Ja, nå skjønner jeg alt... ??? (som det stod i program-introen)
Sesong 1 og sesong 2 kan kjøpes for ett spytt og et slikk fra play.comThe story of in inner-city Los Angeles police precinct where some of the cops aren't above breaking the rules or working against their associates to both keep the streets safe and their self-interests intact.
If you are sick of standard TV fare like those awful Orange County shows, you will love this series! " I rented the series on DVD, I am halfway through the second season, and it's great. It is obviously a video play, and they spent all the money on talent and location permits, not equipment or seasoned crews. But I think the crazy editing complements the storyline, and the writing is great, characters are great, plot is great, and the moral morass is refreshing. I would not recommend this series for young viewers, or for impressionable people who are disturbed by depictions of violence or sexuality. I think that is why it is rated M for Mature. Rightly so.
Har ikke sett denne Lost, men det er veldig typisk at de skal dra ut en serie og ødelegge den. Twin Peaks var bra i starten, de første episodene som sikkert var planlagt i utganspunktet, men så skulle de dra det ut, og så ødela de det... Grådigheten tok vel overhånd.Etter at Lost produsenten fant ut at de skulle lage sesong 2 (og sikkert 3, 4, 5, 6,......) mistet den min interesse. Det ble bare rør og uttværing. Samme skjebne fikk 24.