Søkte litt på audioasylum.com jeg også, men fant mest positive tilbakemeldinger på Yamamoto headshellet. Her er en:
Posted by dubai2000 ( A ) on July 30, 2006 at 10:56:15
some time ago I asked about suitability of this headshell for my SME 3012-R/Denon-DL103D combo.
I did get some good information, but let's face it: unless one tries one might never know. Hence I ordered the Yamamoto and already after the first bars of some well-known LP I knew I had made the right decision:
If you want one word to describe that way the sound changed - it got 'cleaner'.
The sound stage became more three-dimensional, timbres sound more natural (formerly guitars were often basically strings, now there is more to hear of their body as well), bass is more precise, VTA adjustment a lot easier.
All in all a strong recommendation and, to my ears, a real upgrade - always in comparison the the standard SME headshell.
Used on: Thorens TD520S and Holfi Battriaa phonostage.