Kun i Trumps fantasiverden. Kursen var 120 da Trump ble innsatt for to år siden og sluttet på 148 før helgen. Trenden peker bratt nedover pga Trumps handelskrig med Kina, så det er godt mulig at den passerer toårs-merket med negativt fortegn senere i januar.Tim Cook så meget comfy ut da Trump snakket om at Apple hadde steget mange hundre prosent mens han var president (på andre kalkulatorer ca 20% på det meste).
Jeg tok innlegget bort - ikke no' feik njus her.#15162
Bildet er fra 2017, påstanden fra pressekonferansen i går, bare for å unngå misforståelser.
Uansett, samme pressekonferanse replikerte Trump til en journalist " I never threaten anybody!".
Nettopp. Aldri. Og han lyver aldri heller.
En gang fantes det et ord for dette: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FührerprinzipIs there anything President Trump could do that would endanger that support from you or other evangelical leaders?
That’s the shortest answer we’ve had so far.
Only because I know that he only wants what’s best for this country, and I know anything he does, it may not be ideologically “conservative,” but it’s going to be what’s best for this country, and I can’t imagine him doing anything that’s not good for the country.
We have a massive trade negotiation going on with China. President Xi is very much involved; so am I. We’re dealing at the highest levels and we’re doing very well. We’re — we’re doing very well. In the meantime, we’ve taken in billions and billions of dollars in tariffs from China, and from others. Our steel industry has come roaring back, and that makes me very happy. I think we’ll have to build a steel wall, as opposed to a concrete wall, because we have steel companies again. There’s something awfully nice about that sound...
So now we have everything so beautifully handled. We need to have, however — we need border security. And all of this security, if we do what I think what the Democrats want, all of the border things that we’ll be building will be done right here in the good, old USA by steel companies that were practically out of business when I came into office as President. And now they’re thriving. You call up the heads of U.S. Steel, and I could name 10 companies. If you look at what’s going on with the steel industry, it’s almost a miracle. It was a dead industry. We need steel for defense. We need steel for a lot of things. Steel and aluminum.
But those industries were in deep trouble. The steel industry was almost dead, and now it’s a very vibrant, vibrant industry...
I know you’re not into the construction business. You don’t understand something: We now have a great steel business that’s rebuilt in the United States. Steel is stronger than concrete. If I build this wall, or fence, or anything the Democrats need to call it — because I’m not into names, I’m into production. I’m into something that works. If I build a steel wall rather than a concrete wall, it will actually be stronger than a concrete. Steel is stronger than concrete. Okay? In case you — you can check it out.
Listen, if I build a wall, and the wall is made out of steel instead of concrete, I think people will like that. And here’s the other good thing: I’ll have it done by the United States Steel Corporation, by companies in our country that are now powerful, great companies again. And they’ve become powerful over the last two years because of me and because of our trade policies.
The campaign is so focused on ensuring the convention is a smooth-running affair devoid of presidential critics that it’s building out an entire wing of the campaign devoted solely to the endeavor. The initiative appears to be unique in both how early it's been launched and how far-reaching it is.
https://www.politico.com/story/2018/12/18/trump-machine-swallows-rnc-1067875The aides are diving into the rules that govern the state-by-state delegate allocations, keeping close tabs on the contests for the influential state chairmanship slots, and laying out plans to organize at local meetings where the convention-goers will be picked.
The enterprise is part of a broader takeover of the party machinery heading into 2020. Among the Trump team’s other steps is incorporating the reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee into a single, streamlined entity — an unprecedented arrangement.
Under the plan, which has been in the works for several weeks, the Trump reelection campaign and the RNC will merge their field and fundraising programs into a joint outfit dubbed Trump Victory. The two teams will also share office space rather than operate out of separate buildings, as has been custom.
There is another benefit as well: With talk of a primary challenge to Trump simmering, the act of formally tying the president’s reelection campaign to the resource-rich national party will make it only harder for would-be Republican opponents to mount a bid.
But—if I’m remembering my dorm-room scan of Bertrand Russell correctly—they can also be seen as an uncorking of his ontological angst. They’re a reflection of a conflicted inner life, where there is a Wall and there isn’t a Wall, a fence called by any other name may cease to be a fence, and the concept of “new” construction is entirely relative, conditional on Trump’s classification itself.
Ontology, the philosophical study of “being,” gives us powerful tools with which to strip objects, people, and events down to their barest elements, examining their essential features to learn both more about them as discrete objects, and about existence itself in turn. Looking at Trump’s seeming uncertainty over whether the wall exists or not, we see a portrait of a man at odds with not just congressional Democrats, but that very concept of empirically measurable existence.
TV-talen hans i kveld kan bli underholdende, hvis man er fan av absurd teater av typen «Venter på Godot». Eller kanskje ikke.This December 20 missive from the president, sent just two days before the federal government would shut down, is a perfect example of the president’s wavering metaphysical belief in his Wall—and, perhaps, therefore himself. Where once only “remaining sections” were left to be built, possibly by military order, now there is a forbidding and total vacuum of “Wall and Border Security.” (“It didn’t happen!”)
Over the course of the following week, however, through his tweets the president portrayed The Wall as occupying a sort of dismaying liminal zone—incomplete yet nonexistent, an admirable work in progress that also represented a looming catastrophe.
Build the Wall!!! Hva den nå enn måtte være. Om den ikke allerede er bygget og betalt, da.On some level, Trump’s contorted monologue regarding The Wall is funny. But on another it’s a compulsory existential crisis, to which the nation is subjected daily—trickling down and utterly baffling the empirically-minded who hear it. It’s no longer clear he understands himself, or his presidency, as entities distinct from his signature campaign promise.
The Trump administration has launched a full-on diplomatic offensive to clear up confusion about the announced US withdrawal from Syria. So far, however, confusion is winning. Clarity is on the run.
In the end, US Middle East policy is now at the mercy of one man with scant understanding of a complicated, volatile region, whose favorite medium of communication is Twitter. What could possibly go wrong?
Det begynner vel å bli tydelig hvilken «nasjonal krise» Trump forsøke å avverge ved å lage mest mulig bråk om noe annet.Paul Manafort shared 2016 presidential campaign polling data with Konstantin Kilimnik, a former employee whom the FBI has said has ties to Russian intelligence, according to a court filing.
The apparently inadvertent revelation indicates a pathway by which the Russians could have had access to Trump campaign data.
The former Trump campaign chairman on Tuesday denied in a filing from his defense team that he broke his plea deal by lying repeatedly to prosecutors working for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III about that and other issues.
In his rebuttal to the special counsel’s claims of dishonesty, Manafort exposed details of the dispute, much of which centers on his relationship with Kilimnik. The Russian citizen, who began working for Manafort’s consulting firm starting in 2005, has been charged with helping his former boss to obstruct Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference into the 2016 election. He is believed to be in Moscow.
The special counsel alleged Manafort “lied about sharing polling data with Mr. Kilimnik related to the 2016 presidential campaign,” according to the unredacted filing, and discussed Ukrainian politics with Kilimnik during that time.
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/08/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=HomepageWASHINGTON — As a top official in President Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort shared political polling data with a business associate tied to Russian intelligence, according to a court filing unsealed on Tuesday. The document provided the clearest evidence to date that the Trump campaign may have tried to coordinate with Russians during the 2016 presidential race.
Mr. Manafort’s lawyers made the disclosure by accident, through a formatting error in a document filed to respond to charges that he had lied to prosecutors working for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, after agreeing to cooperate with their investigation into Russian interference in the election.
The document also revealed that during the campaign, Mr. Manafort and his Russian associate, Konstantin V. Kilimnik, discussed a plan for peace in Ukraine. Throughout the campaign and the early days of the Trump administration, Russia and its allies were pushing various plans for Ukraine in the hope of gaining relief from American-led sanctions imposed after it annexed Crimea from Ukraine.
Kan anbefales: https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Yes-Negotiating-Agreement-Without/dp/0143118757/Trump’s approach is a hallmark of a president who eschews strategic planning and preparation in favor of day-to-day tactical maneuvering and trusting his gut. But as he digs in against an emboldened Democratic opposition, Trump has found that his go-to arsenal of bluster, falsehoods, threats and theatrics has laid bare his shortcomings as a negotiator — preventing him from finding a way out of what may be the biggest political crisis of his presidency.
*knis fnis tjihi*Trumps totale inkompetanse som forhandler og leder begynner å vise seg
Han forhandlingstaktikk består jo stort sett i å gå hardt ut, skremme med trusler om alt han kan og vil gjøre....og med manglende moralsk kompass han er villig til å gjøre mye. På et tidspunkt slutter det å virke. Enten fordi man ikke realitet bak truslene eller fordi motstanderen er livredd for nettopp at det skal bli realitet. Demokratene ser det siste i hvitøyet nå og forstår at dersom de gir etter på finansiering av muren nå så vil de bli rævkjørt med den samme trusselen om government shutdown gang på gang fremover og landet vil gå i stå et par ganger i året for at Donalden skal presse gjennom saken han ikke har tilstrekkelig demokratisk støtte for.The greatest dealmaker ever - not. Mer som en halvfet «armchair quarterback» som sitter i sofaen hjemme og skriker til TV’en, og plutselig blir teleportert inn på banen for å vise hvordan han skulle gjøre alt så mye bedre. Og snubler i sine egne skolisser.
Jeg legger til at en betydelig del av den foreslåtte Trump-muren skal gå gjennom Texas. Trump har muligens trodd at det bare var å gjøre som i NY og bestikke noen, om man vil ha opp et bygg. Grunneiere i Texas har sagt klart fra at man kan glemme å legge muren over deres land.If you watched the address — and really, you could have, it was only about as long as it takes to microwave popcorn — you saw a 72-year-old guy squinting at the teleprompter and making rather alarming breathing sounds while reading a speech about how we need a wall to protect women who are “sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico.”
This is not a man who should wrap his arguments around the idea of protecting women from sexual assault. But also, gee, he sounded like Uncle Fred who you haven’t seen for a while and suddenly he shows up for Thanksgiving with weird colored hair and vacant eyes and he’s talking into his mashed potatoes.
Now we know why Trump never made a speech from the Oval Office before. He’s a guy whose great political talent is yelling applause lines to a howling mob of supporters. If they cheer, he goes back again and again.
Om jeg forstår twitter-feeden hans riktig har Mexico allerede betalt for muren via den reforhandlede NAFTA som riktignok ikke er ratifisert av Kongressen og trådt i kraft ennå, men folk forstår ikke hvor mye av muren som allerede er bygget og hvor bra den fungerer, mens horder av illegale forbrytere velter inn over grensene og demokratene i Kongressen bare sitter og ser på kriminelle terrorister og voldtektsforbrytere strømme inn, og nå må demokratene snart bevilge noen milliarder skattedollars til å ... BUILD THE WALL!!!Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor the Donald må ha penger til muren når Mexico uansett skulle betale for den.
Ja, den tweeten hang jeg meg også opp i. Slik jeg las den påstod han at Mexico allerede betaler for muren (som det ikke er bygget en meter av) gjennom en avtale som ikke finnes ennå. I tilegg til å betale for muren vil Mexico også gjøre det så meget bedre med den nye avtalen (sammen med Canada, som imidlertid ikke skal betale for en mur).Om jeg forstår twitter-feeden hans riktig har Mexico allerede betalt for muren via den reforhandlede NAFTA som riktignok ikke er ratifisert av Kongressen og trådt i kraft ennå, men folk forstår ikke hvor mye av muren som allerede er bygget og hvor bra den fungerer, mens horder av illegale forbrytere velter inn over grensene og demokratene i Kongressen bare sitter og ser på kriminelle terrorister strømme inn, og nå må demokratene snart bevilge noen milliarder skattedollars for å komme i gang med byggingen... BUILD THE WALL!!!Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor the Donald må ha penger til muren når Mexico uansett skulle betale for den.
Eller noe slikt.
Trump er ekspert på alle ting og vet selvsagt også best om hva som må til i California. Det handler mest om at guvernør Brown har motsatt seg at Californias påbud om biler skal tilsidesettes av føderal myndighet. California ønsker langt strengere krav til bilfabrikanter, mens lobbyister har fått Trumpadministrasjonen til å gå inn for å lempe på disse. California kan sette en stopper for at man innfrir lobbyistenes krav, men føderal myndighet kan overprøve dette. Om så skjer, vil det bli en skarp konflikt mellom California og Trump-administrasjonen, der California vil kunne saksøke føderal myndighet.Samtidig er det betryggende at Overgartnermester Donald har fokus å rake skogen.
Dette er en fantastisk trussel å sende til de som har nedbrente hjem, hvor hele nabolag ligger i aske.
Vis vedlegget 524710
Det er ikke lett å forvalte skog i CA. Det er store områder og det er mye utbygging. Før hadde man midler, samt frivillige, til å ta krattskog. Men med økt utbygging er det oppstått risikosoner og med redusert beskatning er det knapt med midler til innsats.^^ I den saken der har det blitt kommentert at The Donald faktisk har et poeng - skogbrannene i California er delvis en konsekvens av dårlig forvaltning. Det er over 15 år siden jeg las om det for første gang ifm skogbranner i California- "tree huggers" var et stort problem, de har effektivt klart å forhindre normal forvaltning av skog og når det så først brenner (som er relativt vanlig) så er risikoen for virkelig store branner større enn den trengte å være. Å strupe finansieringen løser imidlertid neppe problemet.