J. Brünnhilde
Sean Olive: "The subjective and objective evaluation of roomcorrection products"
Sean Olive (Harman International) forsker og rapporterer i bloggen sin. Ingen produkter nevnt, men alligavel:
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Sean Olive (Harman International) forsker og rapporterer i bloggen sin. Ingen produkter nevnt, men alligavel:
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There are significant differences in the subjective and objective performance of current commercial room correction products as illustrated in these listening test results. When done properly, room correction can lead to significant improvements in the overall quality of sound reproduction. However, not all room correction products are equal, and two of the tested products produced results that were no better, or much worse, than the unequalized loudspeaker. Room correction preferences are strongly correlated to their perceived spectral balance and related attributes (coloration, full/thin, bright/dull). The most preferred room corrections produced the smoothest, most extended in-room responses measured around the primary listening seat.