Stewart Tyler; hans utviklingen og stadige overraskelser med å greie og forbedre produkter som i utgangspunktet for ca 40 år siden
gjorde livet surt for kjente BBC standarder som måtte "bøte med livet" da Stewart lanserte skoesken ProAc Tablette som i dag etter ytterligere
grep fra Stewart her ProAc Tablette Anniversary.
ProAc's priser spenner fra GBP 1300 til GBP 27500 slik at det finnes en modell for enhver lommebok. Vi selger ProAc for stort sett samme pris
det koster deg å ta de hjem selv fra England.
Så til ProAc's siste utvikling og lanseringer.
Loudspeaker companies have toyed with the use of carbon fibre in loudspeakers, mainly for the use in cabinets. Carbon fibre coned drive units are rarely seen and used, we believe the type of carbon fibre and its preparation that we are using is unique.
For the past year ProAc has been researching the use of pure carbon fibre due to its qualities and resonances in the manufacture of drive unit cones. Its incredible stiffness makes it ideal for a drive unit cone, and its piston like qualities are perfect for moving air at low frequencies without distortion. The new Carbon Pro Eight uses two carbon fibre coned bass drivers, a carbon fibre midrange horn and a carbon composite plinth.
The carbon cone is unique with a pure polymer impregnated carbon weave and polished diaphragm, the back of the cone is then specially lacquered and finally it is concentrically weighted to add appropriate mass. The 3 inch midrange dome is repositioned in the unique pure polymer impregnated carbon weave and polished horn, and midrange sounds are reproduced with uncanny realism. High frequencies are covered by the ProAc ribbon tweeter with a diaphragm lighter than a human hair giving a sweet and detailed reproduction. With these attributes the cabinet size can be reduced greatly without losing the weight and slam of a much larger conventional loudspeaker.
The cabinet on the Carbon Pro Eight is a traditional mixture from ProAc of HDF materials of different thicknesses heavily damped with bitumen. Indeed the carcass including bitumen is 35 mm thick. The combination of research into carbon fibre and its ingredients have produced a stunningly accurate and detailed loudspeaker, having an electrostatic or panel quality without the drawbacks. Sound is reproduced effortlessly with incredible detail and pinpoint imagery, which often can be muddled by conventional drive units.
We are sure at ProAc you will not see this type of drive unit in any other high-end loudspeaker and you will be amazed at such an open accurate and natural sound with a fast potent bass response. We urge those seeking the ultimate sound experience to audition the Carbon Pro Eight at a ProAc dealer near you.
For mer info, kontakt
Torggata 28 - 0183 Oslo
tlf 22411984
mvh Tor Aamodt Haug
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