Kan ikke minnes jeg har sett noe om dette på Slim forum, og dog, en sagde der var stor hørbar forskjell om volumen blev satt ned til 80. han mente der var et helt spesifikt punkt hvor lyden endret sig ganske dramatisk til det bedre, mot man mister masse gain.
Dette mener jeg var den analoge volum han pratet om, kan jo ikke være den digitale, mister man ikke en del oppløsning når man bruker digital volumen ? Kan dog være verdt å sjekke kanskje...
(Ellers, ja, jeg kan kanskje bruke dette på en måte sent på kvelden, da er musikken så lav at mine elektrostater går i standby modus, og ved å justere volumen ned på SB3 kan volumen på Bryston bedre justeres fint. )
Jeg finder ikke den tråden hvor dette var diskutert, alle anbefaler full volum på SB3.
Jeg kom over denne kommentar dog :
For starters, I assume you realize the downfall of digital attenuation either in the Sb or DEQ- which is reduction of SNR since the signal is scaled but not the noise.
Is your alps pot in the former setup part of the analog EQ, or a separate unit? If separate, I would try using full digital volume, with the pot after the analog out of the system. People spend big bucks for SNR reduction in equipment, so I see it as a free upgrade if you already have the pot.
OTOH, I have found the Sb digital volume control to be utterly transparent in my system, even below 70/100. There are a couple ways to do it in Sb, the one I'm talking about is the software attenuation programmed into Sb3. The other method is 'preamp attenuation', which uses the attenuation inside the DAC chip itself.
Using the remote volume, I'm guessing I'd be hard pressed to A/B the difference between 70/100 vs. full volume, if the levels were matched with an analog pot (my jolida has an alps blue). Some have mentioned here that analog pots have their own problems, so it may be a personal/implementation choice between systems.
The major benefit of the analog pot, beyond increased SNR, is the lack of possibility for glitches, which might send a full volume noise to your amp-speakers. Keep in mind a tick on the Sb volume control is .5dB of digital attenuation. 70/100 means a 15dB glitch is possible, which wouldn't be nearly as devastating to your speakers or ears as a 40dB glitch from using Sb as preamp on volume 20/100.
Preamp volume control (inside the DAC) might offer some level of protection here as well, as the DAC attenuation might override any glitch in software. There was a post on this but I forget the answer. *
Personally, I try to stick with software attenuation for minor and convenience adjustments, and use 100/100 for critical listening. If critical listening level varies, then analog attenuation is used.
Good luck with your new setup.
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