Tro det eller ei, vi som tilhører målemafiaen/skeptiktere/drittsekker whatever gjør også en masse rare saker som har en effekt hovedsakelig i teorien, men som er vanskelig til umulig å virkelig høre. Blir kåt av sveisede termineringer, overdimennsjonerte strømforsyninger, dedikert kurs til hifien, teflon kretskort osv osv... Er sikker på at jeg ikke hører forskjell på 50000 eller 100000 uF forsyning i preamp eller om støygulvet er ved 106 eller 116dB. Jeg er også sikker på at selv om en nettkabel til 170000 virkelig skulle gjør sinusen glatt som en barnerumpe og skaper en gyllen aura i hele rommet vil den forferdelige likeretterbroen hakke dette i filler og gjør alt til grøt igjen. Det er sannheten.
Men så har du heller aldri satt spor etter deg i audioverden,i likhet med de andre medlemmene i KKK.
Ingen av dere har en egen konstruksjon å slå i bordet med,borsett fra en som av alle ting mener han står
bak en kabel som atpå til har fått svært god omtale der ute i audio verden.
Fra en KONSTUKTØR som har lag en av de beste forsterkere jeg har hørt.
En fantastisk amp.Til og med bruk av SMA konakter
Richard Dunn Interview — NVA Hi-Fi
You say: `OK, that's it, I've got good power supplies'. In my opinion wrong. Because you, have not listened to it. What I do is I listen to the power supply when I am listening in the normal position, away from the speaker, and I increase the level of capacitance until I can no longer hear the ripple. And that's a much lower level of capacitance than not being able to measure it. All that's important to me, is to stop it from being audible. The reason I do this is also cost saving, because I end up with 6,800 mfd, which is quite small, compared with 10,000 or 15,000 mfd that other people use. A capacitor is not a capacitor, a capacitor is and inductor, a resistor, and a capacitor. The higher you go in capacitance, the more the winding, the higher the inductance. A capacitor, if it is in series, blocks low frequencies and if in parallel - blocks high frequencies, where as an inductor, is the opposite. So there you have two complete opposing principles high capacitance you've got to increase the inductance. So big capacitors increase the impedance of the power supply rails, and what that does to music is it stops the amplifier responding to quick transients within the music. Again you look at any capacitor, any electrolytic capacitor in the power supply, looking at what happens at the extreme high frequencies, up towards RF, where these capacitors are not doing their job properly. You get a lot of induced high frequency mush, as well as the audio signal and induced noise from the transformer on the power supply rails. So we are great believers in putting higher quality capacitors in parallel with lower quality electrolytic capacitors in order to get the high frequencies field correct, especially with an amplifier with is a very wide bandwidth like ours. So we are putting a 10 mfd capacitor, and a 0.68 mfd capacitor in parallel in the power supply to progressively filter out higher frequencies, they are poly-propylene and paper devices. We use a high current bridge rectifier, there are horrible things, they influence the sound, but we are forced to use them.