Hi-Fi freak
- Ble medlem
- 10.04.2003
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- 3.238
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- 6
Av og til dukker det på utenlandske bruktmarkeder opp noen eldre greier som beskrives som Mark Levinson - "Cello".
Hver gang omtales dette som noe av det mest kompromiisløse som noen sinne er gjort får å gjengi lyd.
Utseende ser mest ut som studio-utstyr som er tilvirket uten spesiell tanke på at det skulle inn i noe hjem.
Likevel finner jeg skjelden noen som bruker slike komponenter.
Er det noen har har noe kjennskap til denne serien med utstyr?
Her er litt historikk om hvordan denne serien oppsto;
This is a very rare collectors piece; a high end preamplifier 'Audio Suite' from Cello Audio Systems, designed by Mark Levinson and Tom Colangelo. Mark Levinson is the man who is credited with being the founder of high-end audio. In his pioneer days developing the first high-end audio company, Mark Levinson Audio Systems, Mark partnered with Tom Colangelo and developed some of the legendary MLAS products that shaped the world of audio for the next three decades. When Levinson formed a new company, Cello Audio Systems, Tom went with him to form the design core. In the new environment they continued to fashion products that set the mark for high-end audio and pursued their quest for accuracy and sonic neutrality The Audio Suite, Audio Palette, Performance Amps and Strings became the first components of their system. The creation of the Stradivarius speaker line completed the picture. In the following years they designed the award winning encore line of components and a succession of speakers that shaped the 1980s and early 1990s.
Jeg spør ikke fordi har tanker om å endre retning i min lydfilosfi (rør/horn), men av ren nysjerrighet.....
Hver gang omtales dette som noe av det mest kompromiisløse som noen sinne er gjort får å gjengi lyd.
Utseende ser mest ut som studio-utstyr som er tilvirket uten spesiell tanke på at det skulle inn i noe hjem.
Likevel finner jeg skjelden noen som bruker slike komponenter.
Er det noen har har noe kjennskap til denne serien med utstyr?
Her er litt historikk om hvordan denne serien oppsto;
This is a very rare collectors piece; a high end preamplifier 'Audio Suite' from Cello Audio Systems, designed by Mark Levinson and Tom Colangelo. Mark Levinson is the man who is credited with being the founder of high-end audio. In his pioneer days developing the first high-end audio company, Mark Levinson Audio Systems, Mark partnered with Tom Colangelo and developed some of the legendary MLAS products that shaped the world of audio for the next three decades. When Levinson formed a new company, Cello Audio Systems, Tom went with him to form the design core. In the new environment they continued to fashion products that set the mark for high-end audio and pursued their quest for accuracy and sonic neutrality The Audio Suite, Audio Palette, Performance Amps and Strings became the first components of their system. The creation of the Stradivarius speaker line completed the picture. In the following years they designed the award winning encore line of components and a succession of speakers that shaped the 1980s and early 1990s.
Jeg spør ikke fordi har tanker om å endre retning i min lydfilosfi (rør/horn), men av ren nysjerrighet.....