcontroller over resistor, ground and inductor. Inductors form a two sections. In each section have 1 inductor for QX2 and 2 inductors for QX4. Inductors are connected parallel in QX4. The idea of the device is switching outputs of the microprocessor and generating an electromagnetic field.
Hva skal man si til dette? Ja , apparatet gjør tydeligvis ingenting med strømtilførslen da strøm/spenning går rett fra inngang til utgang uten noe inngrep.
Det er noen spoler som lavspenning føres gjennom med en viss frekvens og genererer et magnetfelt. Takket være metall/ferritt? ringene holdes magnetfeltet innenfor spolen. Så rent teknisk så stemmer nordost sin beskrivelse "without compromising the peak current capabilities of your power supply or the integrity of your grounding." Strøm og spenning går jo kun gjennom en ledning og ut igjen. Og "contains QRT field generators " ja det dannes et magnetfelt, ja.
Hvordan og om dette forbedrer noe mht strøm og lyd er diplomatisk sagt heller uklart. Men det blir kanskje en demo ett sted en gang..så får man høre og spørre
Pris kr 15990
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