Jeg har også søkt råd på diyAudio. Svarene jeg har fått kan ha interesse for medlemmer her som bygger F5 (eller andre NP- bygg). Innlegget kunne selvfølgelig like gjerne blitt lagt inn på en av de andre trådene som handler om First Watt, men siden Leif har delt sine erfaringer og kunnskaper om choke bruk i denne tråden, håper jeg det er ok å poste dette her.
Eivind wrote
In my F5TV3 I want to incorporate chokes in the PSU, eigther a Hammond ZJ159 in a CLC configuration, or a 159ZC in a LC configuration. Which one to go for and why?
With a choke in the PSU I have been warned not to use a soft start for the transformer, but only NTC on the primair. Comments on that too, please.
I can't see the reason for that warning.
Particularly since an NTC in the Primary route is a soft start that is recognised as among the best ways of soft starting a transformer.
AndrewT - I think he was advised to not use a relay/resistor style soft start, and instead use an NTC in the primary.
Liliya - use CLC. Remember that your capacitors must be rated at least 50% higher than the steady-state rail voltage due to the choke acting as a boost converter on startup. Also, cascode the input, so that voltage doesn't fry the Jfets.
It is a relay soft start but with NTC instead of resistors. About the capasitors rating 50% higher than the steady state rail voltage was a new and very important imformation. Rail voltage is 25V AC (34V DC). Capacitors I use are 33000uF50V. Is this safe? Input is cacoded.
Only the LC acts as a choke input supply and only that one requires caution on the output voltage at very low currents.
A CLC works as a capacitor input filter and the usual factors to predict the maximum capacitor voltage are used in selecting appropriate voltage rating.
Informasjonen om voltage range på kondensatorene gjør at det er CLC som bli aktuelt for meg.
Eivind Stillingen