Har forsket endel på forskjellige potmeter, attenuatorer, TVC etc.
Grunnen er at jeg ikke er sikker på hva jeg skal gå for til preampen. Har tkd cp2511 idag som er glimrende, men vurderer en motorisert versjon av denne slik at remote kontroll på volum er en mulighet.
Evt. tkd sin stepped attenuator (41 steps) - skal være kjempebra og koster 250usd fra www.percyaudio.com
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Inductive Volume Control
Grunnen er at jeg ikke er sikker på hva jeg skal gå for til preampen. Har tkd cp2511 idag som er glimrende, men vurderer en motorisert versjon av denne slik at remote kontroll på volum er en mulighet.
Evt. tkd sin stepped attenuator (41 steps) - skal være kjempebra og koster 250usd fra www.percyaudio.com
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Inductive Volume Control
The TRIBUTE volume control is an inductive control, which means that unlike "normal" volume controls (which use some sort of resistive element) an inductive element is used.
The main advantage of using an inductive element is the low DC resistance of the windings.
A standard resistive volume control is 10k, 50k or 100k. The Tribute inductive volume control has a DC resistance of only 33 ohms, which results in a more transparent and dynamic sound, especially at low volume sinductive volume controlettings.
The AC resistance can be calculated and is frequency dependent. The Tribute volume control has an AC resistance of about 20k at 20Hz and 1Mohm at 1kHz.
Most inductive volume controls are wound as transformers with primary and secondary windings.
In contrast, to reach the ultimate in dynamics, bandwidth and transparency, the Tribute volume control is wound as an autotransformer, which means that a single, tapped coil is used.
The pictures show that the volume control is a complete stereo control by mounting the coils on a 24 positions ELMA switch, also to keep connections as short as possible.
Mono controls are also available.
Further specifications:
* inductance 150 Hy's;
* DC resistance 33 ohms;
* maximum input 6 VRMS at 20 Hz;
* width / height 5cm (2 inches);
* required mounting depth 10 cm (4 inches) for the stereo control;
* required mounting depth 5,5 cm (2,2 inches) for the mono control.