Min DAC i signatur spiller ringer rundt den som er innebygget i forsterkeren min. Min DAC (se signatur) blir sammenlignet med Hegel og Bel Canto leser jeg på nettet. Mye for pengene alså.
I direkte samenligning hjemme hos meg i kveld, er følgende DAC utrolig mye bedre enn min egen DAC.
Nemlig HRT Music Streamer HD. http://www.hifisentralen.no/forumet/bransjenyheter/66565-hrt-music-streamer-hd.html
Test Stereophile: Google Oversetter
Her er noe fra Hifi+
'm not going to beat around the bush. Correctly fettled, this is the best
DAC you can buy at this time. Not the best DAC for less than £500 or
the best USB-powered DAC. It's not even the best DAC for something
like the double the price. I've tried a lot of DACs, some costing a lot more
than the HRT Music Streamer HD and -while they might be different, they are not better.
It's an USB-powered Asynchronous input DAC, which can work up to 24 bit, 192kHz precision in Class 2.0 USB Audio. It only has a single USB Type B input. but can output a balanced or a single-ended output, although it works in fully differential mode. It has vanishingly low levels of everything bad (noise floor, THD+N, jitter) and high levels of everything good (signal to noise ratio, flatness of frequency response). It doesn't upsample your music for you, re-convert its sample rate to another more internally-friendly one, it has at most two LEDs (neither of which are ever blue) glowing at once. The nearest concession to interactivity is the front-mounted toggle-switch that flips from Class 1.0 to Class 2.0 USB connectivity (as ev~r~ Mac people are fine with Class 2.0, but PC and Linux users ... it's driver time). It can -and should -be periodically updated with the latest firmware. And that's it. It weighs less than a trio of audio phile cones and costs less than many audiophile USB cables.
It's distanced from the audiophilezeitgeist in this respect. It's not in the least bit cable fussy -the giveaway USB in the box is more than good enough, and its output voltage and impedance make the use of fancy interconnect cables less of a priority, more of a present. If you want to make an audiophile song and dance about it, put a paperweight on the top to damp it down (sorry, losing my audiophile cred here -put a rare piece of hardwood that costs five times more than the DAC on top of it to re-un-tungulate the positively negative ions and ward off dark energy). It doesn't care. It just makes music happen.
'7t's not in the least bit cable fussy -the giveaway USB in the box is more than good enough, and its output voltage and impedance make the use of fancy interconnect cables less ofa priority, more ofa present... It doesn't care. It just makes music happen."
~20 1~'UE97
And boy does it make it happen. With the DAC correctly fettled (again), about 20 seconds into listening to the first piece of music, I lost interest in reviewing and just went into 'music lover' mode. And stayed there. Following that excellent 'Searching for Sugar Man' documentary, I acquired the two Rodriguez albums (Cold Fact and Coming From Reality) and I played them end to end. Then I played the equally rare Lou Bond, which drew me to Donny Hathaway, inexorably from there to two Roberta Flack albums in a row, then (naturally) to the Fugees, and on, and on. The next day was almost the same, broken only by shopping trips and a pressing desire to put something on page. The thing is, I don't know what to put on page here. It just does sound, and does it exceptionally well. You aren't aware of
the detail resolution, the articulation, the imagery, soundstaging, solidity, dynamiCS (micro-, macro-or any other kind of '0', including Bilko) . They are just there, and being done so well it's only in those moments when you drag yourself away from the player to do some comparing that you get just how good it is at making itself invisible.
Of course there will be those who listen to the HRT and will prefer the sound of anyone of dozens of top-end DACs currently available. That's not the point. The point of this is, this is a DAC that stands proud in such company without sounding in any way out of place. If its closest rival from a musical standing is in excess of £2,000 and it really wouldn't sound far out of sorts being compared to a Bricasti or dCS, you know we are on to something good. The 'correctly fettled' part is key, though . Used straight from your computer's USB host controller, this is a perfectly serviceable, perfectly blah OAC. It will not offend, but neither will it set the world alight. It's a bit 'meh!' This is because it draws 480mA from a line that tops out at 500mA. Put it through a powered hub (even a cheap powered hub) and you begin to see the glint in its eye. Put it through something like the AQVOX isolated linear power supply for USB and five seconds into the next track, you have achieved computer audio nirvana. My worry is that, people being people, they will ignore the need for that extra juice box and never hear what their computer is capable of. My hope is that Kevin Halverson of HRT reads this and makes something similarly sized and mains powered to 'upgrade' the HO. While the jump up in performance can be achieved elsewhere, there are always those who think using something other than a HRT product to power another HRT product is either 'unsafe' or 'disloyal'. In which case, HRT needs to complete the job with an isolating power supply. Let's be truly honest here. Part of being an audiophile is brand snobbery. There will be those who will never look at the HO because it's not made by their pet brand. There will be those who won't touch it becp.use it's not got a 20A power socket and an inch-thick alloy front panel. And there will be those who don't get it because they simply wouldn't dream of spending less than four, five or even six figures on their digital source. Such is life. But if we are being truly honest, try and look past that, and think of this in the sort of systems it deserves to go in, in performance terms alone. Suddenly, you ~21 ISSUE97 realise you aren't looking at a cheap OAC with high-end pretentions; it's the real deal.
Den vart og enda litt bedre med egen strømforsyning på usb kabelen. Den het: Aqvox usb ps
Noen flere med erfaring på denne DACen??
I direkte samenligning hjemme hos meg i kveld, er følgende DAC utrolig mye bedre enn min egen DAC.
Nemlig HRT Music Streamer HD. http://www.hifisentralen.no/forumet/bransjenyheter/66565-hrt-music-streamer-hd.html
Test Stereophile: Google Oversetter
Her er noe fra Hifi+
'm not going to beat around the bush. Correctly fettled, this is the best
DAC you can buy at this time. Not the best DAC for less than £500 or
the best USB-powered DAC. It's not even the best DAC for something
like the double the price. I've tried a lot of DACs, some costing a lot more
than the HRT Music Streamer HD and -while they might be different, they are not better.
It's an USB-powered Asynchronous input DAC, which can work up to 24 bit, 192kHz precision in Class 2.0 USB Audio. It only has a single USB Type B input. but can output a balanced or a single-ended output, although it works in fully differential mode. It has vanishingly low levels of everything bad (noise floor, THD+N, jitter) and high levels of everything good (signal to noise ratio, flatness of frequency response). It doesn't upsample your music for you, re-convert its sample rate to another more internally-friendly one, it has at most two LEDs (neither of which are ever blue) glowing at once. The nearest concession to interactivity is the front-mounted toggle-switch that flips from Class 1.0 to Class 2.0 USB connectivity (as ev~r~ Mac people are fine with Class 2.0, but PC and Linux users ... it's driver time). It can -and should -be periodically updated with the latest firmware. And that's it. It weighs less than a trio of audio phile cones and costs less than many audiophile USB cables.
It's distanced from the audiophilezeitgeist in this respect. It's not in the least bit cable fussy -the giveaway USB in the box is more than good enough, and its output voltage and impedance make the use of fancy interconnect cables less of a priority, more of a present. If you want to make an audiophile song and dance about it, put a paperweight on the top to damp it down (sorry, losing my audiophile cred here -put a rare piece of hardwood that costs five times more than the DAC on top of it to re-un-tungulate the positively negative ions and ward off dark energy). It doesn't care. It just makes music happen.
'7t's not in the least bit cable fussy -the giveaway USB in the box is more than good enough, and its output voltage and impedance make the use of fancy interconnect cables less ofa priority, more ofa present... It doesn't care. It just makes music happen."
~20 1~'UE97
And boy does it make it happen. With the DAC correctly fettled (again), about 20 seconds into listening to the first piece of music, I lost interest in reviewing and just went into 'music lover' mode. And stayed there. Following that excellent 'Searching for Sugar Man' documentary, I acquired the two Rodriguez albums (Cold Fact and Coming From Reality) and I played them end to end. Then I played the equally rare Lou Bond, which drew me to Donny Hathaway, inexorably from there to two Roberta Flack albums in a row, then (naturally) to the Fugees, and on, and on. The next day was almost the same, broken only by shopping trips and a pressing desire to put something on page. The thing is, I don't know what to put on page here. It just does sound, and does it exceptionally well. You aren't aware of
the detail resolution, the articulation, the imagery, soundstaging, solidity, dynamiCS (micro-, macro-or any other kind of '0', including Bilko) . They are just there, and being done so well it's only in those moments when you drag yourself away from the player to do some comparing that you get just how good it is at making itself invisible.
Of course there will be those who listen to the HRT and will prefer the sound of anyone of dozens of top-end DACs currently available. That's not the point. The point of this is, this is a DAC that stands proud in such company without sounding in any way out of place. If its closest rival from a musical standing is in excess of £2,000 and it really wouldn't sound far out of sorts being compared to a Bricasti or dCS, you know we are on to something good. The 'correctly fettled' part is key, though . Used straight from your computer's USB host controller, this is a perfectly serviceable, perfectly blah OAC. It will not offend, but neither will it set the world alight. It's a bit 'meh!' This is because it draws 480mA from a line that tops out at 500mA. Put it through a powered hub (even a cheap powered hub) and you begin to see the glint in its eye. Put it through something like the AQVOX isolated linear power supply for USB and five seconds into the next track, you have achieved computer audio nirvana. My worry is that, people being people, they will ignore the need for that extra juice box and never hear what their computer is capable of. My hope is that Kevin Halverson of HRT reads this and makes something similarly sized and mains powered to 'upgrade' the HO. While the jump up in performance can be achieved elsewhere, there are always those who think using something other than a HRT product to power another HRT product is either 'unsafe' or 'disloyal'. In which case, HRT needs to complete the job with an isolating power supply. Let's be truly honest here. Part of being an audiophile is brand snobbery. There will be those who will never look at the HO because it's not made by their pet brand. There will be those who won't touch it becp.use it's not got a 20A power socket and an inch-thick alloy front panel. And there will be those who don't get it because they simply wouldn't dream of spending less than four, five or even six figures on their digital source. Such is life. But if we are being truly honest, try and look past that, and think of this in the sort of systems it deserves to go in, in performance terms alone. Suddenly, you ~21 ISSUE97 realise you aren't looking at a cheap OAC with high-end pretentions; it's the real deal.
Den vart og enda litt bedre med egen strømforsyning på usb kabelen. Den het: Aqvox usb ps
Noen flere med erfaring på denne DACen??
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