I Didn’t Listen to the Warnings and I’m Injured, Now What?
If you don’t obey the clearly written warnings on a product and you are then injured because of that, it could severely hurt your personal injury case. Because the manufacturer could argue that your own negligence is what led to the injury, not their product. But, just because a manufacturer places instructions or warning labels on their products does not mean that they are absolved of any responsibility.
The manufacturer can only release a product that is safe and if they know that the majority of people using their product will use it incorrectly and become injured, they should not release that product anyway. Also, if the manufacturer only releases a blanket statement warning, without providing specifics, then they could still be held liable for product liability.
For example, a manufacturer releases a new medication and states it may cause side effects. But they do not list why or what the side effects may be; therefore, if anyone is injured for taking that drug, then the manufacturer could still be liable because they didn’t specify the warnings clearly or even specify how those side effects may come about.