Da er den offisielt lansert:
Ganske interessant å se hvordan et nøkternt og "måleteknisk" selskap med absolutt nøytralitet som mantra velger å tilnærme seg oppgaven med å konvertere et Asynkront USB signal til et ordinært S/PDIF signal.
Her er det heller ingen strømtrekk over USB-grensesnittet. De bruker faktisk en god del plass på å beskrive hvordan de håndterer strømforsyning i løsningen. Dette i kontrast til en del dyre "high end" leverandører som ser mest ut til å ha funnet en enkel ferdig chipkrets og puttet den inn i en liten plastkasse med strømtrekk via USB-porten. I tillegg er BNC og AES/EBU med også, noe som er mangelvare på svært mange andre alternativer.
Ganske interessant å se hvordan et nøkternt og "måleteknisk" selskap med absolutt nøytralitet som mantra velger å tilnærme seg oppgaven med å konvertere et Asynkront USB signal til et ordinært S/PDIF signal.
Her er det heller ingen strømtrekk over USB-grensesnittet. De bruker faktisk en god del plass på å beskrive hvordan de håndterer strømforsyning i løsningen. Dette i kontrast til en del dyre "high end" leverandører som ser mest ut til å ha funnet en enkel ferdig chipkrets og puttet den inn i en liten plastkasse med strømtrekk via USB-porten. I tillegg er BNC og AES/EBU med også, noe som er mangelvare på svært mange andre alternativer.
The Bryston USB Converter provides a high resolution, ultra low jitter digital audio
signal interface between your computer (Laptop, Desktop, Notebook etc.) utilizing a
single, USB cable.
The Bryston BUC-1 Converter allows for native 24 bit resolution at sampling rates up to
192 kHz. The Bryston USB Converter is built upon low phase noise clocks inside the
Bryston USB Converter to run as the master audio clock, resulting in extraordinarily low
jitter output.
Digital Outputs include AES/EBU, BNC and COAX. High quality output transformers
isolated the output signal from any computer noise.
The goal of any quality USB converter is to convey the exact bits in the audio signal,
with the least amount of ‘jitter’ possible. Most USB Converter devices are capable of
delivering the correct bits. However, the timing is a different matter. Timing errors in
the signal can come from a number of different sources: noisy power supplies or
clocks, timing errors already present on the audio signal being encoded, and noise in
the transmission line, just to name a few.
Most crucially, the Bryston USB Converter controls the master timing of the audio
system. So, rather than the computer (Laptop) running the master clock, and the audio
device slaving to this, the main system clock is in the Bryston USB Converter, and the
rest of the system slaves to it.
The last feature, which is frequently referred to by the technical name "asynchronous"
(as opposed to "isochronous"), is the key to obtaining ultra-low jitter on USB devices.
With asynchronous USB receivers, the jitter is essentially limited only by the clocks on
the audio device, plus any [typically very small] timing errors from additional logic gates
that the clock signal must travel through.
Critical to any high-end audio design is the power supply. Most USB type adapters are
powered through the USB bus connection in the computer (Laptop). The power coming
from the computer is supplied at 5 volts, although is typically not terribly clean, due to noise in the computer and other attached peripherals, such as hard drives. In the Bryston USB Converter we employ a proprietary high quality Bryston power supply with
ultralow noise linear power regulation, clean power rails for the internal circuitry.
In order to supply clean power to the on-board circuitry, the Bryston uses a
combination of power supply filtering and an newly released power down regulator.
Power coming into the device is first PI filtered (CLC), which gives a two-pole
attenuation for noise above roughly 3kHz. This works to eliminate high frequency noise,
which down-regulators are typically not as good at rejecting. This filtered signal, which
is slightly less than 5V (due to resistive elements in the passive filter), is down regulated
to 3.3V for the digital electronics, and a separate 3V line for the clocks.
• USB Input (resolution capable of 192/24 bit)
• AES EBU Balanced 110 Ohm Output
• BNC 75 Ohm SPDIF Output
• Outputs Transformer Coupled
• Input Sample Rate Indicators
• Power on/off switch
• Trigger input (low voltage)
• Matching Bryston Cosmetics
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