Har gleden av å meddele at Norge har fått ny distributør av 'The world's best-loved loudspeakers' Harbeth.
Ønsker nye og gamle kunder velkommen til en hyggelig handel.
Årets spennende nyhet er den nye oppgraderte SHL5plus som blir sluppet for salg i løpet av sommeren.
Ta gjerne kontakt hvis det er noe du lurer på. Priser ligger på min hjemmeside: HagtoAudio
Jeg er interressert i nye forhandlere av disse klassikerene i Norge. Ta kontakt på: hagtopost@gmail.com
Harbeth UK is delighted to announce that, with immediate effect, Torry Haegeland of Hagto Audio has been appointed the brand's official distributor in Norway.
"We know there is a strong following for Harbeth products in Norway and Torry will be meeting customer needs across the country. We are delighted to have him on board", said Harbeth's MD Alan Shaw pictured here (left) with the new Norwegian distributor. "Torry has long been a personal user of Harbeth loudspeakers and knows the product line extensively. He can now share this passion with our customers old and new."
Ønsker nye og gamle kunder velkommen til en hyggelig handel.
Årets spennende nyhet er den nye oppgraderte SHL5plus som blir sluppet for salg i løpet av sommeren.
Ta gjerne kontakt hvis det er noe du lurer på. Priser ligger på min hjemmeside: HagtoAudio
Jeg er interressert i nye forhandlere av disse klassikerene i Norge. Ta kontakt på: hagtopost@gmail.com
Harbeth UK is delighted to announce that, with immediate effect, Torry Haegeland of Hagto Audio has been appointed the brand's official distributor in Norway.
"We know there is a strong following for Harbeth products in Norway and Torry will be meeting customer needs across the country. We are delighted to have him on board", said Harbeth's MD Alan Shaw pictured here (left) with the new Norwegian distributor. "Torry has long been a personal user of Harbeth loudspeakers and knows the product line extensively. He can now share this passion with our customers old and new."
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