Hvis de ikke har fått ut fingern til i mårra er det vel bare å gå ut i fra de andre som har stemt.Jeg har nå tillatt meg å sende "purring" i form av PM til alle "etternølerne"på når dere er ledig for kurs. Håper det får fart på sakene, slik at "vinnerdatoene" snart kan offenlig-gjøres.
Eivind S
På meg virker det som om mye har falt på plass? Håper uansett at dette blir gjennomført og at jeg snart kan bestille flybillett.Jeno
Men foreløpig er vi langt unna å få det i boks
Eivind S
Here list of features available in current version:
- Built-in ASIO Sink driver for transparent stream input from audio and video players
- Different input sample formats: 16 bit integer, 24 bit integer and 32 bit floating point
- 2 input channels and up to 8 output channels
- Output to DirectSound, ASIO and Kernel Streaming audio devices
- Processing completely in 64 bit floating point precission
- Built-in crossover`s frequency response analyzer with overview amplitude graph, single channel graphs (amplitude response, phase response, group delay for each channel) and response addition graph
- Filtering by FIR filters, IIR filters or by IIR filters with automatically designed phase correction FIR filter
- Can create FIR phase correction (all pass) filter for external hardware crossover
- Two FIR convolvers available: FFT convolver with Overlap-Add algorythm and linear convolver (Straight FIR) without usage of FFT
- Any of two convolvers can be used with one or more IIR filters in each processing channel
- Up to 128 000 taps per channel with FFT FIR convolver
- IIR filters and frequency response envelopes available: Linkwitz-Riley, Butterworth, Chebyshev
- Parametric synthesis of amplitude and phase responses for filter types: Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, Band Stop, Low Shelf, High Shelf
- Band pass and Band stop filter responses can be optionally defined via lower and higher cutoff frequencies or by a definition of central frequency and bandwidth
- Amplitude and phase equalizers for arbitrary amplitude and phase response correction with data import features (from text file or from impulse response in WAV format)
- Any combination of FIR and IIR filters in each processing channel
- Full-featured pre-processing channel for input stream with its own filter set
- Automatic biasing feature for gain response in a separate channels or in a group of channels
- Input and output gain adjustment in each channel
- Adjustable delay in each channel with optional sub-sample resolution