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    Venner av Veridian Utopia

    Sorry for late I use a D-class (Hypex UCD400) amplifier. This is almost no noise and neutral, so I used it without Pre. I think the volume of SIRIUS fits this tendency. Preamp use or not seems to require a subjective interpretation.
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    Venner av Veridian Utopia

    ecc33 to desire but It's hard to get in Korea, so I'm only going to drive 6sn7 for now
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    Venner av Veridian Utopia

    Hi havvard, Thanks for your posting has helped me to choose Sirius. I have a togle select (ecc33 or 6sn7), too: Rolleyes And my own additional option is two separate 12v trigger.
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    Venner av Veridian Utopia

    Tusen takk :D
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    Venner av Veridian Utopia

    I choose r2r volume. Ondrej said to me. 64 steps r2r volume controller from Vicol Audio (very similar to Lampizators controller). Even so, I think that there are several brands of R2R controllers but I believe the quality of them is really similar and I can not find which one is the winner. I...
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    Venner av Veridian Utopia

    Hello everyone! I'm from S.korea. I bought a sirius(Balanced/excellence +@) in these days. Maybe i'm first & only sirius user in asia. I joined hifisentralen for thanks to you all. I Read on to see our top smart things to know about sirius. sirius is aweaome. It was great. Hope we'll get the...
Topp Bunn