Roger waters - amused to death på analogue productions

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  • nfloyd

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    Vet det er lenge siden nå,
    Men av gamle utgaven bør man være veldig forsiktig fordi 99% av det som selges er Pirat kopier.
    Alt av fargen vinyl er Pirat kopier og den som er merket 180 gram er Pirat kopi.
    Det vil si null verdi for en samler eller en som liker god lyd.

    Original utgaven ifra 1992, Holland var også Limited Edition i sin tid og kom med et info klistermerke på baksiden og utenpå plastikken (disse fake har denne infoen printet på selve coverets bakside),
    og husker jeg ikke helt feil er den 130 gram? men mulig jeg husker feil. Har den ennå uåpnet så vil ikke åpne kun for å veie den.
    For å ytterligere presisere dette noe. Det eksisterer 3 sk. "uoffisielle" vinylversjoner:

    - Sony 468761 0 180gr. Netherlands 1992
    This is an unofficial release. The recording sounds more like mono then stereo/q-sound.
    It is on the CBS Sony label while the only original release is at the moment on the Columbia label.
    The titel, barcode (5 099746 876104)and following text "Limited Edition 2 Vinyl Set mastered direct to laquer from original analogue tapes" is printed on the back of the sleeve

    - Sony 468761 0 / CBS 42-768761-20. Blue 140gr. vinyl. Netherlands 1992

    - Columbia 468761-0. Red 140gr vinyl. Netherlands 1992

    Og, som du har nevnt, skrives det også flg. kommentar om originalpressingen på Discogs:
    If shrinkwrapped will still have large black sticker with titel, barcode (5 099746 876104), track listing. Below this states "Limited Edition 2 Vinyl Set mastered direct to laquer from original analogue tapes" On Columbia label cat no 01-468761-20. Note no printing on spine! Anything with CBS rather than Columbia and/or 180g sticker is a fake. Vinyl for genuine copy is decent thickness probably around 130/140 grm.
    Er flere nå fordi de stadig kommer nye farger.

    Hovedproblem med disse da spesielt den svarte pirat utgaven er at den Original ATD LP ble Offisielt ble utgitt i 2 land.
    Holland og Spania
    Mens den ifra Holland hadde dette klistermerke med info på baksiden og er utgitt av Columbia 01-468761-20 , så
    hadde den ifra Spania som er utgitt på CBS/Sony 12-468761-20 denne printet på bak siden.
    Begge versjonene er lagd i Holland.

    Så som man ser så er alle disse PIRAT utgavene baserte på den spanske versjonen, fordi du vil se på baksiden
    at de bruke CBS/Sony, og mange av de har også forandret 1 tall på katalognummert iforhold til den spanske. ifra 12 til 42.

    Selv om begge de offsielle ifra 1992 er sjeldne, så er den spanske utgaven ekstremt sjelden iforhold til den ifra Holland.
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    • Liker
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    I tilfelle det er av interesse, nyutgivelsen ligg ute på Tidal.
    Remixa i betydeleg grad ift originalutgivelsen.
    Litt uvant foreløpig.

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    I tillegg til QSound-effektene, musikken, produksjonen og lydkvaliteten er ikke minst tekstene noe som virkelig "gjør" denne plata. Waters`tekster er jo som regel noe mer enn fyllstoff for melodiene. Gjengir her en analyse (av John Izaak Alpert) som går litt bak tekstlinjene:


    Roger Waters's "Perfect Sense" from the album, Amused to Death, questions why we view the world in terms of profit instead of human life. For me it opened up the question of how we value things. In this paper I will analyse the lyrics of Amused To Death.

    Amused to Death starts starts with the song "The Ballad of Bill Hubbard", which is a monologue by Alf Razzell. In "The Ballad of Bill Hubbard" Alf Razzell talks about one of his most haunting experiences in World War II. His monologue is about how he finds Bill Hubbard wounded in no-man's-land, and has to leave him behind. This sets the scene for the rest of the album.

    The combination of soft melodic music and Alf Razzell's "grandfatherly" English voice in contrast with the violence of the scene accentuates the horror of the story. The music also peaks and falls with the drama of Alf Razzell's monologue. In the beginning of this song the sound of a television changing channels foreshadows one of the themes of the album, how television alters our perception of reality.

    Alf Razzell's monologue is concluded by the sound of changing channels, and we briefly hear a girl saying "I don't mind about the war, that's one of the things I like to watch, if it's a war going on, 'cause then I know if our side's winning, if our side's losing," before the channel changes again.

    The second song "What God Wants, Part I" starts by telling us how the will of the controllers of the mass media is imposed on the individual. This is made very clear by the repetition of key lines. The first of these lines is: "What God wants God Gets" which tells the listener that regardless of the choice of the individual the outcome will be the same. The second repeated lyric is: "God wants ..." which is followed by things both positive, negative. God is impartial, and does not abide by any morals. This is most obvious at the end of the song: "God wants good/God wants bad". The line " Don't look so surprised/It's only dogma" shows that it is not necessary to abide by what God wants, because if you don't, God will still get what he wants.

    "'I'm very upset by religious dogma,' reveals Waters. 'I get angry, gobsmacked in fact when I hear George Bush saying that God was on their side during the Gulf war. It's amazing that in 1992, one of the most powerful men in the world can reduce political rhetoric to that level. But that's what he has to do, to get votes and maintain power and then use that power to help the American automobile industry.

    The line:
    " The monkey in the corner/Wrote the lesson in book" refers to how the monkey (which is used as a metaphor for the human race throughout the album) accepts the dogma without question. "... which is this idea of a gorilla who is a metaphor for the human race sitting watching television and trying to work out what his relationship is with all the other gorillas..."

    Musically the "What God Wants, Part I" contrasts with "The Ballad of Bill Hubbard" because of it's much heavier sound. The song opened by the sound of pigs, birds, and what seems to be the roar of a tiger. The song accentuates the line: "What God Wants God gets God help us all" with a chorus, sound of a barn door opening, and by what sounds like a sea of people. This song concludes with the sound of a channel changing.

    The third song on the album "Perfect Sense, Part I" tells what got ancestors started on this destructive path. The song starts off with the monkey sitting on a pile of stones holding a bone. We aren't told what happened before the song starts but it must have been important because of the line: "Turned his back on the garden" which refers to the exit from Eden in the Bible. "The monkey" however does not, or refuses to learn from past mistakes. "Memory is a stranger/ History is for fools".

    The monkey also uses religion to justify his actions; "And he cleaned his hands/In a pool of holy writing". An important line is "Man is a tool in the hands/Of the great God Almighty;" religion absolves man from responsibility for his actions. The song also points out the futility of the individual's actions because at the beginning he leaves the garden of Eden, and at the end he searches for the garden. Musically the song is very mellow, and flows without pause until "Perfect Sense, Part II"

    The forth song "Perfect Sense, Part II" shows how the mass media has persuaded people into doing what goes against human pleasure and logic. The most important set of lyrics in this song are: "Can't you see/ It all makes perfect sense/ Expressed in dollars and cents/ Pounds shillings and pence." If you value things in terms of money everything makes sense, but the reverse is also true: if you value things in terms of love, loyalty, and human feelings, nothing makes sense. The song also points out that television plays a large part in the propaganda which has a lot of control on how the population reacts. The line "Little black soul departs in perfect focus/Prime time fodder for the News at Nine" shows that the media plays on our guilt.

    The telecast part of the song expresses the opinions that war has been glamorized to the point that people view it as a game. The song musically enhances the "Can't you see/ It all makes perfect sense/ Expressed in dollars and cents/ Pounds shillings and pence" parts of the song by having them sung not only by a different singer but also by a crowd, much like in "What God Wants".

    "The Bravery Of Being Out Of Range" contains similar themes to "Perfect Sense, Part II". This song focuses on how the media has trained individuals to accept war by glamorizing it. The line "I looked over Jordan and what did I see" is a line taken from the song "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" which is a song about dying. In "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" the river Jordan is the river which the angels come over to take you to heaven. This is important because later in the song you find that the singer is looking through a gunsight over the river Jordan "...through the range finder...". The rest of the song expresses again that war is treated as a game, as one more form of entertainment. This is presented in the most obvious ways by the lyrics "We play the games/With the bravery of being out of range".

    "Late Home Tonight, Part I" and "Late Home Tonight, Part II" presents the view point of the soldier as an individual who does not see the destruction he wreaks. The soldier is "Secure in the beauty of military life/ There is no right or wrong". The soldier is so removed from the people he is killing it doesn't affect him. "No questions only orders and flight flight flight." The soldier is blameless, and just doing what he's told. The beginning of the song points out that the wife in Oxfordshire and the wife in Tripoli are very similar; they are both waiting. The line "And his kind Uncle Sam feeds ten trillion in/ Change into the total entertainment/ Combat video game" refers to America where people seem to believe war is not destructive. They have been desensitized to violence.

    "And up here in the stands The fans are goin' wild The cheerleaders flip When you wiggle your hip And we all like the bit when you take The jeans from the refrigerator and Then the bad guy gets hit And were you struck by the satisfying Way the swimsuit sticks to her skin Like BB gun days When knives pierce autumn leaves But that's okay see the children bleed It'll look great on the TV"

    Television desensitizes us to violence by confusing violence with sex: "Way the swimsuit sticks to her skin", and guilt "...see the children bleed". "...see the children bleed/ It'll look great on TV" looks at death only for its asthetic value.

    "Late Home Tonight, Part II" deals with the way in which the soldier gets treated on his return; he will be treated like a hero. The line "There's some great pictures coming in" seems to refer to the "...see the children bleed" in "Late Home Tonight, Part I". People only appreciate the aesthetic, or entertainment value and not the pain of the children, or the injustice of their death.

    "Too Much Rope" addresses the greed, guilt, and willingness to be satisfied with life as long as we have "bread and circuses". As well the media plays on that greed and guilt to keep us passive. The first nine lines of "Too Much Rope" use images of the gold rush to show the worth of friendship compared to money. The line "Each man has his price Bob/And yours was pretty low" uses the clich to show that the integrity of the bond of friendship can be overcome with money, and that this particular bond didn't require a lot of money to be overcome. Also note that this could possibly be a bit of Roger Water's cynical side showing through (Bob Ezrin was the producer for Pink Floyd, Roger Waters previous band).

    "History is short the sun is just a minor star"; the individual's life is insignificant. The lines "Is that your new Ferrari car/ Nice but I think I'll wait for the F50" links with the previous lines; matters of life and death surround the speaker, but he is more concerned with ostentatious wealth. The repeated line "You don't have to be a Jew/ To disapprove of murder" is ironic, and much like "Perfect Sense's" "History is for fools", in that the Jews were murdered in the holocaust, but are now murdering Palestinians.

    The lines:
    "Tears burn our eyes Moslem or Christian Mullah or Pope Preacher or poet who was it wrote Give any one species too much rope And they'll fuck it up"
    are expressing the view that no religious figure abides by the higher morals imposed on them by God, but they twist the dogma to suit themselves. "Give any one species too much rope" refers to having too much luxury and power. We only require more. "Sees the monsters they made" could refer the birth defects caused by agent orange in Vietnam, but also suggests the orders imposed on the soldiers made them into monsters.

    The line "With the same soldiers eyes" shows that both soldiers feel the same way about the war, that they were made monsters by the war. The rest of the song shows how television is made to be something good: "This tender TV", and that it causes such profound feelings of sadness by playing on people's guilt.
    "What God Wants, Part II" is very similar to "What God Wants, Part I" in that it portrays what God wants as not only good but bad as well. The song starts with the sound of a television evangelist preaching the word of god.

    "Do you believe in a better day Do you have faith in a golden way If you do then we must come together this day Come together as one united Television audience
    Brought together by the sound of my voice United united financially united socially United spiritually and all possible ways Through the power of money And the power of prayers"

    The evangelist in this song has replaced the church with the "Television audience". "Through the power of money" seems to suggest that God is money, because the word money replaces God, or faith. This also seems to say that although the evangelist twists the meaning of God's words for his own personal gain, his words are the words of God. The lyrics "God don't want small potatoes" and "God wants small towns" seem to clash. However this fits in very well because god not only wants large amounts of money, but small towns which are associated with rednecks and rightwing conservative people. Later in the song the line "God wants his secret/ Never to be told" links well with "God wants to cover himself", because both lyrics say that God has fears that the people will find that his motives are not so pure.
    "What God Wants, Part III" expresses a hope that the human species will escape the influence of the media. The song still says our world is consumed by money through lines like: "And in banks across the world Christians Moslems Hindus Jews And people of every Race creed colour tint or hue Get down on their knees and pray".

    Towards the end of the song while the television is pumping out propaganda as in:
    "And the bullets fly And the rivers run dry And the fat girls sigh And the network anchor persons lie And the soldier's alone In the video zone", the line "But the monkey's not watching" seems to express a hope that the monkey, a metaphor for the human species, will overcome the influence of mass media which is TV.

    In all three "What God Wants" songs an alien tells animals "don't look so suprised"; as if the message is obvious. Following this two animal embodyments of either religon, laughing, or thievery do what they are told. The last animal, a monkey, writes in his book as if he's not learning anything only absorbing the alien's words.

    "Watching TV" shows that although the television uses asthetics to manipulate, and manipulate us through our guilt, and our greed, there are a lot of real messages underlying the propaganda. The song also has the very cynical view that although television makes us feel pity, we don't do anything to change the world. The song is about the Tiananmen Square killings, and how the death of one appealing woman on television made that event meaningful for watchers.

    "She had shiny hair She had perfect breasts She had high hopes She had almond eyes She had yellow thighs"
    exemplifies that her significance for the viewer is her beauty. The line "So get out your pistols/ Get out your stones/.../Cut them to the bone" expresses that now that the crime has been witnessed, we have to fight. The rest of the song makes her an individual. She's important because she died on television and therefore can reach many more people. This is very cynical because none of the ugly dead are mentioned. This comes through powerfully.

    The lines:
    "They are the lackeys of the grocer's machine They built the dark satanic mills That manufacture hell on earth They bought the front row seats on Calvary
    They are irrelevant to me But I grieve for my sister".
    Although there are very real feelings towards this woman's oppressors the viewer is not going to do anything about them, except grieve for the dead woman. This also comes through in the lines: "Did we do anything after this/ I've a feeling we did/ We were watching TV". Finally at the end of the song the singer admits that he will only grieve for his sister, and that indeed "She's symbolic of our failure" to do anything.

    In "Three Wishes" the man receiving three wishes realizes too late that he wants another wish but he's used them all up. The last wish in this case is for love.
    The song "It's A Miracle" shows that we have got what God wants now: empty entertainment. The line "We've got famine when we need it" suggests that somebody needs famine. The line in the song "We've got choice" suggests in our luxury we have a choice of which car to drive, and that choice is more important than the famine in other countries.

    The biblical reference: "She said meet me/ In the Garden of Gethsemene my dear" implies that we are betraying ourselves, much like Jesus was betrayed in Gethsemene.
    Near the end of the song we hear, "Lloyd-Webber's awful stuff Runs for years and years and years An earthquake hits the theatre But the operetta lingers Then the piano lid comes down And breaks his fucking fingers It's a miracle." Waters hates Lloyd-Webber's music, and he uses Webber's material as a prime example of empty entertainment.

    In "Amused To Death" Roger Waters points out that too much entertainment can kill the human spirit. The second line of the song "This supermarket life is getting long" expresses much the same way as "It's A Miracle" that this life is empty; there is no meaning, only entertainment. In the lines "What is the heart life of a colour TV/ What is the shelf life of a teenage queen" the types of life are deliberately reversed implying television is as valuable as human beings. It also links with "Too Much Rope" where the "tender TV" means that the television not only delivers the feeling but possesses some feeling itself.

    Later in the song the line:
    "The little ones sit by their TV screens No thoughts to think No tears to cry All sucked dry Down to the very last breath" shows television sucks meaning from human life, people are satisfied by consumption but not nourished by it. "We did as we were told/ We bought and sold/ It was the greatest show on earth". The end of the song is about how an alien will find our remains, "And when they found our shadows", which is much like the deaths in Hiroshima in that shadows of the victims were left.
    The final monologue of Amused To Death is a message of hope. In the monologue Alf Razzell tell of how the haunting experience which he'd had before is now resolved. This suggests that we can help ourselves by reaching out to one another instead of letting the human spirit die. It also shows that people still have real feelings, not just empty desire to be amused.

    As Roger commented,"...what struck me about Alf Razzell was the extraordinary humanity of his story in that he had been living with his concern, having left his friend in no-mans-land 74 years before and that he carried this kind of burden with him and I guess it struck me that we help each other little to sort out those burdens that each of us individually has."


    Hi-Fi entusiast
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    Hva er egentlig status på denne utgivelsen???

    Hadde inne en forhåndsbestilling hos - ble kansellert tidlig i juni (not available)
    La inn en forhåndsbestilling hos cdjapan - ble kansellert for noen dager siden

    Utgivelse (-n var) angivelig i Juli....

    Amazon UK har den ute som forhåndsbestilling med utgivelse 28 august.....

    Skal ha både SACD og LP...

    Er det noen som faktisk har fått tak i den? Og hvor?


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Er det noen som faktisk har fått tak i den? Og hvor?
    kjøpt to vanlige og to Picture disc hos the garden på utgivelsesdato.


    Ble medlem
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    Er det noen som faktisk har fått tak i den? Og hvor?
    Om SACD`n er ute i salg ennå er jeg usikker på, men...
    Platekompaniet har vinylen fra Sony/Legacy, den ordinære CD`n og kombinasjonen Blu-Ray/CD for salg i både butikk og på nett.

    Vinylutgaven fra Analouge (US-utgaven) har jeg fått beskjed fra The Garden om at trolig kommer i slutten av denne uken/begynnelse av neste uke.

    Big Dipper (og trolig The Garden) har Picture Disc og Sony/Legacy vinylen i butikk.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Torget vurderinger
    Vil det være noe forskjell på lyden på de forskjellige vinylutgavene?


    Hi-Fi entusiast
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    Er det noen som faktisk har fått tak i den? Og hvor?
    Om SACD`n er ute i salg ennå er jeg usikker på, men...
    Platekompaniet har vinylen fra Sony/Legacy, den ordinære CD`n og kombinasjonen Blu-Ray/CD for salg i både butikk og på nett.

    Vinylutgaven fra Analouge (US-utgaven) har jeg fått beskjed fra The Garden om at trolig kommer i slutten av denne uken/begynnelse av neste uke.

    Big Dipper (og trolig The Garden) har Picture Disc og Sony/Legacy vinylen i butikk.
    Tipper det kommer oppdateringer om den sacd utgaven fra Analouge snart.

    Her teksten ang SACDen fra cdjapan:

    "I'm sending you this email to let you know that we just received an update from the Sony Music Entertainment informing us that the release of the item below will be postponed, unfortunately.

    Amused To Death [SACD Edition] (SACD Blu-spec CD2)
    Roger Waters
    Release Date: August 5, 2015
    Catalog Number: SIGP-30001

    No details about the reason has been provided.

    At this time, there is no indication to show whether or not it might be released at a later time in the future.

    Therefore, it needed to be cancelled from your order."

    Ser ikke så lovende ut for SACDen. Mulig jeg må kjøpe den på nedlasting før den også blir trukket.

    EDIT: Det ser ut som AP sacd ble trykket, men at sony likevel ikke trykker (??????)
    Sist redigert:


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Vil det være noe forskjell på lyden på de forskjellige vinylutgavene?
    Kommer ikke til å spille de før i slutten av august - så kan ikke svare. God venn, reagerte spontant med følgende: Picture discene er ofte beheftet med dårligere lyd. Mer en gimmick og samleobjekt. Jeg vet ikke.


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    Ble medlem
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    Vil det være noe forskjell på lyden på de forskjellige vinylutgavene?
    Iht den info som foreligger sålangt så skal selve (den sorte vel og merke) vinylen være av samme pressing (QRP), men det vil være noe ulik "kvalitet" på coveret og innercover - trolig i favør AP (US) utgaven. Om den har noe ytterligere (booklets osv) inkludert har jeg ikke funnet noe info om.

    Men - jeg har ingen ting å utsette på min utgave av Sony/Lecacy utgaven. Både vinylen, cover og innercover innehar god kvalitet. Skal man ha et eks for å spille rekker den i massevis:)

    Det indikeres forøvrig fra enkelte hold også at AP-utgaven er limitert (1000 eks), hvilket trigger samlerne. Men - at en utgivelse for US-markedet kun gis ut i 1000 eks virker lite troverdig synes jeg.

    Mest trolig er det slik at AP-utgivelsen er en limitert utgave som gis ut i kun 1000 eks. Og, som det fremgår i linken i innlegget til @Hi-Wood-Fi er den teoretisk beregnet for US-markedet, mens den ordinære fra Sony/Legacy vil selges globalt (inkl US).

    Tiden vil vise hva som stemmer;)
    Sist redigert:


    Hi-Fi interessert
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    Jeg og synes det også er merkelig med kun 1000 ex, da vil jeg tro det er 1000 i US og 1000 i Europa.
    Se utgivelsesskriv som jeg har funnet her: LEWKS

    Jeg fikk min AP-utgivelse fra Amazon UK for £31 i mai og ser nå at den går for £58 og er out of Stock på Amazon UK.


    Overivrig entusiast
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    Torget vurderinger
    Jeg bestilte AP versjonen på stereofil idag.
    Da vil tiden vise hva som dukker opp i posten etterhvert.


    Overivrig entusiast
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    Torget vurderinger
    Jeg og synes det også er merkelig med kun 1000 ex, da vil jeg tro det er 1000 i US og 1000 i Europa.
    Se utgivelsesskriv som jeg har funnet her: LEWKS

    Jeg fikk min AP-utgivelse fra Amazon UK for £31 i mai og ser nå at den går for £58 og er out of Stock på Amazon UK.
    Ble litt nysgjerrig. Hvordan har du klart å få tak i denne før utgivelsesdato?


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    Hi-Fi interessert
    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    Jeg og synes det også er merkelig med kun 1000 ex, da vil jeg tro det er 1000 i US og 1000 i Europa.
    Se utgivelsesskriv som jeg har funnet her: LEWKS

    Jeg fikk min AP-utgivelse fra Amazon UK for £31 i mai og ser nå at den går for £58 og er out of Stock på Amazon UK.
    Ble litt nysgjerrig. Hvordan har du klart å få tak i denne før utgivelsesdato?
    Teksten ble litt feil. Jeg bestilte den i mai og den skal ankomme neste uke.


    Hi-Fi interessert
    Ble medlem
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    Jeg bestilte AP versjonen på stereofil idag.
    Da vil tiden vise hva som dukker opp i posten etterhvert.
    Vet du om de faktisk har de på lager?
    Bestilte nettopp min AP utgave fra ElusiveDisc i US, bekreftet levering i dag. 49,90US$.
    Du ryker vel på en tollavgift og mva i tillegg på den prisen?
    Pluss fraktkostnader på 25-40$. Det baller på seg når man bestiller fra statene.


    Overivrig entusiast
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    Torget vurderinger
    Jeg og synes det også er merkelig med kun 1000 ex, da vil jeg tro det er 1000 i US og 1000 i Europa.
    Se utgivelsesskriv som jeg har funnet her: LEWKS

    Jeg fikk min AP-utgivelse fra Amazon UK for £31 i mai og ser nå at den går for £58 og er out of Stock på Amazon UK.
    Ble litt nysgjerrig. Hvordan har du klart å få tak i denne før utgivelsesdato?
    Teksten ble litt feil. Jeg bestilte den i mai og den skal ankomme neste uke.
    Da er jeg med. Har bestilt vinyl og sacd fra Acoustic Sound og de ankommer i dag eller i morgen.


    Hi-Fi entusiast
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    Acoustic Sounds har det meste inne....inkl. denne..Roger Waters-Amused To Death-Preowned Vinyl Record|Acoustic Sounds

    forseglet...løp og kjøp...
    Takk for tipset! Nå er både AP versjonen av vinyl og sacd på vei hjem til meg.

    Vinylen jeg hadde forhåndsbestilt hos platekompaniet var desverre en Picture jeg skal vel klare å bli kvitt den etterhvert.

    Skulle heller ikke forundre meg om det til slutt skulle dukke opp en sacd fra amazon også:p


    Overivrig entusiast
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    Torget vurderinger
    Jeg bestilte AP versjonen på stereofil idag.
    Da vil tiden vise hva som dukker opp i posten etterhvert.
    Vet du om de faktisk har de på lager?
    Fikk svar fra Stereofil idag. LP er på vei over dammen dammen. Denne utgaven var i utgangspunktet kun for US. Dukker opp om en ukes tid. Koster 699,-


    Hi-Fi freak
    Ble medlem
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    Torget vurderinger
    Jeg bestilte AP versjonen på stereofil idag.
    Da vil tiden vise hva som dukker opp i posten etterhvert.
    Vet du om de faktisk har de på lager?
    Fikk svar fra Stereofil idag. LP er på vei over dammen dammen. Denne utgaven var i utgangspunktet kun for US. Dukker opp om en ukes tid. Koster 699,-
    Kjøpte min på Dipper'n i dag for 499,-. Hva er forskjellen på denne og US-versjonen til 699,-?


    Ble medlem
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    Torget vurderinger
    Om man tar seg bryet med å lese tråden fullstendig, finnes det klar informasjon om forskjellen på Analogue Productions og Sony.

    Som det framgår tydelig i tidligere innlegg i tråden; INNPAKKING er forskjellen. (På svart vinyl)
    Mer påkosta cover og innercover.
    Om de ekstra pengene er verdt trykksaker, plast og papir får være opp til den enkelte.
    Så lenge man styrer unna picturediscversjonen skal lydkvaliteten være den samme.

    Selve pressinga av de svarte platene er gjort på samme sted QRP

    Viser til #51 av Hi-Wood-Fi (med link) og #53 av ptb

    Jeg har ennå ikke mottatt mitt Sony eks, så det er kun annenhånds info dette.
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    Fikk min utgave fra AP i dag. Hadde det ikke vært for at jeg hadde inne en bestilling fra 2013 hvor kursen var under seks kroner hadde jeg nok heller valgt Sony sin utgave. Det var benyttet et gatefold cover av ganske tykk stiv glanset papp/papir.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Torget vurderinger
    Om man tar seg bryet med å lese tråden fullstendig, finnes det klar informasjon om forskjellen på Analogue Productions og Sony.

    Som det framgår tydelig i tidligere innlegg i tråden; INNPAKKING er forskjellen. (På svart vinyl)
    Mer påkosta cover og innercover.
    Om de ekstra pengene er verdt trykksaker, plast og papir får være opp til den enkelte.
    Så lenge man styrer unna picturediscversjonen skal lydkvaliteten være den samme.

    Selve pressinga av de svarte platene er gjort på samme sted QRP

    Viser til #51 av Hi-Wood-Fi og #53 av ptb

    Jeg har ennå ikke mottatt mitt Sony eks, så det er kun annenhånds info dette.
    OK. Utgaven jeg kjøpte har gatefold cover med tekstene trykt på innsiden. Den har de samme QRP innercoverne som for eksempel 45 rpm utgavene av Doors-skivene fra AP kommer i.

    Ellers så er det vel stort synsing som går igjen i innleggene over............


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    Bestilte nettopp min AP utgave fra ElusiveDisc i US, bekreftet levering i dag. 49,90US$.
    Du ryker vel på en tollavgift og mva i tillegg på den prisen?
    Pluss fraktkostnader på 25-40$. Det baller på seg når man bestiller fra statene.
    Har bestilt et par andre plater i tillegg slik at prisen totalt kommer over deres magiske grense for gratis frakt, har også bedt dem sende med med USPS som jeg har erfart tidligere at ofte sklir igjennom uten toll/moms. Det siste er dog litt bingo....;-)



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    Basert på noen få gjennomganger er det liten tvil om at vinylen holder gjennomgående en høy kvalitet. La på førstepressen og synes langt på vei at nypressen var mer interessant. Detaljer og intensiten på tordenskrallet fremstår helt magisk. -Nesten så du kan føle lynnedslaget i kroppen :)
    • Liker
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    Har aldri hørt skiva på vinyl tidligere, men denne pressingen tilfører musikken noe helt annet enn den originale CD'en fra '92.



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    Enig i at lyden på denne er uovertruffen, men selve musikken har alltid hørtes for meg en smule ufokusert og overprodusert ut. Vokalen til RW er også helt uten pondus, synes egentlig Pro`s and Cons of Hitch Hiking er bedre. Kan jo håpe på en remaster av denne også. Ganske påfallende hvor godt Gilmour og Waters utfyller hverandre med glimrende melodiøs gitar/melodi og fantastisk tekst/visjon, men ikke klarer å lage en klassiker på egen hånd.


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    Det har vertfall blitt sakt av doug sax at han jobber med en remaster av alle rw solo album. Tør vi håpe på en vinylbox?

    • Roger Waters - vinyl remasters
      Doug Sax, mastering engineer for Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Richard Wright and Pink Floyd since 1983, is interviewed at length in the 2011 edition of "The Absolute Sound" Guide to Vinyl Playback, and confirms that "I'm going to be doing the Roger Waters albums on vinyl and they have extraordinary low end, requiring an astonishing amount of vertical modulation. We use up the full depth available on a lacquer master. You can't do anything like that on DMM. It's very thin; you can't go deep. For that kind of thing it could be an absolute joke." As work is yet to start on them, it will be some time before there's any release information, but sounds good that Sax is taking his customary care to ensure these sound as good as they can.


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    Fant til min overraskelse platen hos Platekompaniet i Sandvika (pris kr.499). Måtte spørre om det var den siste utgaven. Og det var det. Det står Quality Prodoctions på coveret. Spilt den ene platen i går. Og den overgikk CD-platen i lydkvalitet i ganske stor grad. Vel verdt investeringen.


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    Fikk Analogue Productions utgaven fra Elusive Disc i dag. Låter bra!

    Cash 63

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    Har spillt igenom US-pr her nå, noe av det beste jeg hørt av vinyl kvalitet dette! bjeffingen er som og høre samboer skrike om og senke vol:p men suget i Three w er herligt.
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    Kjøpte på platekompaniet i dag. Har picture disk i bestilling, men måtte ha en å spille også.
    Kvaliteten på plata er veldig bra. Bedre enn alle andre nye plater jeg har. Musikalsk sett er den forsåvidt bra, også men det er ikke min favoritt fra Waters.
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