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Det ville jeg også trodd, men jeg spekulerer snarere i at hun tar det hun kan få med seg og stikker mens det ennå er noe å hente. Det vil ikke ta seg ut å gå fra ham når tiltalepunkter og pengekrav tårner seg opp, og ikke vil han ha noe å betale henne med heller. Løp, jente, løp!Har du noen kilde på at hun krever alle hans/deres verdier? Setter en tier på at det eksisterer f.eks en prenup
Jepp ser slik ut, tror man er i overkant konspiratorisk hvis man tror alle assets blir overført ekskona på dagen i forsøk på å skjule noe, det tar mueller eksakt 30 sekunder å finne ut avDet ville jeg også trodd, men jeg spekulerer snarere i at hun tar det hun kan få med seg og stikker mens det ennå er noe å hente. Det vil ikke ta seg ut å gå fra ham når tiltalepunkter og pengekrav tårner seg opp, og ikke vil han ha noe å betale henne med heller. Løp, jente, løp!Har du noen kilde på at hun krever alle hans/deres verdier? Setter en tier på at det eksisterer f.eks en prenup
Og George Washington, forlengst død, visste hva dette handler om:On this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R.-S.C.) addressed President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer John Dowd suggesting Special Counsel Robert Muller’s probe should end in light of the ouster of FBI Director Andrew McCabe
Gowdy said, “I think the president’s attorney frankly does him a disservice when he says that and when he frames the investigation in that way. If you look at the jurisdiction of Robert Mueller, first and foremost, what did Russia do to this country in 2016? That is supremely important, and it has nothing to do with collusion. To suggest that McCabe should shut down and all that he is looking at his collusion, if you have an innocent client, act like it. Russia attacked our country. Let special counsel Mueller figure that out. If we believe as we have found there is no evidence of collusion, you should want special counsel Mueller to take all the time, to have all the independence he needs to do his job.”
He added, “My advice to the president is the same thing I just told his lawyer. Give Bob Mueller the time, the independence, and the resources to do — keep in mind, he didn’t volunteer for this. He didn’t start waving his hand and say pick me. A Trump nominated Rod Rosenstein is who picked Bob Mueller. Give him the time, the resources to do his job. When you are innocent, if the allegations colluding with the Russians and there’s no evidence of that, and you are innocent of that, act like it.”
"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. ... It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."
- G. Washington, 1796
En litt annen teori her: All this chaos is a sign of Trump’s confidence^Han er i panikktilstand og forsøker å fyre opp galningene som støtter ham.
This means that the best interpretive framework through which to understand Trump’s leadership is psychological rather than ideological. One would think that a president with historically low poll numbers, facing an investigation by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III of growing seriousness, heading (in all likelihood) toward a disastrous midterm repudiation that could lead to his impeachment, and presiding over an administration run on the management principles of Maximilien Robespierre might be acting out of desperation. On the contrary, White House insiders indicate that Trump’s increasingly flailing decisions are the function of a president gaining in confidence. Having decided that he has gotten the hang of the job, Trump has lost patience with opposition and constraints. He seems not frightened but giddy.
Og her: Why Donald Trump feels invincibleTrump unbound is having one further effect. It is adding to a squalid atmosphere of autocracy from which the United States has traditionally been exempt. The president insists on humiliating those who displease him. And everyone, eventually, displeases him. Those who delay this fate the longest are bootlicking mediocrities — the survival of the sycophants. The surest path to political advancement is to be a member of the ruling family or to praise the president on television. Loyalty matters far more than competence or character. And even that, in the end, is never enough.
At the center of the presidency is a total vacuum of idealism. And always there is a cloud of chaos surrounding the president, who revels in the kind of power demonstrated by breaking and mocking.
Republicans can no longer dismiss this as evidence of inexperience. It is getting worse as a failing president becomes more confident of his own judgment. And more disconnected from reality.
Trump has such a short-term worldview that if something calamitous does not happen immediately after he does something, it bolsters his assumption that he’s bulletproof.
I så fall kan dette ennå bli mye verre.But nothing bad has happened yet, so Trump will continue to feel emboldened. Essentially, he is acting like he is invincible. And people who think they are invincible tend to find out they are not in the harshest way possible.
Todelt syn på det. Jeg tror at Trump føler at han må ta styring, for å få ting på rett spor (få opp ratingen sin). Han føler han har hørt for mye på andre, nå gjelder det å få inn nye skuespillere (who look good on TV) og å kjøre ny sesong på realityshowet han tror han er med på.En litt annen teori her: All this chaos is a sign of Trump’s confidence
Og her: Why Donald Trump feels invincible
Trump has such a short-term worldview that if something calamitous does not happen immediately after he does something, it bolsters his assumption that he’s bulletproof.I så fall kan dette ennå bli mye verre.But nothing bad has happened yet, so Trump will continue to feel emboldened. Essentially, he is acting like he is invincible. And people who think they are invincible tend to find out they are not in the harshest way possible.
Sparkingen av Mc Cabe rett før pensjonsalder (50 år!!!), er gjort etter anbefaling av "internal affairs"
avdelingen i FBI (Office of Professional Responsibility) - for å lekke informasjon til pressen - og ikke
etter ordre fra presidenten. Mc Cabe er antagelig gjennomrotten og "heldig" om han slipper unna med
bare tapt pensjon...
Trumps største fiende er virkeligheten, han er rablende gal. Og stormannsgal. Gi deg før du blir med dragsuget ned i hans sinnssyke verden, i beste mening.Nå. Nei nå. Nei nå! Nei NÅ! NEI NÅ!
Blir du ikke lei av å ha feil hele tiden, Hardingfele?
Og blir du ikke lei av å bare lese de "liberale" medienes hatske anti Trump propaganda.
Jeg er i hvert fall drittlei av dine stadige oppgulp av de "liberale" medienes edder og galle.
Eller FAKE NEWS, om du vil...
Vi trenger The Beatles her. Det passer utmerket med en god dose overstyring også.Det ville jeg også trodd, men jeg spekulerer snarere i at hun tar det hun kan få med seg og stikker mens det ennå er noe å hente. Det vil ikke ta seg ut å gå fra ham når tiltalepunkter og pengekrav tårner seg opp, og ikke vil han ha noe å betale henne med heller. Løp, jente, løp!Har du noen kilde på at hun krever alle hans/deres verdier? Setter en tier på at det eksisterer f.eks en prenup
Det ene utelukker sikkert ikke det andre@WayAhead
Og jeg som trodde det var på grunn av at ingen stolte på mediene lenger...
President Trump on Tuesday congratulated President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on his recent re-election victory, but failed to ask him about either the fairness of the Russian vote, which Mr. Putin won with a lopsided margin, or about allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
Mr. Trump also did not raise Russia’s apparent role in a nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy and his daughter on British soil — an act that prompted the United States to join with Britain, France and Germany in denouncing the Russian government for violating international law.
Instead, in his phone call with Mr. Putin, the president focused on what the White House called “shared interests,” including North Korea, Ukraine and the escalating arms race between the United States and Russia. He said he and Mr. Putin were likely to meet soon to discuss those issues.
“We had a very good call,” Mr. Trump told reporters in the Oval Office, where he was meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. “We will probably be meeting in the not-too distant future to discuss the arms race, which is getting out of control.”
The White House said Tuesday it was not the place of the United States to question how other countries conduct their elections — a contention that runs counter to years of critical statements by presidents and other officials about elections in Russia and many other countries.
“We don’t get to dictate how other countries operate,” the press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said. “We can only focus on the freeness and fairness of our elections.”
She later railed against the investigation of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, which could have affected the results in 2016.
Innlegg i en diskusjonstråd, og forklarer nok hvorfor Trump går så stille i dørene på emnet. Trump pleier ellers å fyre av alt tilgjengelig skyts når noe går mot ham. Frank Bruni om hvorfor han er så stille:Dette er jo riktig festlig. Hvor har du sakset dette fra?
A longtime analyst for Fox News is leaving the network, saying that he could not “in good conscience” remain with an organization that, he argued, “is now wittingly harming our system of government for profit.”
In a searing farewell note sent to colleagues on Tuesday, Ralph Peters, a Fox News strategic analyst and a retired lieutenant colonel in the United States Army, castigated the network for its coverage of President Trump and the rhetoric of its prime-time hosts.
“In my view, Fox has degenerated from providing a legitimate and much-needed outlet for conservative voices to a mere propaganda machine for a destructive and ethically ruinous administration,” Colonel Peters wrote in his message, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times.
“Over my decade with Fox, I long was proud of the association,” he added. “Now I am ashamed.”
Som Fela skriver er det mer interessant å se hvem Trump velger å ikke fornærme enn å prøve å holde tritt med strømmen av edder og galle. Ms PP er et interessant tillegg på den korte listen. Ellers er det vel stort sett Putin, Erdogan og Duerte som går klar.With a particular focus on social media, Melania Trump, the first lady, has long said she wants to curb online bullying and harassment as part of a nascent effort to improve the lives of American children. There’s one problem: Mrs. Trump’s efforts often clash with the president’s longtime habit of using social media to insult people.
-Og i styret for CA sitter Rebekah Mercer, og Steve Bannon jobbet i den amerikanske avdelingen.Alexander Nix i Cambridge Analytica har "fått lov" til å forlate stillingen som AdmDir.
Man skjønner hvorfor. Han var vel frittalende i et møte med journalister, som han trodde ønsket å engasjere CA for å påvirke valg i Sri Lanka.
Nix tells the reporter, posing as a political consultant seeking help with campaigns in Sri Lanka, that he has met Donald Trump "many times," while another senior executive said the "defeat crooked Hillary" advertising campaign was the brainchild of the firm.
"We did all the research, all the data, all the analytics, all the targeting, we ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign and our data informed all the strategy," Nix told the undercover reporter.
"We just put information into the bloodstream of the internet and then watch it grow, give it a little push every now and again over time to watch it take shape," he says. "And so this stuff infiltrates the online community, but with no branding, so it's unattributable, untrackable."
To help disseminate that information, managing director of CA Political, Mark Turnbull, describes using "proxies," such as charity and activist groups. "[We] use them — feed them the material and they do the work."
Fin bruk av skjult kamera:
Det er jo dette som vanligvis omtales som "valgkamp" , er det ikke?[...]men på å fore spesielle, utvalgte målgrupper med (des)informasjon for å få nok av dem til å stemme "riktig".