Sennheiser hodetelefonforsterkere og DAKer med hodetelefonforsterker


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Sennheiser HDVD 800

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Dette er en paraplytråd for hodetelefonforsterkere og DAKer med hodetelefonforsterker fra Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG.

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Hi-Fi freak
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Sennheiser HDVD 800 og HDVA 600

Først publisert 09.05.2013 i innlegg #228 i tråden "Sennheiser HD 800":

Sennheiser HDVD 800 og HDVA 600 ble lansert for lenge siden, men de kom ikke i salg før nylig. Det skjedde først i vår, og de første brukerobservasjonene begynte (vel) deretter å dukke opp i april 2013. har en tråd for hvert produkt, men aktiviteten er i all vesentlighet samlet i tråden om HDVD 800.
HDVD 800-tråden kan bl.a. friste med ferske sammenligninger med Violectric DAC V800 og HPA V200, Lehmannaudio Linear og SPL Auditor.

Det er også mange observasjoner ang. bruk av balansert vs. ubalansert kabel.

Observasjonene er ikke kun basert på bruk med Sennheiser-hodetelefoner, selv om de selvsagt er overrepresentert, spesielt HD 800.


Hi-Fi freak
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Hi-Fi freak
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post #928 of 931 6/14/13 at 11:39am
  • spritzer
  • 9,681 Posts. Joined 8/2002
  • Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
The DAC is made by Grouplink in HK so people can look up the data for it. Cost
post #930 of 931 6/14/13 at 3:09pm
No links, just a friend who has tried these modules and opened up a Senn amp told me. I also asked the Senn engineers once about the dac and they hinted it was sourced from some 3rd party.
Toslinksamplingsfrekvens m.m.
post #903 of 931 6/12/13 at 4:31am
Ok, so all of the current advertising literature for the HDVD800's sample rate capabilities that I can find appears to be WRONG (including a couple of notes and brochures I found on Sennheiser's own website)

They all basically say the same thing: "All of the digital inputs (i.e., S/PDIF Optical, S/PDIF Coax, AES/BEU, and USB) can handle all of the same sampling rates (i.e., 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, and 192 KHz)"

This was one of the reasons I bought the HDVD800 was for flexibility of interfaces and the ability to extend it a ways from my computer if necessary.

Well, in the Instruction Manual files that came with the HDVD800, there is a single note in the specification section stating that the S/PDIF Optical has a Maximum rate of 88.2 KHz. It cannot handle 96, 176.4, or 192 KHz sample rates.

Hmmm. So I pull out my 2 meter TOSlink cable (remember, the HDVD800 manual says that I can use up to 5 meters), plug it into my iMac (no adapters here) and the HDVD800, and guess what? Sure enough, at 24/96 KHz the audio stream starts glitching continuously every few seconds! Sometimes multiple times a second, sometimes maybe 10-30 seconds between dropouts. These are very brief, "clicking" like sounds each time.

So I set my sample rate to 24/88.2 KHz more glitches/clicking. All lower rates, no problems. Just like the Instruction Manual SAYS it should!

Vent on:
I have a real problem with false advertising, especially when it is coming from the actual manufacturer of a given product. You will have a tough time convincing me that the "fine German engineering" referred to in all of the advertising literature and videos for this product somehow didn't get around to fully testing the optical interface. Someone knew enough to put the caveat in the Instruction manual, but didn't put it into any of the rollout advertising.
Vent off:

Ok, I feel MUCH better now!

On a definitely more POSITIVE note, while glitching over the optical was occurring, I tried comparing the actual sound quality with what I was also getting over the USB interface of the same audio track and speed. I could NOT reliably identify any difference in the audio quality between the solid USB input and the glitching optical input. I could not readily hear any artifacts that might be contributed to jitter. The clock recovery mechanism for the S/PDIF optical section must really be pretty good.

This was a real surprise to me (and a pleasant one at that). In my limited experience, as you approach the limitations of a digital interface, you frequently start seeing audio artifacts associated with increases in jitter. I'm still in the burn in mode (80-90 hours) so not sure if this will change much over time.

- Jeff
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