Jeg har fulgt med denne dac'en siden den fikk sine første tester i 2011. Oppgraderingene har stadig kommet, og de har fintunet denne over de siste årene.
Den har fått noen knalltester, og nå er siste utgave på vei til Norge.
Ranket som klasse A+ i Stereophile!
Her kan man lese testene som er gjort: Bricasti Design
The Bricasti Design New Model 1 USB Digital to Analog Converter
The M1 digital to analog converter is a dual mono design; there are two completely isolated channels, each with its own dedicated linear power supply, D/A converter, DDS clocking, and analog circuitry. This design insures that analog cross talk is virtually non existent, that the necessary power requirements for each channel are well met and isolated from each other and the digital processing is isolated, having its own power supply. With our twin DAC design, the dynamic range for each channel is optimized by using the stereo ADI 1955 D/A converter in a mono configuration. The M1 also includes Bricasti's own proprietary filter technology, further opening new territory with what is achievable in a modern D/A reference.
Product Highlights
Pris: 79.900,-
Tom Egil
+47 47832922
Den har fått noen knalltester, og nå er siste utgave på vei til Norge.
Ranket som klasse A+ i Stereophile!
Her kan man lese testene som er gjort: Bricasti Design
The Bricasti Design New Model 1 USB Digital to Analog Converter
The M1 digital to analog converter is a dual mono design; there are two completely isolated channels, each with its own dedicated linear power supply, D/A converter, DDS clocking, and analog circuitry. This design insures that analog cross talk is virtually non existent, that the necessary power requirements for each channel are well met and isolated from each other and the digital processing is isolated, having its own power supply. With our twin DAC design, the dynamic range for each channel is optimized by using the stereo ADI 1955 D/A converter in a mono configuration. The M1 also includes Bricasti's own proprietary filter technology, further opening new territory with what is achievable in a modern D/A reference.
Product Highlights
- DSD playback.
- Features the latest generation asynchronous USB interface.
- Dedicated dual mono design.
- Highly acclaimed, proprietary filter technology.
- Extremely low jitter @ 6 picoseconds.
- Supports sample rates of up to 192khz and 24 bits.
- Minimum and linear phase filters.
Pris: 79.900,-
Tom Egil
+47 47832922
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