Pravda har høyest troverdighet blant russiske lesere...
FYI fjernis: Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton er ikke president i USAKKK Clinton som flesteparten her inne støttet i valget i 2016:
https://resett.no/2018/10/30/hillary-clinton-i-nytt-intervju-alle-svarte-ser-like-ut/Da Swisher beklaget og rettet opp i egen feil kom Clinton kom med den tilsynelatende rasistiske kommentaren.
– Jada, jeg vet at alle (svarte) ser like ut, sa hun i det hun dro frem et glis.
Det skulle vært Trump som hadde sagt noe som dette, da hadde flere her inne fått skrivekrampe.
Nate Silver måtte også kommentere galskapen:It would be funny and sad if not for the consequences that the apologists for the party of not one popular idea that must resort to constant lying and fearmongering and hatemongering and open bigotry and vote suppression and dirty tricks to have even a hope of not getting slammed in the election just can't quite bring themselves to believe anyone on their side might be doing anything amiss. Thus, Escher-level pretzel bending till even they don't know what they're saying.
Mulig det finnes slike undersøkelser i USA.Kanskje en grunn til at FOX News rangeres som kanalen med høyest troverdighet
blant de amerikanske seerne? Mens norske medier behandler FOX som Pravda.
Forstå det, den som kan...
Men jeg likte denne undersøkelsen fra BK da jeg kikket på den i begynnelsen av året:The Monmouth University Polling Institute was established to be a leading center for the study of public opinion on critical national and state issues. The Polling Institute's mission is to foster greater public accountability by ensuring that the public’s voice is heard in the policy discourse.
The Monmouth University Polling Institute’s mission has three core components:
•Monitor public opinion on current issues.
•Collaborate with faculty and students to enhance research and training opportunities.
•Provide research that assists policymakers with planning and assessment.
The Monmouth University Poll received an A+ rating from the polling website FiveThirtyEight.com.
Hva får deg til å tro det? Jeg har vel aldri "linked" til Brand Keys.GB refererer til en undersøkelse ved Brand Keys, som ellers er opptatt av å måle hvilken merkevare som er mest patriotisk: Jeep.
Fra din link. Nederst i artikkelen:Hva får deg til å tro det? Jeg har vel aldri "linked" til Brand Keys.
Ser det nå. Beklager.Fra din link. Nederst i artikkelen:
Robert Passikoff is founder and president of Brand Keys Inc.
Selvfølgelig! Som jeg har tatt opp ved flere anledninger.Brekke: Folk foretrekker å høre ting som bekrefter deres forutinntagelser, det er confirmation bias 101.
Nåja.Hvorvidt folk stoler på en nyhetskanal eller ikke sier null og niks om hvorvidt denne nyhetskanalen er troverdig.
Du er jaggu rask til å tillegge folk meninger. Veldig lite "vitenskapelig" av deg...Du påstår at du har "vitenskap som din guddom", men hvis du ikke erkjenner confirmation bias så pisser du
på vitenskapen. I likhet med "din" president.
Den eneveldiges versjon av dagen da han var i Pittsburg for å vise sin respekt for ofrene.Morsomt at man fortsatt skylder på mediene her, vi får jo mannen helt ufiltrert i twitterfeeden hele dagen hver dag
Loren Jacobs er ikke jøde, han er heller ikke en rabbi, og i tillegg ble han en tid tilbake "defrocked", fratatt sitt embede i sekten, pga sine reaksjonære meninger. Derfor "fake fake rabbi".Vice President Mike Pence invited a rabbi on-stage to offer a prayer for unity. During his remarks, the man invoked Jesus as “the Messiah.”
That rabbi was, in fact, not Jewish.
Loren Jacobs is a leader of a religious sect known as “Jews for Jesus,” or Messianic Judaism, which accepts Jesus Christ as one’s savior—a defining distinction between Judaism and Christianity. As such, it is not considered a denomination of Judaism.
“He is not a rabbi and to pass him off as one is deeply hurtful,” Kurzmann said. “This whole religion is based off converting Jewish people to a morphed Christianity. You can’t ignore the timing here.”https://www.thedailybeast.com/jewish-leaders-outraged-by-jews-for-jesus-prayer-at-pence-rally
https://www.thedailybeast.com/jewish-leaders-outraged-by-jews-for-jesus-prayer-at-pence-rallyFollowers of Messianic Judaism often claim their beliefs constitute a sect of Judaism. But because they follow the New Testament and preach that Jesus is the Messiah, they are not recognized by any mainstream Jewish movement in the United States. The syncretic group is also not recognized by the chief rabbinate, the spiritual authority for Judaism in Israel.
https://www.vox.com/policy-and-poli...e-christian-rabbi-loren-jacobs-messianic-jewsJacobs did not name the 11 victims of the Pittsburgh shooting in his prayer, but he did in his prayer for Republican politicians, including Pence, the presidential cabinet, and four Republican candidates for office. “I pray for them and for the Republican Party and its candidates so that they would honor you and your ways, that you might grant them victory in this election,” Jacobs said.
Dette er bare et desperat utspill for å forsøke å få demokratene til å angripe ham, i siste uke før valget. Til republikanernes overraskelse har demokratene latt være å gjøre det, utfra den tankegangen at Trump ødelegger mer enn nok for seg selv. I stedet har de vært "on message" med angrep på hva GOP har gjort med helsetjenester, helseforsikring og løgner om samme.^ Litt selvsentrert, kanskje. Som om flere bevis behøves for å karakterisere ham som en narsissist uten snev til empati. Hundre kommentarer med liberal bias i media kunne ikke formidlet det poenget like godt som den ene tweeten fra hans egne tommelfingre.
For min del var det absurd nok at han tweeter om å fjerne retten til automatisk statsborgerskap for folk som fødes i USA, som om han kunne gjøre den grunnlovsendringen ved et presidentdekret. Det kan han ikke, og det absurde er at dette kommer fra en mann som brukte forsvar av grunnloven som argument for høyesterettsutnevnelser. Han glemte å si at det «forsvaret» bare gjelder andre grunnlovstillegg, absolutt ikke det første eller fjortende, og ellers bare inntil neste tweet fra ham selv med nye innfall om grunnlovsendringer.
Mannen er totalt uegnet til rollen, av alle de grunner som GOP har brukt som argument mot Clinton & Clinton, og i tillegg en hel liste med andre grunner som bare gjelder ham selv. Men jeg skal innrømme at det så langt har gått bedre enn jeg fryktet. Han har ennå ikke utløst hverken økonomisk krakk eller krig med innfallene sine. Ennå.
The Wesleyan Media Project recently surveyed the political landscape and came out with a report called “2018: The Health Care Election.” It found that a majority of recent pro-Democratic political ads featured health care. Sixty-one percent of recent pro-Democratic ads in U.S. House races have been on health care.
Democratic candidates like Senator Claire McCaskill are hammering home the same point in debates. Republicans tried to take away coverage for pre-existing conditions.
But the Democratic campaign is inadequate to the current moment. It offers no counternarrative to Trump, little moral case against his behavior, no unifying argument against ethnic nationalism. In politics you can’t beat something with nothing. Democrats missed the Trumpian upsurge because while society was dividing into cultural tribes, they spent 2008 through 2016 focusing on health care. Now that the upsurge has happened, they are still pinioned to health care.
Humor!It’s outrageous that people are saying that McSally opposes protecting people with pre-existing conditions just because she voted for legislation that would gut those protections, while also taking health insurance away from more than 20 million people to pay for a massive upper-class tax cut!
Next you’ll tell me that Democrats are so uncivil that they’ll say Trump opposes protecting people with pre-existing conditions just because he joined a lawsuit that would eliminate these protections entirely while proposing absolutely nothing to replace them.
Republicans Getting Borked on Healthcare - Lawyers, Guns & MoneyMcSally made the admission during a recent interview with conservative radio host Sean Hannity, AZCentral reported.
“Well, Sean, I did vote to repeal and replace Obamacare on that House bill — I’m getting my ass kicked for it right now because it’s being misconstrued by the Democrats,” she said. “They’re trying to, you know, invoke fear in people who have family members or loved ones with pre-existing conditions.”
As part of his investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III appears to be focused on the question of whether WikiLeaks coordinated its activities with Stone and the campaign, including the group’s timing, the people said. Stone and WikiLeaks have adamantly denied being in contact.
On Friday, Mueller’s team questioned Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, about claims Stone is said to have made privately about WikiLeaks before the group released emails that prosecutors say were hacked by Russian operatives, according to people familiar with the session.
Investigators have questioned witnesses about events surrounding Oct. 7, 2016, the day The Washington Post published a recording of Trump bragging about his ability to grab women by their genitals, the people said.
Less than an hour after The Post published its story about Trump’s crude comments during a taping of “Access Hollywood,” WikiLeaks delivered a competing blow to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by releasing a trove of emails hacked from the account of her campaign chairman John Podesta.
The group trickled out new batches of Podesta’s private messages nearly daily through the campaign’s final weeks, ensuring the stolen documents would vex Clinton’s campaign until Election Day.
Investigators have been scrutinizing phone and email records from the fall of 2016, looking for evidence of what triggered WikiLeaks to drop the Podesta emails right after the “Access Hollywood” tape story broke, according to people with knowledge of the probe.
Jeg trodde seriøst at Jacob Wohl var en fake russisk robotaccount, men det er altså en levende person med et presumtivt fungerende intellekt som står bak.Josh Marshall har hatt latterkrampe mens han har gått gjennom Jacob Wohls ulike selskap og aktiviteter på nett. En artikkel av flere: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/meet-trumps-new-bff-jacob-wohl
https://theintercept.com/2018/10/30...omestic-political-violence-than-donald-trump/Fox News Has Done More to Incite Domestic Political Violence Than Donald Trump
How did we get here? Why is America a country where, in just one week, two African-American senior citizens were gunned down in Kentucky, pipe bombs arrived in the mailboxes of over a dozen prominent liberals, and 11 members of a Pittsburgh synagogue were slaughtered at a bris?
Our current reality only makes sense if we comprehend Fox News and its origin story, revealed in a startling 1970 memo from the Nixon White House.
President Donald Trump and the White House have strongly denied that he bears any responsibility for this streak of atrocities. In a sense, they’re right. If there’s popcorn on the stove and you turn up the heat, there’s no way to say you made any individual kernel explode. It might have happened without you. It’s easy to imagine the three recent perpetrators doing exactly the same things under a President Hillary Clinton.
On the other hand, it’s nearly impossible to conceive of all the politicized violence happening without Fox News. In the popcorn analogy, Fox may not have turned on the stove, but it has lovingly provided steady supplies of gas every day since its founding in 1996. It’s tough to miss how Cesar Sayoc’s vehicle looked like Fox News in van form.
https://theintercept.com/2018/10/30...omestic-political-violence-than-donald-trump/The fact that Fox has pulled this off is especially remarkable because we know how it was created, and why.
In 2011, Gawker obtained the 1970 White House memo from the Nixon presidential library, titled “A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News.” (The original Gawker article about it is still online, but thanks to technologist Peter Thiel’s successful attempt to destroy Gawker, the memo itself disappeared from the internet. The Intercept today is republishing it.)
When the memo was published by Gawker, historian Rick Perlstein said he believed it was written by Chuck Colson, a special counsel to the president during the Nixon administration who pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice during Watergate. The memo makes the case that Republicans needed to avoid the “prejudices of network news selectors” and get the GOP perspective on TV. Why? Because Americans are stupid, and they could take advantage of that:
“Today television news is watched more often than people read newspapers, than people listen to the radio, than people read or gather any other form of communication,” the memo states. “The reason: People are lazy. With television you just sit — watch — listen. The thinking is done for you.” [emphasis in original]
De fleste om ikke alle forstår i alle fall at du er ute på et ikke bare feil men et høyst forunderlig jorde.Hvorfor er Demokratene så sykelig opptatt av å ha minst mulig sikkerhet rundt valgprosessen,
samtidig som de er like syklig opptatt av RUSSERNEs "innblanding" i forrige valg?
Jeg tror alle forstår hvorfor!
Hvilke forunderlig jorde er det?De fleste om ikke alle forstår i alle fall at du er ute på et ikke bare feil men et høyst forunderlig jorde.Hvorfor er Demokratene så sykelig opptatt av å ha minst mulig sikkerhet rundt valgprosessen,
samtidig som de er like syklig opptatt av RUSSERNEs "innblanding" i forrige valg?
Jeg tror alle forstår hvorfor!
Ja, det er bevist at RUSSERNE (myndighetene eller private aktører) har brukt noen hundre tusen dollar på2) etter at samtlige relevante føderale organer samt Trump selv har erkjent russiske forsøk på å påvirke valgresultet,
hva er det som får deg, GB, til å tro at du vet bedre?
Nå er jeg litt usikker på hva du mener. Når man registrerer seg for å stemme, innskrives man i "manntallet"1) tilrettelegging for registrering og stemmegivning har intet med sikkerhet å gjøre, forordningene er de samme uansett.