Dette blir absolutt spennende. Reviews rundt TH-600 vil bli fulgt med argusøyne herfra.Spennende!
Ellers så er det jo spennende hva Fostex har klart å få ut av TH-600, og til hvilken pris, når en vet hvor strålende jobb de har gjort med TH-900.
Interessant sak, men drives den kun av USB? Skjønner ikke at det kan være nok til å drive hodetelefonene - den har jo ingen strøminngang på bildene.Korg DS-DAC-10 1bit USB DAC (DSD)
Litt optimistisk å tro at TH-600 skal låte likt til TH-900, selv om de sparer den eksklusive finishen, kanskje? My2Cents går på at det nok vil være litt lydmessige forskjeller ute og går her også....Til informasjon: "I visited the Fostex booth at the RMAF. If I understood correctly, the TH600 will have three changes relative to the TH900: Magnesium cups, new 1 Tesla motor (but same diaphragm), and a 5N copper cable. Voicing of the preview TH600 was said to be unfinalized."
Kilde: thune @ HF
The Fostex TH600 is good news. I know more than a few people who have been wanting to get the TH900 but didn't want to pay the premium for the lacquer cups. This seems to be the answer for those people, assuming Fostex doesn't do something stupid and tune them to be way more colored than the TH900. If they retain the sound of the TH900 but end up costing half as much, I think they'd be a pretty good buy.
Kile: MuppetFace @ HF
Havner vel mellom 30.000,- og 35.000,- norsk, klingende mynt. Lommerusk med andre ord.
Jada... Så de har lakkert noen sony xb600 sølv og skal ha blodpris for dem? Må jo være dum for å gå på det der.. Jaja, de er jo ute etter å stjele kunder fra beats by dre gjengen så....X Brands
Sony skal ta Doc!
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Ingen HDMI-inngang, men den ser ut til å fylle rollen som forforsterker med kun digitale innganger:Auralicen var kul. Hadde håpet den hadde hatt predel og HDMI, men man kan jo håpe at det blir mer vanlig etterhvert.
Five digital inputs include AES/EBU, Coaxial(set of two), Toslink and USB. The balanced and single-ended analog outputs can connect to power amplifier directly, adjusting volume in digital precision without dynamic loss.
Now about those changes...
For other reasons, but primarily due to our expansion into the electronics side of things with the pending launch of the Electro Magnetic Amplifier Company's 515 SE headphone amplifier, we wish to simplify the cable side of the business. To that end, the following changes will be made between now and mid-October, 2012:
- All headphone cables will be made using silk sleeving and 220 strand litz wire. To help keep them as affordable as possible, we will split the difference between the pricing of the silk cables versus the original cotton cables. Cotton will continue to be used for our interconnect and loudspeaker cables.
- All headphone cables will be terminated at the headphone end using 4 pin mini-XLR's. For use with other headphones such as the HiFiMAN HE series, Sennheiser HD-800 and possibly others, we will offer short "earring" adapters.
- At the amplifier end, we will be dropping support for both dual 3 pin XLR and Kobiconn "iris" terminations (the latter used on Ray Samuels and ALO Audio balanced portable headphone amplifiers).