Interessant perspektiv fra en debattant på et forum jeg frekventerer:
I have had a running debate with (Canadian) friends. I tell them most polls from America are juiced. Pollsters are very good at their job. They know how to remove bias and skew. That means they know how to introduce bias and skew. Most polls are used to grab attention. So there is a big market for juiced polls. The reliable polls are the ones you never see: party internals. You can only infer what they show from behavior. When Trump and the GOP stop spending in Va it means they have a lock or they have no hope as an example. I keep seeing polls showing Trump ahead or close. Those are polls I distrust. I see signs of the GOP giving up on Trump. I see Hillary making a push ion states she would normally never have a chance in. They are acting on internal polls. Those polls that I cannot see I trust. Trump is holed beneath the water.
Hillary just sunk a million bucks into Missouri and Indiana, by the way.
The most interesting polling situation right now has gotta be Utah, where Clinton, Trump, and the local hero McMullin are (portrayed) in a three-way tie with around 28-30% each of the vote. That's a fascinating situation. If Mitt Romney steps in, the tide may turn pretty decisively there.
I have had a running debate with (Canadian) friends. I tell them most polls from America are juiced. Pollsters are very good at their job. They know how to remove bias and skew. That means they know how to introduce bias and skew. Most polls are used to grab attention. So there is a big market for juiced polls. The reliable polls are the ones you never see: party internals. You can only infer what they show from behavior. When Trump and the GOP stop spending in Va it means they have a lock or they have no hope as an example. I keep seeing polls showing Trump ahead or close. Those are polls I distrust. I see signs of the GOP giving up on Trump. I see Hillary making a push ion states she would normally never have a chance in. They are acting on internal polls. Those polls that I cannot see I trust. Trump is holed beneath the water.
Hillary just sunk a million bucks into Missouri and Indiana, by the way.
The most interesting polling situation right now has gotta be Utah, where Clinton, Trump, and the local hero McMullin are (portrayed) in a three-way tie with around 28-30% each of the vote. That's a fascinating situation. If Mitt Romney steps in, the tide may turn pretty decisively there.