Audio-Technica hodetelefoner med vinger og bøyle: Brukertilpasning


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Audio-Technicas vinger og bøyle
Audio-Technicas hodetelefoner med vinger og bøyle skiller seg fra de fleste andre hodetelefoner. Mange mennesker opplever denne mekanismen som meget komfortabel.

Behov for brukertilpasning
Mekanismen passer utmerket for noen mennesker, men for andre krever den brukertilpasning før den blir komfortabel og/eller lyden blir god fordi det blir for dårlig kontakt mellom hode og hodetelefonputer.

Audio-Technica ATH-W1000x_lite_kunsthode_HeadRoom.jpg

Dette bildet av Audio-Technica ATH-W1000X viser tydelig hvordan det kan se ut før bøylenes krumming tilpasses brukeren. Det er en gløppe mellom hodetelefonpute og hode over hvert øre.

Det virker som om dette både varierer fra person til person og modell til modell. Noen personer klarer seg uten tilpasning med en modell, men må tilpasse en annen.

Det ser heller ikke ut til at hodestørrelse alene er en avgjørende faktor. Bruker MuppetFace på er etter eget utsagn "a diminutive female", men Audio-Technica ATH-W3000ANV og vel flere andre Audio-Technica passer fint til henne uten tilpasning.

post #892 of 2830 12/17/11
Quote: Originally Posted by AppleheadMay

I wonder why a lot of people seem to have a problem with the fit of AT's.
I don't have a big head ... well, maybe I do but it's thin and they fit me just nicely with a good seal.
I also love the way they feel on your head, kindof weightless I'd say.
I'm a small, diminutive female and they fit me just fine. I dunno... maybe it's the shape of the head more than the size?
Jeg har selv måttet tilpasse min Audio-Technica ATH-W3000ANV, og det kan hende det blir flere runder. Anonym har derimot ikke hatt slike behov med sin Audio-Technica ATH-A900.

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  • Bøylebøying
  • Strikkmod
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Hi-Fi freak
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Jeg har måttet bøye bøylene på min Audio-Technica ATH-W3000ANV, og det kan hende det blir flere runder.

post #1433 of 2830 2/11/12
  • MikeLa
  • 208 Posts. Joined 1/2006
I thought fit was bad at first too and almost immediately gave up on the phones. Then I read a post in this thread giving advice on how to adjust the headphones. They said not to worry about breaking the medal rods, hold the end of the rods (where the Right and Left are) and give it a press like \ /. Well I gave them a few good presses (I have a narrow head) and voila I had a great fit, just as if I was pressing the cups to my ears.
Audio-Technica ATH-W3000ANV 50th Anniversary Headphones (Playback 57) | AVguide

Ergonomic High Points and Low Points
When I first tried to put the Audio-Technica ATH-W3000ANV headphones on they didn’t fit. In fact, the top halves of the ear cups didn’t even make contact with my head. Instead the ear cups angled away, only making a tight contact at the bottom edges. I could push the headphones onto my ears until they made a good seal, but the second I relaxed the pressure they reverted to their original unusable position. I took the headphones off and carefully examined the design.

The Audio-Technica ATH-W3000ANV headband is unique among over-ear headphones I’ve seen. Unlike most headphones, which have some provisions for headband adjustment and rotation on more than one axis, the Audio Technica ATH-W3000ANV headphones have a far more limited range of motion. They only rotate horizontally and instead of an adjustment scheme they have a pair of hinged pads that rest lightly on either side of the top of your head. Two magnesium rods formed into a wide-C shape make up the entire A-T headband. I don’t believe that Audio-Technica designed the rods to be adjustable.

Given this, I had two options: return the Audio Technica ATH-W3000ANV headphones to my editor as “unreviewable due to poor fit” or bend the two magnesium rods into a tight U or even a V-shape so the ear cups would make even contact both above and below my ears. Option one wasn’t going to happen without an attempt at option two. So, I began to bend the rods. Magnesium is pretty strong stuff, so I had to put some muscle into the task (finally, a legitimate audio-related reason why I work out at the gym three times a week). After a couple of tries I finally got the rods re-shaped so that the ear cups made a tight but comfortable seal around my ears. The only downsides: likely a voided warranty and a pair of earphones with a headband that makes me look like a cone-head.

After my version of an Ari Geller spoon-bend the Audio-Technica ATH-W3000ANV headphones fit like a dream. I would rate the ATH-W3000ANV right up with my Stax Pro Lambda Nova earspeakers in terms of overall long-term comfort. The ATH-W3000ANV was more comfortable than the HiFiMAN HE-300s, Sennheiser HD-600, Sennheiser HD-428, and Grado HR1 headphones. If you need or want to wear your headphones for many hours in a row the ATH-W3000ANV will make the experience as pleasant during the last hour as it was for the first.

I denne videoen om Audio-Technica ATH-W1000X snakker InnerFidelitys Tyll Hertsens om vingesystemet fra 1.44, den manglende klokkebevegeligheten rundt den horisontale aksen fra 2.01 og bøylebøying fra 2.30.
Topp Bunn