HT - kabinetter i stein, kan det være noe??




Disse tyske karene leverer HT kabinetter i stein (marmor, granitt?) - hvordan er dette som materiale?

Husker EC hadde en prototype i granitt på 80-tallet bygd over den da berømte 4,5” fra SEAS (mener det var en MTM ). Per A. fortalte da om de gode egenskapene til stein/granitt men utfordringen var i ”limingen” av granittplatene.

Tilbake til Valeria Audio så har de også produsert stein kabinett til: Seas - Bifrost.

Excerpt of the review in Klang+Ton 4/2008 (with stone cabinet):
... "The performance was amazing and impressive. It's the combination of excellent drivers, the neatly designed crossover and the unrivalled, solid cabinet that produced the immensely tight and balanced, but equally dynamic and punchy sound. Short picking noises, snare drums and percussion reminded me of horn speakers. There is, however, no colouration - only a touch of presence. The miracle extends to the bass section. The bass is rather subliminal, but shows a might and superiority for a 17 inch that's difficult to equal. Certainly, the stone cabinet seems to have the finger in the pie. I am trying to visualise how the cabinet is holding the basket firmly in place, totally unimpressed by the driver's movement, while the large voice coil supported by powerful magnet a kicks the cone in the butt with such a vengeance that the membrane doesn't have a choice but to move the air in front. The tweeter, designed already with a punchy performance in mind, also likes the stone-dead cabinet and concentrates undisturbed on the filigree of high frequencies. The staging of these speakers in our listening room is incredible. Regarding dynamics there are not only a match for the Bifrost, they clearly outstrip them and reproduce at the same time considerably more details." ...


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Her er link ( til en tråd der skifer er blit målt mot mange andre materialer og får gode resultat. Men utfordringen med slike harde materialer er vel ressonans ved ein høgare og meir utsatt frekvens, men som også er lettare å dempe.

Mvh Amund


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Stein synger såpass at det bør limes ihop (sandwich) med et annet materiale med andre/utlignende egenskaper. Har forsøkt 30mm granitt kombinert med 22mm kryssfiner, det blei skuddsikkert men fy hva tungt.

Mvh. RS
Topp Bunn