De siste lekkasjene vedr. TTIP-forhandlingen er skremmende for noen og enhver. Av og til er det som om en må spørre seg; «hvem» er egentlig EU?
«For those of us in the thick of the EU referendum debate, the contempt shown by the TTIP negotiators to the people of Europe is the most potent reminder of the democratic deficit at the heart of the EU institutions. Today’s leak of the TTIP text leaves the leaders of the European Union with a choice. Either they abandon the TTIP negotiations immediately or they risk seeing the entire European project come crashing down about their ears. They have until 23rd June to decide.»
After the leaks showing just what it really stands for, this could be the end for TTIP | Voices | The Independent
«For those of us in the thick of the EU referendum debate, the contempt shown by the TTIP negotiators to the people of Europe is the most potent reminder of the democratic deficit at the heart of the EU institutions. Today’s leak of the TTIP text leaves the leaders of the European Union with a choice. Either they abandon the TTIP negotiations immediately or they risk seeing the entire European project come crashing down about their ears. They have until 23rd June to decide.»
After the leaks showing just what it really stands for, this could be the end for TTIP | Voices | The Independent