Jeg tror faktisk at jeg har hørt om dette forslaget ditt før Tweakman, at man ville plassere ut beholdere med svinefett på bussene i Israel, er ikke sikker på om det faktisk ble gjennomført, nå er jo heller ikke jøder særlig glad i griser.
Man kunne jo selvsagt også videreføre det til å utruste raketter med svinefett, så hadde kanskje f.eks Hizbollah kommet på andre tanker..
Dette med fett er ikke så enkelt...
Fett har til og med ført til massive opprør i India - det s.k. Sepoy-mytteriet.
Klippet fra Wikipedia:
"The mutiny was, literally, triggered by a gun. Sepoys throughout India were issued with a new rifle, the Pattern of 1853 Enfield Percussion cap rifled musket - a vastly more powerful and accurate weapon than the old smoothbore Brown Bess they had been using for the last several decades. Brown Bess was the standard issue long gun throughout the British army for over a century before finally being phased out in 1838, so that the sepoys were being moved from an obsolete, inaccurate weapon to a modern rifle.
The innovations were that the firing mechanism switched from the old, unreliable Flintlock to Percussion caps, and rifling inside the musket barrel ensured accuracy at much greater distances than was possible with old smoothbore muskets. One thing did not change in this new musket - the loading process, which did not change significantly till the introduction of metallic cartridges a few decades later.
To load the new Enfield, just like the previous muskets they were issued with, soldiers had to bite the cartridge open and pour the gunpowder it contained into the rifle's muzzle, then stuff the cartridge case, which was typically paper coated with some kind of grease to make it waterproof, into the musket as wadding, before loading it with a ball.
A rumour spread that the cartridges that were standard issue with this rifle were greased with lard (pork fat) or tallow (beef fat) - this was offensive to Hindu and Muslim soldiers alike, who were forbidden by their religions to eat beef or pork respectively."