Til Briern i en annen tråd:
Three-strikes law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Most states require one or more of the three felony convictions to be for violent crimes in order for the mandatory sentence to be pronounced. Crimes that fall under the category of “violent” include: murder, kidnapping, sexual abuse, rape, aggravated robbery, and aggravated assault. Some states include additional, lesser offenses that one would not normally see as violent.[16] California mandated a minimum sentence of 25-to-life so long as the first two felonies were deemed to be either "serious" or "violent". For example, California did not require the third “strike” to be serious or violent to qualify for a life sentence, and 2-strike felons could easily be given this enhanced sentence for minor third strike lawbreaking. In addition, the list of crimes that count as serious or violent in the state of California is much longer than that of other states, and consists of many lesser offenses that include: firearm violations, burglary, simple robbery, arson, and providing hard drugs to a minor, and drug possession.[17] As another example, Texas does not require any of the three felony convictions to be violent, but specifically excludes certain "state jail felonies" from being counted for enhancement purposes.[18]"
Slik at du må ha blitt dømt for en alvorlig forbrytelse to ganger først, før sjokoladen telte...
Barbarisk lell, men ikke så jævlig som du påstår.
Dessuten er det 27 stater som har en eller annen form for 3 strikes lover, ikke USA på det føderale nivået.
Når det er sagt: Det er all mulig grunn til å rette søkelyset mot USAs strafferettssystem; det rammer skjevt, straffene er uforholdsmessig strenge, fengselsforholdene barbariske, gjengene har delvis fritt spillerom, de kommersielle interessene ar altfor sterke, osv osv.