liv er det også i denne karen. Sånn noenlunde. I det minste har han tatt selvkritikk for på dagen etter kvinnedagen å lansere en ny skive som er helt uten bidrag fra kvinnekjønnet.
David Byrne - American Utopia - 2018“I’d like to thank those of you who wrote for calling attention to this — this matters a lot to me,” Byrne writes in a statement posted to social media on Monday. “I regret not hiring and collaborating with women for this album — it’s ridiculous, it’s not who I am and it certainly doesn’t match how I’ve worked in the past. It doesn’t represent my current live show, which has a slew of diverse creators and collaborators, making this even more negligent on my part.
“It’s hard to realize that no matter how much effort you spend nudging the world in what you hope is the right direction, sometimes you are part of the problem,” Byrne adds. “I never thought of myself as being ‘one of those guys,’ but I guess to some extent I am. Your responses serve as a corrective. Thank you.”