Starter en egen tråd om dette da jeg synes fenomenet er utrolig interessant og gir resultater som har gitt meg hakeslippeffekter flere ganger. Spørsmålet er altså hvilke kabler som er best å bruke i et stereoanlegg. Er det kabler med mange tynne ledere eller er det solide ledere. Jeg skal prøve å finne litt informasjon om dette for å holde liv i tråden.
Et klipp fra en annen forumtråd:
One relatively recent, and interesting but not universal, trend in amplifier design has been to move away from over-sized and multi-strand internal wiring and cabling to using single solid-core wire, gauged according to the current it has to carry. The reasoning, if iirc, is that passing a signal down a multi-strand wire means that the signal takes multiple paths. Now not only are these paths all of slightly different lengths, but if copper wire is used then a small degree of oxide will inevitably build up on the surface of each strand, forming a dielectric between each one. The signal then, is being passed along multiple paths of different lengths, resulting in phase incoherency, but in addition, the signals passing down each strand will start to interfere with each other. Moving to single strand wire prevents the signal from interfering with itself, but if it is over-gauged there will still be phase issues because that proportion of the signal that propagates near the surface of the conductor has to travel slightly further than the part of the signal that propagates down the center of the conductor.
Et klipp fra en annen forumtråd:
One relatively recent, and interesting but not universal, trend in amplifier design has been to move away from over-sized and multi-strand internal wiring and cabling to using single solid-core wire, gauged according to the current it has to carry. The reasoning, if iirc, is that passing a signal down a multi-strand wire means that the signal takes multiple paths. Now not only are these paths all of slightly different lengths, but if copper wire is used then a small degree of oxide will inevitably build up on the surface of each strand, forming a dielectric between each one. The signal then, is being passed along multiple paths of different lengths, resulting in phase incoherency, but in addition, the signals passing down each strand will start to interfere with each other. Moving to single strand wire prevents the signal from interfering with itself, but if it is over-gauged there will still be phase issues because that proportion of the signal that propagates near the surface of the conductor has to travel slightly further than the part of the signal that propagates down the center of the conductor.