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- 26.08.2010
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Jeg har i det siste lest en del om Tekton Design sine Double Impact høyttalere og er mildest talt fascinert/nysgjerring. Det later til at nærmest alle som har hørt de er fra seg av begeistring (merker meg også at det er en del som er kritisk, men som ikke har hørt de).
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TektonDesign LLC - Home
Jason Victor Serinus hos Stereophile sier blant annet:
Terry London hos Hometheater review sier blant annet:
Clement Perry hos Stereotimes:
Mike Right hos Stereotimes
Er det noen her som har noen kjennskap til merket og kanskje til og med har hørt noen av modellene (de er det mange av, modeller altså)?
TektonDesign LLC - Home
Jason Victor Serinus hos Stereophile sier blant annet:
https://www.stereophile.com/content...itles-day-three-continues#aUk6iR126hmeKBKk.99" ... the Parasound–Tekton pairing sounds stupidly good. And not just for the price. It sounds STUPIDLY GOOD, period.
Yes, I'm resorting to capitals, because I want you to take notice."
Terry London hos Hometheater review sier blant annet:
Because the Double Impact speaker has such an unfair advantage compared with any speaker that I know about in its price range, I decided to jump up to speakers that cost thousands of dollars more to compare their performance. The Acoustic Zen Crescendo Mk2, which retails for $22,000/pair, has been one of my favorite high-end speakers over the last five years. It is great at rendering very natural timbres and tonality, along with excellent soundstaging. Its bass performance is extended but comes nowhere close to the Double Impact's more accurate and tighter bass response. Where the Double Impact really pulls ahead is its overall transient speed and sense of "aliveness" that I don't experience with the Acoustic Zen speaker.
The next speaker that I have enough experience with to compare with the Double Impact is the YG Acoustics Carmel 2, which retails for $24,300/pair. In virtually every important parameter--soundstaging, bass extension, overall dynamics, and clarity--the much more expensive YG Acoustics Carmel 2 was significantly eclipsed by the Double Impact's performance.
https://hometheaterreview.com/tekton-design-double-impact-floorstanding-speaker-reviewed/For more than five years now, I have owned the Lawrence Audio Cello speakers, retail cost $18,000. They have been my reference speakers in my big system. I still love them, and they are great speakers; however, I go where my ears take me. Because of my experience with the Double Impact speakers, I have ordered a pair in a special finish and some internal upgrades that Alexander insists will take this speaker to an even higher level of performance. Yes, the basic Double Impact speakers outperformed my Cellos in ways I already explained in this review.
Clement Perry hos Stereotimes:
Tekton Designs Double Impact LoudspeakersMake no mistake, the Tekton Design DIs are among the best loudspeakers I have heard in my home, regardless of price. To say that I have become enamored of them would be only half the truth. I am also enamored of Eric's conscious decision to make products centered on music lovers who happen to not be millionaires. In my opinion he could have easily priced the DIs ten times higher.
Mike Right hos Stereotimes
All of my friends would ask me if I would get rid of my Wilson Sashas for a pair of DIs and I would tell them “no.” Why should I, or anyone else who has a pair of speakers you like or are proud to own and enjoy listening to. At the same time, if the question was if I were shopping for speakers, which would I choose between the Sashas and DIs, I can wholeheartedly recommend getting the DIs and buying a car, or whatever your pleasure, with the money you’d save.
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