Russia frames political assassinations as suicides fucking constantly. There have been 8 "suicides" in and around Russia and Russian ambassadors in the last fucking year. We have people who have survived said suicides testify that they were left for dead by hitmen.
I had hoped to god the US wouldn't get to this point, but I'm not surprised that we have, because in the past two months, not including the rest of Trump's presidency we've now seen that administration get away with so many fucking black-and-white crimes because the only people to prosecute them, are on their side. They're untouchable and our rage does nothing. This is the level we're at, now.
See, if you don't know about what happened to Russia, it wasn't always the fucking broken-down structurally decrepit hellscape it is now. Russia suffered complete and total cultural death, like a necrotic body part, because of something they called Hypernormalization: when crazy shit happens on the regualar so much, that nobody knows what news is true and what is exaggerated anymore, so they tune it out. They tune out killings, they tune out crime, they'll tune out a president threatening a 13 year old's family so she drops rape charges on him, ie, Trump's hearing in December of last year. They'll tune out him banning people from certain countries, for no justifiable reason. They'll tune out his administration being filled with outspoken neo-nazis and white supremacists. Because of hypernormalization, crazy shit is just... you can't absorb it all. I see people every day who say "dude I can't listen to the news anymore. I feel sick seeing such injustice every day. I can't do it, sorry." and that's how it works. Hypernormalization turned all of Russia in a self-interested sympathetically bereft dead zone where only the most recent generation that see the world with the internet have managed to avoid. What comes from Russia, now? What pride is there? The government is evil, the people die from suicide and alcoholism, there's zero social net, there's only rampant self-interest. Nobody fucking cares or trusts anyone else. That's what the US is becoming.
Seeing Russia "die" in a way, seeing Russia just kindof perpetuate itself, is horrifying. My family came from there. I'm seeing it happen to the US now. There's a documentary about everything that has happened to lead us to this point, and how Russia manged to do it and become an oligarchy through cultural death, that's called "Hypernormalization", on youtube. Watch it. It's not sensationalized, it's just a history of exactly what Russia did and how it's happening here, now.
It's so hopeless feeling. It took Russia a generation to get to this point, and like the US, it just kinda... rolled over and accepted its fate, any major protests never really happened because people had to maintain jobs or die. I'm afraid it'll happen to the US. It already is. I'm sorry, you guys. I'm really sorry.
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