Vi må fornye oss litt i ny og ne, og følge med i HiFi-verden. Vi har vært så heldige å få forhandle DeVore Fidelity.
For de som ikke kjenner til det, så er DeVore Fidelity basert i Brooklyn, New York, USA. John DeVore er mannen bak disse høyttalerne.
Høyttalere som har engasjert HiFi-journalister verden over! Rewievs har vært overveldende positive:
- Myles Astor, Audio Nirvana
“John Devore unveiled his first attack on state-of-the-art sound and hit out of the park. An immersive musical experience rarely experienced with most audio systems. Extraordinary dynamic ease.”
- Waldemar Nowa, Info Audio
“O/Reference: heaven on earth
If you’re done chasing the rabbit and want to finally catch it, you’ve come to the right place..”
- Jack Roberts, The Audio Beatnik
“They take up a whole lot less space than any of the other statement systems I know of, but don’t think for a minute that the DeVore Fidelity’s Orangutan Reference Speaker System isn’t in that league. I promise you they compete with any speaker system.”
- Jim Austin, Stereophile
“The X’s dynamics could literally startle.
The X also demonstrated startling realism well beyond what my Nines, for all their musicality, are capable of—indeed, at certain moments with very good recordings, beyond what I’d previously experienced in my home.
DeVore speakers have always imaged well, but the Xes imaged better than other DeVores I’ve heard, and exceptionally well in absolute terms. Musical images floated free of the enclosures with great stability and corporeality.
DeVore Fidelity’s Gibbon X is, to me, a Class A performer—highly recommended.”
- Jack Roberts, The Audio Beatnik
“So for the first time in almost 11 years, I have a new reference speaker. I know it’s not the most expensive, or even the most expensive in the DeVore line, but I have my doubts that I will find a speaker that makes music in my system and room sound better anytime soon.
The Super Nines produce the widest and deepest soundstage I have ever heard from my system. It is also a very coherent soundstage with a real solidity to it that is in no way distracting from the music. These speakers are also incredibly dynamic. They have the best startle factor I have heard from any speaker in my room. In the end, Becky and I both found the DeVore Fidelity gibbon Super Nines to be speakers we want to continue to enjoy in our home.”
Dette er noen av utsagnene om DeVore Fidelity sine kreasjoner. Om det stemmer? Vel, det er det vel opp til deg å finne ut...
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Vi har også mange andre spennende produkter, bla alle primalunas modeller, alle modellene fra Audio Analogue, Sugden Sapphire og Sugden Masterclass klasse A forsterkere som matcher DeVore sine høyttalere meget godt, EAR Yoshino, og TaraLabs kabler. TaraLabs er forøvrig den kabelprodusenten i verden med flest utmerkelser fra bransjen. Vi har fortsatt 20% introduksjonstilbud på TaraLabs!
Vi tar innbytte, har finansiering, og er opptatt av at du som kunde skal være fornøyd.
Ta kontakt for en hyggelig HiFi-prat, med enten Jon (tlf: 92063085, mail: eller Terje (tlf: 90762967, mail:
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