Constant beam-width transducer (CBT)


Hi-Fi freak
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.. ser ut som en lovende idé som det jobbes med av herrene Keel og Button.
Vi har hatt en del tråder om konstant direktivitet i horisontalplanet, men her tar de for seg vertikalplanet også.
Jeg klipper fra Siegfried Linkwitz:

Constant beam-width transducer (CBT)
D. B. (Don) Keele has done extensive work on line array loudspeakers for sound reinforcement applications, where it is important to control the vertical radiation pattern and to avoid lobes, while maintaining wide horizontal dispersion to cover an audience. In a curved array with proper shading the delay of individual drivers is obtained mechanically and the output level from groups of drivers in the array is changed independent of frequency and only according to their placement in the array. The joint paper with Douglas J. Button describes straight and curved arrays and compares their vertical radiation pattern to that of a 2-way loudspeaker over a ground plane. The paper is rich in graphical illustrations.
An introduction to the CBT and its application is given in Don's Boston AES-ASA-BAS presentation from January 2010 with overheads and accompanying audio/video (Don
I have heard Monte Kay's center speaker CBT and was quite impressed with its acoustic performance in his home theater application. It seems the CBT in its various forms presents a business opportunity for highest quality sound reinforcement, where especially the mid and high frequency portions of the spectrum must be properly dealt with. It would be the end of the horn and compression driver in quality critical applications.

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