Har du hørt noen av sugdens forsterkere? Ikke? Da bør du absolutt gi de en sjanse.
Sugden sier selv: " We still manufacture in the same tradition with each Sugden product being handmade by a single highly skilled team member. Six employees have been with the company for over thirty years enjoying a life-long career. Our involvement in the full manufacturing process still exists from design to despatch. We operate our own custom engineering shop and assembly, screen printing and a cabinet making facility for loudspeakers. Sugden products are a truly handmade quality British product."
Dette er noe av det Hi-Fi World har sagt om Sugden A21:
" Brilliantly music hear-through sound makes this one of the best transistor amplifiers ever made..." "Musically brilliant is the best way I can describe it... do yourself a favour and hear something that has nearly all of the strengths of tube amplifiers and almost non of the vices. Gorgeous." - Hi-Fi World
Dette er bare en av forsterkerne.
Sugden har en lang rekke forforsterkere, effektforsterkere, og integrerte forsterkere. I tillegg har de phonotrinn, hodetelefonforsterkere, og dac'er.
Alt er klasse A, og alt er designet og håndlaget i England hos J.E Sugden. De har laget forsterkere i over 50 år, og deres aller mest kjente forsterker er A21.
For å sitere Sugden selv:
" The Sugden pure class A design provides affordable high-end performance from a beautifully engineered single box integrated amplifier. Compact in size with a simple but stylish design, the A21 is possibly the only amplifier you will ever need. With many of the original A21’s still in daily use after fifty years, it could also last a life time. Providing a large soundstage and depth to all types of music, the A21 is an amplifier you can listen to for hours without fatigue. The single ended voltage rail circuit provides impressive dynamics and incredible bass."
Sugden tilbyr fantastiske produkter til overkommelige priser! Masterclass serien, og sapphire serien er av ypperste kvalitet! Sugden kan oppsummeres med to ord: musikalitet og kvalitet!
Ta kontakt med oss hos Audio Aktøren for en prat, bestill en demo, spør om pris, evt hjemlån!
Du kan kontakte oss her:
- Terje: terje@audioakt.no 90762967
-Jon: jon@audioakt.no 92063085
Linker: http://www.audioakt.no http://www.sugdenaudio.com
Sugden sier selv: " We still manufacture in the same tradition with each Sugden product being handmade by a single highly skilled team member. Six employees have been with the company for over thirty years enjoying a life-long career. Our involvement in the full manufacturing process still exists from design to despatch. We operate our own custom engineering shop and assembly, screen printing and a cabinet making facility for loudspeakers. Sugden products are a truly handmade quality British product."
Dette er noe av det Hi-Fi World har sagt om Sugden A21:
" Brilliantly music hear-through sound makes this one of the best transistor amplifiers ever made..." "Musically brilliant is the best way I can describe it... do yourself a favour and hear something that has nearly all of the strengths of tube amplifiers and almost non of the vices. Gorgeous." - Hi-Fi World
Dette er bare en av forsterkerne.
Sugden har en lang rekke forforsterkere, effektforsterkere, og integrerte forsterkere. I tillegg har de phonotrinn, hodetelefonforsterkere, og dac'er.
Alt er klasse A, og alt er designet og håndlaget i England hos J.E Sugden. De har laget forsterkere i over 50 år, og deres aller mest kjente forsterker er A21.
For å sitere Sugden selv:
" The Sugden pure class A design provides affordable high-end performance from a beautifully engineered single box integrated amplifier. Compact in size with a simple but stylish design, the A21 is possibly the only amplifier you will ever need. With many of the original A21’s still in daily use after fifty years, it could also last a life time. Providing a large soundstage and depth to all types of music, the A21 is an amplifier you can listen to for hours without fatigue. The single ended voltage rail circuit provides impressive dynamics and incredible bass."
Sugden tilbyr fantastiske produkter til overkommelige priser! Masterclass serien, og sapphire serien er av ypperste kvalitet! Sugden kan oppsummeres med to ord: musikalitet og kvalitet!
Ta kontakt med oss hos Audio Aktøren for en prat, bestill en demo, spør om pris, evt hjemlån!
Du kan kontakte oss her:
- Terje: terje@audioakt.no 90762967
-Jon: jon@audioakt.no 92063085
Linker: http://www.audioakt.no http://www.sugdenaudio.com