Furutech har et kontinuerlig sterkt fokus på elementer som skaper problemer for vår avspilling av musikk
Denne gang er det en spesialsak for fjerning av statisk elektrisitet på LP plater og CD plater. Kan også brukes til kabler og annet..
Ser ut som en liten mappe eller en lap-top
Åpne lokket og legg platen ( platene ) inni og lukk igjen og la platen( platene ) ligge der i ca 30 sekunder
Åpne lokket og trykk med fingeren på en jordingsknapp
Det er det hele!
For mer info: PM Audio
Pris: kr 5790,-
Ta kontakt på:
e-post: pmaudio@online.no
Tlf.: 38 18 31 15
Furutech Select Series
SK-EX-III Disc Static Eliminator
The SK‐EX‐III is the latest extremely effective disc treatment brought to you in the Furutech Select Series.
Simple fact: as LPs and CDs spin, friction with the air causes them to constantly gain a static charge ‐ frictional
static electricity for LPs and CDs can be as much as 3,000~20,000V. The SK‐EX‐III puts an end to the problem of
electro static noise and deteriorating sound quality for good by eliminating the floating static charge around
your disc media
By simply placing your disc media into SK‐EX‐III and closing the top for a mere 30 seconds, static charge will be
dissipated into the atmosphere. The SK‐EX‐III does this using 100% Thunderon®‐ a unique conductive filament
material that consists of a very fine acrylic fiber chemically bonded with copper sulfide. The exact combination
of Thunderon Sheet®material and Thunderon Tape®‐ formed of these special fibers ‐ has been exhaustively
tested to find the perfect balance for optimum static elimination. The SK‐EX‐III is easy to use, requires no
batteries or mains power and is the perfect complement to your disc media and for your listening pleasure.
1. Lay the SK‐EX‐III on a flat surface
2. Open the lid and place LP or CDs on circle area –CDs should be placed on the “”Thunderon Tape®3. Close Lid for 30 seconds
4. Open lid and touch the metal clasp (shown below: base of “”Thunderon Tape® with your bare finger –this will ground the SK‐EX‐III.
5. Static elimination complete. Remove your LP or CDs.
* Up to 3 CDs can be treated at one time ‐ placed on the “”Thunderon Tape®
* Time to eliminate static may vary depending on season and environment.
* Treatment times for LPs or CDs that have been recently cleaned with a liquid should be longer.
* It is possible to also treat cables in the SK‐EX‐III with the lid open –treat both sides of the cable.
Model number: SK‐EX‐III
Size: W345 x D340 x H18mm
Weight: 850g (Net)
Denne gang er det en spesialsak for fjerning av statisk elektrisitet på LP plater og CD plater. Kan også brukes til kabler og annet..
Ser ut som en liten mappe eller en lap-top
Åpne lokket og legg platen ( platene ) inni og lukk igjen og la platen( platene ) ligge der i ca 30 sekunder
Åpne lokket og trykk med fingeren på en jordingsknapp
Det er det hele!
For mer info: PM Audio
Pris: kr 5790,-
Ta kontakt på:
e-post: pmaudio@online.no
Tlf.: 38 18 31 15
Furutech Select Series
SK-EX-III Disc Static Eliminator
The SK‐EX‐III is the latest extremely effective disc treatment brought to you in the Furutech Select Series.
Simple fact: as LPs and CDs spin, friction with the air causes them to constantly gain a static charge ‐ frictional
static electricity for LPs and CDs can be as much as 3,000~20,000V. The SK‐EX‐III puts an end to the problem of
electro static noise and deteriorating sound quality for good by eliminating the floating static charge around
your disc media
By simply placing your disc media into SK‐EX‐III and closing the top for a mere 30 seconds, static charge will be
dissipated into the atmosphere. The SK‐EX‐III does this using 100% Thunderon®‐ a unique conductive filament
material that consists of a very fine acrylic fiber chemically bonded with copper sulfide. The exact combination
of Thunderon Sheet®material and Thunderon Tape®‐ formed of these special fibers ‐ has been exhaustively
tested to find the perfect balance for optimum static elimination. The SK‐EX‐III is easy to use, requires no
batteries or mains power and is the perfect complement to your disc media and for your listening pleasure.
1. Lay the SK‐EX‐III on a flat surface
2. Open the lid and place LP or CDs on circle area –CDs should be placed on the “”Thunderon Tape®3. Close Lid for 30 seconds
4. Open lid and touch the metal clasp (shown below: base of “”Thunderon Tape® with your bare finger –this will ground the SK‐EX‐III.
5. Static elimination complete. Remove your LP or CDs.
* Up to 3 CDs can be treated at one time ‐ placed on the “”Thunderon Tape®
* Time to eliminate static may vary depending on season and environment.
* Treatment times for LPs or CDs that have been recently cleaned with a liquid should be longer.
* It is possible to also treat cables in the SK‐EX‐III with the lid open –treat both sides of the cable.
Model number: SK‐EX‐III
Size: W345 x D340 x H18mm
Weight: 850g (Net)
66.4 KB Visninger: 2.577
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