AudioQuest DragonFly

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    AudioQuest DragonFly_4_1300x867.jpg

    Trådens emne
    Dette er en tråd for AudioQuest DragonFly som er en asynkron USB-DAK og hodetelefonforsterker.

    Den skal handle om emner som er relevante for dette produktet, passende hodetelefoner, o.l. Det vil også være nyttig og riktig å sammenligne denne med andre hodetelefonforsterkere og DAKer (det er naturlig å sammenligne med).

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    Informasjon fra AudioQuest

    DragonFly – USB Digital-Audio Converter

    Beautiful Sound ... From Any Computer
    • Plays All Music Files: MP3 to 24-bit/192kHz
    • Drives Headphones Directly
    • Variable Output Drives Powered Speakers or Power Amp
    • Fixed Output Feeds Preamp or Receiver
    • Asynchronous Transfer Ensures Digital Timing Integrity
    • Two Clocks Enable Native Resolution Up To 24-bit/96kHz
    DragonFly is an affordable and easy-to-use device that delivers far superior sound by bypassing the poor quality sound card that is built into your computer. DragonFly is a sleek, flash drive sized Digital-Audio Converter that connects to a USB jack on a Mac® or Windows® PC, turning any computer into a true high- fidelity music source.

    Whether you’re on the go or at home, listening on ear buds or connecting your computer to a stereo system, DragonFly reveals all the emotional expression and nuance that makes your favorite music, or movies, so enjoyable. However you connect it, DragonFly simply and easily makes any computer sound better.

    How DragonFly Does It
    The heart of DragonFly is the 24-bit ESS Sabre™ conversion chip, a high-performance solution that’s typically found in better CD and Blu-ray Disc™ players. DragonFly can accept audio and music files ranging from MP3s and CD-standard 16-bit/44kHz to native 24-bit/96kHz high-resolution, regardless of music file format. If your computer’s software can recognize and play a format, DragonFly will make it sound its best.

    However, high-quality digital-audio conversion alone isn’t why DragonFly sounds great. How the audio data is transferred from the computer to DragonFly required particular attention from DragonFly’s design team. Remember that digital audio is stored on computers and delivered to DragonFly as streams of 1’s and 0’s. Making beautiful music out of 1’s and 0’s isn’t a case of simply getting all the music data from point A to Point B. Maintaining subtle digital timing relationships is crucial in order to be able to reconstruct the analog waveform that we hear as dialog or music.

    Timing errors have long been the plague of digital audio playback, never more so than in recent years as computers have been pressed into service as audio source components. DragonFly uses a very sophisticated “asynchronous*” USB audio data transfer protocol. Rather than sharing crucial audio “data clocking” functions with the computer, DragonFly alone commands the timing of the audio data transfer, dramatically reducing digital timing errors. In addition, not all audio content is encoded at the same native resolution or “sample rate. ” DragonFly uses two discrete onboard “clocks” so that the math algorithms used to convert the digital audio data to analog are always optimized for the native sample rate of the audio file or stream being played. This ensures the least amount of mathematical manipulation to the native audio data, which results in fewer errors and better sound. A smart LED indicator on DragonFly shows the resolution of the incoming signal.

    While the digital domain is where your computer- based music experience starts, the analog domain requires attention too. Digital volume controls too often reduce signal resolution and decrease sound quality. Even when the iTunes volume slider is used, DragonFly’s high-resolution analog volume control carries out the instructions in the analog domain for the best sound quality. And DragonFly’s analog circuits are direct-coupled from the ESS converter chip’s output, avoiding the need for any extraneous, sonically degrading components in the signal path.

    All of these refinements allow DragonFly to make music with a natural solidity and clarity that is dramatically superior to the sound you would hear from your computer on its own.


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    Jeg ser fram til å prøve denne. Den skal få bryne seg mot en Ayre QB-9:)


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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a Digital-Audio Converter (aka “DAC”)?
    Anytime you're listening to music, or watching a movie or YouTube video on a computer, the digital audio data are comprised of 1's and 0's. A Digital-Audio Converter (also referred to as a Digital-To-Analog Converter) is a device that converts these 1's and 0's to the analog waveforms that our headphones and home stereos then give to our ears as music. The sound card that's built into your computer and feeds its headphone jack is an example of a DAC. However, much better sound is possible using a purpose-built Digital-Audio Converter like AudioQuest's DragonFly.

    Will DragonFly make my internal computer speakers sound better?
    No. DragonFly does not use the internal speakers in your computer. It is designed specifically to connect to an external audio system such as headphones, powered desktop speakers, or your audio/video system.

    What kind of audio content can I play through DragonFly?
    DragonFly will accept any audio you want to play on your computer and make it sound dramatically better, whether your listening pleasure is iTunes®, YouTube®, Vimeo®, Streaming Music Services such as Mog®, Spotify®, or Pandora® … Anything you want to hear will sound better with DragonFly!

    What is "asynchronous USB?"
    Digital audio is stored on and streamed to computers and delivered to DragonFly as 1's and 0's. Making beautiful music out of 1's and 0's isn't a case of simply getting all the audio data from point A to Point B. Maintaining subtle digital timing relationships is crucial in order to be able to reconstruct the analog waveform that we hear as dialog or music. Timing errors such as "jitter" have long been the plague of digital audio playback, never more so than in recent years as computers have been pressed into service as audio source components. DragonFly uses a very sophisticated "asynchronous*" USB audio data transfer protocol. Rather than sharing crucial audio "data clocking" functions with the computer, using asynchronous USB transfer, DragonFly alone commands the timing of the audio data transfer, dramatically reducing digital timing errors.

    What is a "sample rate"?
    Sample rate is a term used to describe how many "snapshots" of sound, or samples per second are captured when a digital audio file is recorded or encoded. Compact Discs have always functioned exclusively at 44.1kHz, which is 44,100 samples per second. However, recording studios often master at much higher sample rates, such as 88.2kHz or 96kHz. Recently, online music downloads at these higher sample rates have started to appear from and a variety of sources, although the selection is currently limited.

    DragonFly can play back audio data at four different sample rates. Which one should I choose?
    DragonFly will play music or audio data at 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, or 96kHz. However, for the best sonic results the computer should be configured so that it sends music and audio data to DragonFly that matches the “native rate” of the music. For example, since all CDs and music files purchased from iTunes are at a 44.1kHz sample rate, for many people 44.1kHz will be the best sample rate since this is the “native rate” of most digital music. Choosing a higher sample rate will convert your native music and audio data using mathematical approximations that can potentially decrease the sound quality. Conversely, if you have purchased high-resolution music files, such as those available from, configuring your computer for 44.1kHz (or any other lower sample rate) will cause the computer to down-sample your music to a lower resolution. When possible, always configure the computer to output the native sample rate of the music you are listening to. Many music player software suites on the market manage this process for you. To learn more about music player software click HERE.

    What does it mean when the DragonFly lights up in different colors?
    As mentioned above, DragonFly performs best when audio data is sent to it at its native sample rate. To simplify this, DragonFly lights up different colors when it receives audio data at different sample rates: green for 44.1kHz, blue for 48kHz, amber for 88.2kHz, and magenta for 96kHz.

    I purchased high-resolution music files at 24-bit/176.4kHz or 24-bit/192kHz. Can I play these files using my DragonFly?
    If you have purchased a file that has a higher sample rate than 96kHz you need to configure your computer to send DragonFly audio data at a resolution no greater than 96kHz, and for the best performance the sample rate you choose should be exactly half the sample rate of the file you’re playing. For example, if you purchased a 24-bit/176.4kHz file 88.2kHz should be selected, whereas if you purchased a 24/192kHz file 96kHz should be selected. Directly divisible sample rates prevent the computer from doing sonically degrading, complex math in its conversions and allows DragonFly to sound its best.

    What headphones can I use with the DragonFly?
    DragonFly is versatile enough to drive virtually any headphone on the market today. DragonFly can drive any headphone from 10ohm impedance on up. DragonFly has enough output to drive even the lowest efficiency headphones.


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    Mere informasjon

    Mere informasjon:

    • 24-bit/96kHz ESS Sabre™ digital-to-analog conversion chip
    • tiny "USB flash drive" type design plugs directly into a computer's USB port
    • powered by USB connection — no need for external power supply
    • asynchronous USB Class 1 data transfer using Streamlength™ protocol for reduced timing jitter and better sound
    • 3.5mm stereo minijack provides:
      • headphone output (minimum 12 ohm headphone impedance recommended)
      • variable line-level output for driving powered speakers or power amp
      • fixed line-level output for connecting preamp or receiver
    • 64-position analog volume control (digitally controlled using your computer)
    • incoming sample rate LED indicator for 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, and 96kHz sampling rates
    • dual master clocks used to minimize jitter
    • direct-coupled audio circuitry from DAC chip through analog output driver and volume control for cleaner sound
    • durable metal construction with rubberized coating
    • output voltage: 2 Vrms
    • drawstring storage pouch included
    • no cables included
    • 3/4"W x 7/16"H x 2-7/8"D
    • warranty: 1 year
    Fysiske mål fra Crutchfield omregnet av Google:
    • B: 1,91 cm
    • H: 1,11 cm
    • D/L: 7,30 cm
    Computer Audio Asylum

    RE: What about long cable runs with the DragonFly?, posted on July 2, 2012 at 15:57:04

    It has a very low output impedance should not have any problems driving a run of 15'. Its output is on a 3.5mm stereo jack so you will need an adapter.

    Our review of the AudioQuest Dragonfly will be featured in the October issue of Stereophile.

    John Atkinson
    Editor, Stereophile
    TONEAudio Magazine
    06-13-2012, 03:01 PM #4

    It's pretty awesome! We're almost done with our review as well..
    Publisher, TONEAudio Magazine
    TONEAudio MAGAZINE | The e-journal of analog and digital sound
    Contributor, The Robb Report
    Contributor, Fidelity
    Først publisert i tråden "Audioquest Dragonfly USB DAC", men utvidet.
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    Ikke reklame

    er dette en gedigen reklamespot eller.....?
    Nei, det er, som det fremgår av første innlegg, (starten på) en tråd om et produkt jeg finner interessant. Hvis du hadde hatt litt tålmodighet ville du ha oppdaget det etterhvert som jeg bygger den opp.

    Denne tråden følger forøvrig omtrent samme mal som en del andre produkttråder jeg har opprettet på HFS3.

    blekansikt har derimot opprettet en reklametråd for AudioQuest DragonFly som heter "Audioquest Dragonfly USB DAC".


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    Utgangsimpedanse m.m.

    Utgangsimpedanse: Maks. 0,8 ohm

    Som en følge av Chefanos målinger (se nedenfor) har designeren J. Gordon Rankin endelig publisert utgangsimpedansespesifikasjoner:
    07-16-2012, 12:43 PM #219


    The output impedance of the DragonFly is 0.8 ohms max.

    You cannot determine this low of output impedance using a fluke meter!

    Guys really????

    J. Gordon Rankin
    Wavelength Audio
    Først publisert i tråden "Audioquest Dragonfly USB DAC":

    Computer Audio Asylum

    RE: What about long cable runs with the DragonFly?, posted on July 2, 2012 at 15:57:04

    It has a very low output impedance should not have any problems driving a run of 15'. Its output is on a 3.5mm stereo jack so you will need an adapter.
    John Atkinson
    Editor, Stereophile
    post #148 of 149 7/13/12 at 9:14pm
    • Chefano
    • 124 Posts. Joined 11/2004
    Quote:Originally Posted by Chefano

    According to my measurements: 4.77Ohms at 1KHz Sine 0dfs

    Load Used: 49.9Ohms
    Unloaded: 2.084 Vrms
    Loaded: 1.902 Vrms
    Measured using my Fluke TrueRMS MM.
    I have measured again, using a sine from Adobe Audition, and the values changed a little Bit
    Actually the output impedance is 4.6 Ohms

    Load Used: 49.9Ohms
    Unloaded: 2.098 Vrms
    Loaded: 1.921 Vrms
    Measured using my Fluke TrueRMS MM.
    06-22-2012, 08:32 AM #151

    Originally Posted by TimDH

    I was wondering if Gordon or anyone could tell us the output impedance for this DAC- important for low impedance IEM headphones.

    It should work fine with IEM's low impedance, the spec sheet says 12ohms minimum load, but I think that is to keep their specs true. Most of the IEM's are greater than that anyways.
    J. Gordon Rankin
    Wavelength Audio
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    Interessant informasjon fra konstruktøren/designeren

    Krysspost med en del interessant informasjon skrevet av konstruktøren/designeren J. Gordon Rankin fra Wavelength Audio:

    Apropos utviklingskostnader og -tid (som også ofte er penger) samt en god del annet vi nylig har diskutert:

    Stort utdrag fra et innlegg konstruktøren/designeren J. Gordon Rankin fra Wavelength Audio skrev i tråden "AudioQuest DragonFly 24/96 Asynchronous USB DAC / Headphone Amp" på Computer Audiophile om utviklingen av Audioquest DragonFly som er en meget liten asynkron USB-DAK + hodetelefonforsterker med samme størrelse som en USB-minnepinne. Han er innom og belyser flere av momentene vi nylig har diskutert.

    Legg merke til at det koster ca. $ 10.000 å lage hvert forslagseksemplar/hver prototype.

    06-20-2012, 03:26 PM #131


    Development on this was done over about 8 to 10 months. Kind of a funny story... I said lets do this and AQ wanted a dac with minimum phase filters. So we made a couple of dacs with the Wolfson 8741 and cap coupled and direct coupled and differential and single ended and if you don't know this every example costs about $10K to do. So we made up five different samples and they all were evaluated by the team and we were getting closer. I said look let me make what I originally suggested and I will pay for it if you don't like it. Well that is what is shipping! There are 107 components on a 0.6"x1.7" four layer board including a ton of regulators and expensive custom capacitors.

    3.5mm Do understand that at AudioQuest it's all about the metal. Both the USB connector and the 3.5mm connector are custom one off pieces made with high audio grade silver contacts. If we would have put RCA connectors on these it would have been on wire and what kind of an upgrade path would that have had? nothing!!!!! If we would have put RCA connectors on the unit then it would have been bigger you have to put them at least 0.75" apart and nothing would have fit the model AudioQeust wanted.

    I did a ton of work on the output stage to make it compatible with both line and headphone. I think it works really well with both as it has more drive than required for line and easily 2x more drive for headphones.


    Look there are a lot of flavors of dacs out there. Everyone seems to be an expert but none of you have listened to all of them so really keep your mouth or fingers off the keyboard. None of us listen the same way or for the same purpose. It's like guitars... you don't hear musicians calling foul on guitars they just don't buy them. Audiophiles should be more like that and really go out an listen before you purchase or make comments.


    J. Gordon Rankin
    Wavelength Audio


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    er dette en gedigen reklamespot eller.....?
    Nei, det er, som det fremgår av første innlegg, (starten på) en tråd om et produkt jeg finner interessant. Hvis du hadde hatt litt tålmodighet ville du ha oppdaget det etterhvert som jeg bygger den opp.

    Denne tråden følger forøvrig omtrent samme mal som en del andre produkttråder jeg har opprettet på HFS3.

    blekansikt har derimot opprettet en reklametråd for AudioQuest DragonFly som heter "Audioquest Dragonfly USB DAC".
    Så langt er det vanskelig å se forskjell på disse to trådene....
    Forøvrig et produkt som fenger interesse her også.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Hvorfor ny tråd?

    er dette en gedigen reklamespot eller.....?
    Nei, det er, som det fremgår av første innlegg, (starten på) en tråd om et produkt jeg finner interessant. Hvis du hadde hatt litt tålmodighet ville du ha oppdaget det etterhvert som jeg bygger den opp.

    Denne tråden følger forøvrig omtrent samme mal som en del andre produkttråder jeg har opprettet på HFS3.

    blekansikt har derimot opprettet en reklametråd for AudioQuest DragonFly som heter "Audioquest Dragonfly USB DAC".
    Så langt er det vanskelig å se forskjell på disse to trådene....
    Forøvrig et produkt som fenger interesse her også.
    Jeg begrunnet denne nye tråden slik:

    Jeg har opprettet tråden "AudioQuest DragonFly" i kategorien "Hodetelefoner".

    Det er naturlig at vi skriver om dette produktet der istedenfor i denne tråden under "Pressemeldinger".
    Kategorien "Pressemeldinger" er vel neppe ment for generelle produkttråder med brukererfaringer og -tips, lenker til testomtaler osv.

    Jeg har allerede lagt til litt ekstra informasjon her og der, men jeg hadde allerede gjort en ganske grundig jobb i den andre tråden så det ble en del kopiering, men altså med revisjoner og tillegg.


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    Øyenstikkersymbolets lys og farge indikerer datamottak og samplingsfrekvens

    Øyenstikkersymbolet lyser når AudioQuest DragonFly mottar audiodata, og lyset har ulike farger for å indikere samplingsfrekvens:


    AudioQuest DragonFly_19_groenn_44,1 kHz.jpg

    Grønn = 44,1 kHz

    AudioQuest DragonFly_20_blaa_48 kHz.jpg

    Blå = 48 kHz

    AudioQuest DragonFly_21_gul_88,2 kHz.jpg

    Gul = 88,2 kHz

    AudioQuest DragonFly_19_magenta_96 kHz.jpg

    Magenta = 96 kHz
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    Spesifikasjoner m.m.

    Oppsummering med informasjon fra flere kilder dokumentert forskjellige steder i tråden.

    DragonFly Brochure
    • Plays All Music Files: MP3 to 24-bit/192kHz
    • Drives headphones directly
    • Variable output drives powered speakers or a power amplifier
    • Fixed output feeds preamp or AV receiver
    • 64-position analog volume control
    • Accepts music files up to 24-bit/96kHz resolution
    • Asynchronous Class 1 USB data transfer using the Streamlength protocol
    • Direct-coupled circuitry from the ESS Sabre DAC chip through the analog volume control and output analog driver section
    • Isolated Dual Master Clocks ensure only the correct frequency will be used for the chosen output, no rounding errors
    Sample rates supported, LED indicator color codes: 44.1kHz (Green), 48kHz (Blue), 88.2kHz (Amber), 96kHz (Magenta)

    Analog Audio – Frequency Response:
    DC - 22 kHz (44.1kHz sample rate)
    DC - 24 kHz (48kHz sample rate)
    DC - 44 kHz (88.2kHz sample rate)
    DC - 48 kHz (96kHz sample rate)

    Output voltage: ~= 2vrms
    Minimum driven impedance (headphones, electronic input): ~= 12 ohms
    Maximum driving power: = 150mW

    • 24-bit/96kHz ESS Sabre™ digital-to-analog conversion chip
    • tiny "USB flash drive" type design plugs directly into a computer's USB port
    • powered by USB connection — no need for external power supply
    • asynchronous USB Class 1 data transfer using Streamlength™ protocol for reduced timing jitter and better sound
    • 3.5mm stereo minijack provides:
      • headphone output (minimum 12 ohm headphone impedance recommended)
      • variable line-level output for driving powered speakers or power amp
      • fixed line-level output for connecting preamp or receiver
    • 64-position analog volume control (digitally controlled using your computer)
    • dual master clocks used to minimize jitter
    • direct-coupled audio circuitry from DAC chip through analog output driver and volume control for cleaner sound
    • durable metal construction with rubberized coating
    • drawstring storage pouch included
    • no cables included
    • 3/4"W x 7/16"H x 2-7/8"D
    • warranty: 1 year
    Fysiske mål fra Crutchfield omregnet av Google:
    • B: 1,91 cm
    • H: 1,11 cm
    • D/L: 7,30 cm
    Designeren J. Gordon Rankin
    • Utgangsimpedanse: Maks. 0,8 ohm
    I did a ton of work on the output stage to make it compatible with both line and headphone. I think it works really well with both as it has more drive than required for line and easily 2x more drive for headphones.
    Manglende informasjon
    • Utgangseffekt ved ulike hodetelefonimpedanser, typisk 16-600 ohm
    • Gain
    • Forvrengning
    • Signal/støyforhold
    • Dempefaktor
    • Dynamikkomfang
    • Overhøring (crosstalk)



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    CDW, dine poster er virkelig opplysende !! :)


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    AudioStreams testomtale av DAK-funksjonaliteten

    AudioStreams testomtale av DAK-funksjonaliteten: "AudioQuest DragonFly USB DAC"

    InnerFidelity skal ta seg av hodetelefonforsterkerfunksjonaliteten:
    And if you want the scoop on the DragonFly as a headphone amp, stay tuned for a full report over at our brother-site InnerFidelity. I did give the DragonFly a spin on my Audio Technica ATH-W1000 (yes regular readers 'we' found them in the 'beach bag') and everything I've said so far applies here as well—super-fine detail, great swing but things get edgy when pushed. Kinda like me!


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    TONE Audio Magazine 48: Kort (test)omtale

    TONE Audio Magazine 48 side 98 inneholder en kort (test)omtale som en del av "TOP TONE: Our Favorites for 2012":


    What’s a cable company doing making DAC’s? Only AudioQuest mastermind Bill Low knows for sure, but the Dragonfly is amazing. They’ve squeezed a 24/96 DAC and a headphone amplifier with a 64 position analog volume control into the case of a USB memory stick. How cool is that? The Dragonfly can also be used in fixed output mode, making for the perfect way to integrate your computer or laptop into your home music system with maximum quality. For the traveling audiophile, the Dragonfly’s improvement from what’s available at the headphone jack of your laptop is staggering. Thanks to its affordable price and ease of use, if the Dragonfly doesn’t create a whole new generation of audiophiles, nothing will.


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    Har gått til anskaffelse av en slik DragonFly. Koblet ifra laptop til Krell integrert. Skal gi en tilbakemelding og inntrykk når det har gått noen dager.



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    Det kan kanskje være relevant å vite, at Audioquest planlegger en Hummingbird for iPhone/iPad og Bumblebee for Android til lansering i det nye år..

    Audio Asylum Thread Printer
    (et stykke nede på siden)

    Hi Gang-

    Boy this thread got heated. The DragonFly was built with the intent that it would be simple to use and require no additional drivers. This is part of the reason we decided to limit the sampling rate to 96K. In order to go beyond that Windows users would have to download a third party driver. This isn't something we think that we want to send the majority of our customers off to do.
    Additionally, we decided to use the TAS 1020B and not the XMOSS chip because of size and power consumption. The 1020B is limited to 96K.

    Other elements of the design mandate were that the unit had to operate from bus power, sound great, and be simple to use. adding external power supplies would have been a no-go. It would have ruined the intent of the product which is to bring great sound to a wide audience.

    DragonFly will not work with any iOS device because it draws too much power. Keep in mind we are working on a device specifically for iOS and for Android called HummingBird and BumbleBee (respectively). These devices will also be asynchronous USB. They will also have rechargeable batteries built in so that they will not draw too much from the iOS and Droids. They should be available sometime early next year. That's all I can tell you for now.

    Best regards,

    Steve Silberman


    Til Dragonfly synes jeg forøvrig, at denne her var smart - en right-angle usb-adapter



    Hi-Fi entusiast
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    Det kan kanskje være relevant å vite, at Audioquest planlegger en Hummingbird for iPhone/iPad og Bumblebee for Android til lansering i det nye år..

    Audio Asylum Thread Printer
    (et stykke nede på siden)

    Hi Gang-

    Boy this thread got heated. The DragonFly was built with the intent that it would be simple to use and require no additional drivers. This is part of the reason we decided to limit the sampling rate to 96K. In order to go beyond that Windows users would have to download a third party driver. This isn't something we think that we want to send the majority of our customers off to do.
    Additionally, we decided to use the TAS 1020B and not the XMOSS chip because of size and power consumption. The 1020B is limited to 96K.

    Other elements of the design mandate were that the unit had to operate from bus power, sound great, and be simple to use. adding external power supplies would have been a no-go. It would have ruined the intent of the product which is to bring great sound to a wide audience.

    DragonFly will not work with any iOS device because it draws too much power. Keep in mind we are working on a device specifically for iOS and for Android called HummingBird and BumbleBee (respectively). These devices will also be asynchronous USB. They will also have rechargeable batteries built in so that they will not draw too much from the iOS and Droids. They should be available sometime early next year. That's all I can tell you for now.

    Best regards,

    Steve Silberman


    Til Dragonfly synes jeg forøvrig, at denne her var smart - en right-angle usb-adapter

    Hei. Jeg syntes lydkortet er ganske bra i Macair, men har vurdert dragonfly.
    ER det stor forskjell med den tilkoblet?


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    Torget vurderinger
    Beklager, Kriller, jeg har ikke hørt Dragonfly, blott vurdert den, bildet er lånt fra nettet.


    Et spørsmål.. Vil en vinkel-adapter (som de nevnt over) ha negativ innflytelse på lyden? Især den med fri bevegelse ville gjøre nytte hos meg (til bruk med M2Tech Hiface).


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    Raske førsteinntrykk

    Et raskt førsteinntrykk med alle normale forbehold + uinnspilt, noen få spor, rett før leggetid, osv.:

    Det virker som også AudioQuest DragonFly kan være bra for/med Sennheiser HD 800. Kombinasjonen har både vist seg bevegelsesfremmende og med (klare tegn på) gåsehudfaktor.

    NB: For de mindre hodetelefonforsterkererfarne:
    Vær oppmerksom på at den kun drives av USB-porten, og at dette har sine begrensningsfølger som hodetelefonforsterker. Ovenstående og AudioQuest DragonFly må betraktes innen disse rammer.

    Brukt kun som DAK som matet en (annen) hodetelefonforsterker og hodetelefon, gav den et meget godt inntrykk.

    Vi blir formodentlig klokere over tid.


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    Spesifikasjoner del 2: Stereophiles målinger

    Oppsummering med informasjon fra flere kilder dokumentert forskjellige steder i tråden.

    Manglende informasjon
    • Utgangseffekt ved ulike hodetelefonimpedanser, typisk 16-600 ohm
    • Gain
    • Forvrengning
    • Signal/støyforhold
    • Dempefaktor
    • Dynamikkomfang
    • Overhøring (crosstalk)
    Kilde: Stereophile "AudioQuest DragonFly USB D/A converter Measurements".

    • Utgangsimpedans: 0,65 ohm (egnet for hodetelefoner)
    • Maks. utgangsspenning, 1 kHz: 1,86 V
    With the volume control set to its maximum with the MacBook's Control Panel, the maximum output level at 1kHz for both DragonFly samples was 1.86V, and their outputs preserved absolute polarity (ie, were non-inverting). The output impedance was very low, at 0.65 ohm including 6' of interconnect, and appropriate for driving headphones.
    Designing a bus-powered DAC is tricky because of the limited headroom available. But AudioQuest's DragonFly manages that trick very well, especially considering its affordable price. And I have to give a personal shout-out to AQ for the fact that their logo changes color depending on the sample rate, a feature that usefully confirms that you're sending data to the DragonFly at the correct rate.—John Atkinson
    Andre deler av målingene angår bl.a. forvrengning, signal/støyforhold, jitter og kanalseparasjon.


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    Lydstyrkekontrollens maksimalnivå og antall steg er redusert for å unngå klipping

    Lydstyrkekontrollens maksimalnivå og antall steg er redusert for å unngå klipping og forvrengning. Det fremgår ikke f.o.m. hvilken produksjonsdato/-batch denne endringen ble innført.

    Utdrag fra Stereophildes "AudioQuest DragonFly USB D/A converter Measurements":
    With the first sample of the DragonFly, a full-scale 24-bit signal actually clipped the bottom halves of the waveform with the computer's volume control set to its maximum, giving a THD+noise level of 3.8%. Backing off the control by one click (–0.17dB) reduced the THD to 2.14%, by a second click (–0.34dB) to 0.627%, and by a third click (–0.51dB) to 0.054%, below which the THD+N percentage plateaued. The second sample didn't clip with a 0dBFS signal at maximum volume, and the THD+N was 0.041% rather than 3.8%. According to Gordon Rankin, the volume control offers 64 steps of less than 1dB to –60dB and then mute (–100dB), but he used only 60 of those steps in the DragonFly, as the top four steps suffered from significant clipping into high impedances. "In retrospect," he wrote of the first sample, "I could have changed the maximum volume down a few more steps and then this would not have been an issue."

    Basically, it looked as if the running change in production was to implement this suggestion of Rankin's, as the spectrum of the second DragonFly sample's output with a full-scale 1kHz signal at maximum volume was identical to that of the first sample's output set to –0.51dB (fig.. The picket fence of low-level distortion harmonics in this graph indicates that the DAC is still on the verge of clipping—but with a 1kHz tone at –1dBFS, the higher harmonics have all dropped significantly in level, leaving the subjectively innocuous second harmonic the highest in level at a still-low –77dB (0.015%). (Ignore the presence of low-level AC supply-related tones in fig.9 compared with fig.8: for fig.9, I used my G4 Mac mini; for fig.8, my battery-powered laptop.) Even with the first sample, this lack of top-of-range linearity with the volume control at its maximum wouldn't be a problem with typical recordings, but something like the new Bonnie Raitt album, which peaks at 0dBFS pretty much all the time, might sound a little hard. The solution with the first sample would be to drop the level by three or more clicks, but with the second sample, this has been done for you. And, of course, if you're using the DragonFly as a headphone amplifier, where the volume control would not be used near the top of its range, this wouldn't be an issue with either sample.


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    Flere testomtaler:
    (Utdrag fra) InnerFidelitys "2012 Holiday Headphone Gift Guide", "... from Dinny FitzPatrick":
    AudioQuest DragonFly ($249)
    An almost impossibly neat little package for so much DAC tech goodness. The DragonFly's design simplicity belies its functionality. Use it as a sweet headphone DAC/amp or take advantage of the fixed line out capability and use it as a standalone USB DAC in your big rig. The sound quality is good enough that it is suitable for both. Just make sure the recipient doesn't think it's just another thumb drive!


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    AudioQuest DragonFly vant 2 kategorier i Stereophile's Products of 2012


    AudioQuest DragonFly vant faktisk to kategorier i Stereophile's Products of 2012, endog med god margin:
    I tillegg ble den kåret til "runner-up" i kategorien Digital Source Component of the Year der det ellers er mange dyre komponenter.

    @sorgenfri: Takk for at du fant og gjorde meg oppmerksom på Stereophile's Products of 2012.
    Sist redigert:


    Overivrig entusiast
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    Torget vurderinger
    Det kan kanskje være relevant å vite, at Audioquest planlegger en Hummingbird for iPhone/iPad og Bumblebee for Android til lansering i det nye år..

    Audio Asylum Thread Printer
    (et stykke nede på siden)

    Hi Gang-

    DragonFly will not work with any iOS device because it draws too much power. Keep in mind we are working on a device specifically for iOS and for Android called HummingBird and BumbleBee (respectively). These devices will also be asynchronous USB. They will also have rechargeable batteries built in so that they will not draw too much from the iOS and Droids. They should be available sometime early next year. That's all I can tell you for now.

    Best regards,

    Steve Silberman
    Dette er jo noe å se fram til. Da "må" jeg ha en Bumblebee til telefonen min og en Hummingbird til iPadda ;)


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    Torget vurderinger
    Synes det er en artig liten sak. Bruker den på itunes, ut fra min Ipad, i et lite greit anlegg nr 2.


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    Torget vurderinger
    kjøpte en til eldstemann som bor i Southhampton og savner anlegget sitt
    slang med mine HD650 og det spille som en drøm
    han ble knallfornøyd
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