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  • OleLyttøye

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    Takk for det, jeg har prøvd, men de fleste beregninger er mynta på klasse A eller A/B. Føler meg ikke sikker på om det samme gjelder for klasse D. Mangel på kunnskap, selvsagt..Jeg legger ut en tråd der, ser om Asbjørn biter på :)


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    Hvis du slenger på en tullete påstand, så biter han ihvertfall på ;)


    Synd Nuprime ble borte fra Norge da Ljudtema la ned.
    DAC10H og ST10 er det jeg har beholdt lengst, står i anlegget oppe fortsatt og blir nok ikke skiftet ut før det ryker.


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    Flotte stabile produkter til uslåelig pris / ytelses -forhold.


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    Veit ikke hvor god ST-10 er i absolutte termer, men denne karen her har testa den mot noen veldig flotte amper, på meget gode høyttalere som Wilson Sabrina, Wilson Watt/Puppy, Apogee Centaur, Vivid Audio Giya G3 s2 og mer. Artig lesning. Siterte teksten nedafor, går du til linken får du artikkelen med bilder og greier.

    NuPrime ST-10 power amp | HFA - The Independent Source for Audio Equipment Reviews

    NuPrime ST-10 power amp
    CHRISTIAAN PUNTER 26 December 2017 5 Comments

    Incredible performance at an incredible price
    Review sample provided by Dimex
    Retail Price: 1595 euro
    Let’s go crazy and start with the conclusion for once, as the following text on the NuPrime product page pretty much sums up how I feel about this amp:

    “NuPrime’s sonic character stands well apart from – and indeed above – the soft, cushy sound we often associate with most tubed amplification and the dry, clinically edgy sound we often associate with solid-state and switching technology. Rarely does an amp achieve an ideal balance of richly textured timbres and harmonics, bottom-end authority, startling dynamics, exquisite low-level detail, and a fully revealed, fully dimensional sound stage against a backdrop of mile-deep silence.”

    But do read on to learn more, and to find out exactly how the ST-10 performs with various speakers and how it compares to various other amps.

    Unique Sonic Characteristics

    NuPrime have unravelled those parameters with which they can tailor each product to have unique sonic characteristics. Opinions and personal taste will forever differ, and so there will always be those who want a smoother, creamier, warmer delivery, for example to add some extra romance to vocals. While the ST-10 is a clean sounding amp, NuPrime also offer creamier sounding amps, should that be desired. The choice is with the customer, and this is quite unique.

    By cleverly combining the various parameters precisely as required, NuPrime can pretty much offer custom solutions. For example, to quote from the amp-comparison white paper:

    “We advise customers to make their selection based on sonic preference and usage scenario. If you watch a lot of movies and enjoy to a wide variety of musical styles, you might prefer MCH-K38. If your thing is classical music in its entire vast and dramatic splendor, you will likely go for Ref 20 or ST-10. Conversely, if vocals are your passion, you will likely prefer the MCH-K38 or STA-9.”

    This all lines up perfectly with the adagium that I keep using in these pages which is that audio equipment selection is relative, and very much dependent on system synergy and personal preference.

    Technical Aspects

    There are various manufacturers that issue amps based on Class D amplification. Usually they employ modules such as ICEpower, Hypex, Pascal and then they may apply some tweaks. NuPrime is one of the very few companies left that still do original R&D on class D designs. They designed their own circuits and implement them as cost effectively as they can, while maintaining very high performance.

    According to the manufacturer, NuPrime amps have no phase shift. Many amps use output filters that create phase shift. When phase shifts, spatial information becomes inaccurate. Most amps present phase shifts of better than 45 degrees at 20 kHz, heading toward 90 degrees as frequency increases. NuPrime amps cancel these distortions owing to a unique closed-loop design producing ZERO phase shift across all frequencies. Another interesting aspect of the NuPrime implementation is that instead of the conventional saw-tooth configuration, the NuPrime circuit design uses a naturally occurring analog-modulating signal that adds neither noise nor jitter.

    There is a lot more to write about Class D in general and the NuPrime implementation in specific but that’s already done in many places as well as on the NuPrime website, for example in their Learning section.

    One important matter that I want to (again) stress is that class D is not necessarily Digital. Rather, class D describes a switched output stage working according to the PWM principle, which is very much analog in itself. Extra steps can be taken to enable a digital input but the amplification part is still analog.

    Above and below: very clean packaging with infinitely re-usable magnetic lid

    Wilson Sabrina

    The NuPrime ST-10 is a tiny amp. If I did not know better then it would be easy to assume that it is underpowered for any Wilson. The truth could not be more different: the ST-10 really brings the Sabrinas to life! Transient crispness and dynamic impact are really startling, better even than with any of the other amps that were used during the Sabrina review. Bass is also incredible, not in a big and fat kind of way but because it is tuneful and articulate with just the right amount of pressure. Meanwhile the NuPrime’s very natural tonality helps the Sabrinas sound timbrally more believable.

    Timbrally the ST-10 is a mix between the Ayre VX-5 Twenty and the Bryston 3B cubed but with more accurate bass than the Bryston and more impressive dynamics than the Ayre. From memory it does not have the fluid yet synthetic nature of any ICE power amp that I tried but it does sound a little like the Jeff Rowland 525 which uses as Pascal module, in terms of solidity and sonority. The 525 however never really came to life during my tests, which the ST-10 absolutely does, and with gusto! The NuPrime really presents music with a life-like, as well as live-like character: tonally pure, direct-coupled and very expressive. Treble performance is slightly rough though. Not at all harsh, just seemingly not as fluid and hi-res as I’d like it to be. Or could it be that the ST-10 presents treble just the way that it is on the recording, meaning that many other amps add more fluidity than they should? I’d be tempted to say that this is not very probable, but when listening to the ST-10 on the Apogee Centaurs or the Gustavsons, and playing a selection of old smooth jazz, it’s just great, with treble that is as fluid and airy as it needs to be.

    Apogee Centaur

    For more than a decade, the Centaurs were used with Jeff Rowland model sixes by their owner and dear audiofriend JW. The sixes are true high end amplifiers that in their day cost around 15.000 euro. This is almost 20 years ago so go imagine what they would cost now. Ok, so the NuPrime ST-10 is not the equal of these Rowland monos, but as the Rowland sound has slowly evolved from very creamy to more neutral these days, the ST-10 actually comes closer than you’d think. Although the ST-10 does not have the Rowland-typical rose-tinted, extra smooth character, it does perform better than the sixes in some aspects.

    Connected with current edition Transparent Super XLR interlinks and Transparent Super speaker cables I listened to Joyce Cooling’s Cameo and then Chris Standring’s Blue Bolero, and it really sounded great! Maybe I did not hear the same amount of treble air, but treble was definitely airy and most definitely not edgy or bright. The Centaurs really are not tolerant at all in that respect, so if there was any harshness added by the amp, the Centaurs would have let me hear this. Listening to more music I do hear that not all music is produced equally smoothly, but the NuPrime is always honest. Even when playing dry recordings and when the treble sounds square-ish, still all you do is take note of it and move on, because the sound is otherwise so engaging. As expected the bass was just perfect again, but not expected was the lifelike tonality and the liveliness and involvement in the midrange. This was a real toe-tapping performance. I was actually more involved emotionally using the NuPrime because of this, even if ultimately it is not every bit as refined and hi-res as the Ayre.

    The ST-10’s very direct and highly revealing delivery may not be liked by everyone though, but that’s a matter of personal preference. And as mentioned, should a warmer delivery be required then NuPrime also has several richer sounding amps in their portfolio.

    Really the only aspect of the ST-10 which makes it less than ideal for me is its treble behaviour. While absolutely never harsh, it comes across as lower in resolution and lacking the air that my Jeff Rowland model 6 amps had, and which the Rowland 625 s2 and Ayre VX-5 Twenty also have. But these are just boxes that I want ticked, being the perfectionist audiphile that I am. For the most part this is academic, as the musical message is certainly not hampered by such aspects.

    Wilson Watt/Puppy 8

    Switching from the Sabrina to the Watt/Puppy 8, the ST-10 is still completely in control but without sounding overly controlled. Once again the midbass and lower midrange are the areas that stun me most. Also with the Watt/Puppies the amp seems to have plenty of reserves and is still happy to play as loudly as I ask it to while retaining posture at all times. It simply does not compress nor does it become shouty. Quite an achievement for a 1500 euro amp!

    Apogee Duetta Signature

    Since we’re in fun mode anyway, let’s see what the ST-10 can do with the recently re-re-furbished Apogee Duettas. After listening to them with the Ayre VX-5 Twenty, the NuPrime ST-10 comes in. Disrespectfully placed right on top of the Ayre and connected with the same interlinks, power cable and speaker cables, the ST-10 was just switched on from cold. Rightaway the most striking feature again is its sonorous sound. It’s not a smooth and “BIG” sound in the Bryston kind of way, nor creamy classic Rowland kind of way, but something I can only describe as a clearly defined and upbeat lively ballsyness.

    Coming from the Ayre it is also evident that the NuPrime does sound less finely resolved than the Rowlands and the Ayre, but with the Apogees it definitely does not sound dark, just less fluid. Also with the Duettas, it’s not rough or harsh and certainly not processed or synthetic, and while treble seems to be lower res, the bass is actually very highly textured and precise. This again raises the question whether the NuPrime is actually lower res in the treble or most class A/B amps simply add fluidity that isn’t in the recording? If you ask me this is not a question that must be answered. It’s simply a matter of preference. I guess that if you want very accurate bass, you also get very accurate treble, for better or for worse.

    The Apogees are certainly under control, and with power to spare. Also evident is that this class D amp absolutely has no issues passing along the music’s lyrical qualities. The amp gets right to the heart of the performance. It doesn’t distract itself with fine details too much but definitely deliveres the musical message with gusto.

    Changing the Belden + IeGO powercable for a Cardas Clear Beyond definitely brings some welcome changes. Although now slightly less controlled in an absolute sense, the overall sound is gentler and more fluid and yet still very sonorous. Changing the Cardas for a Furutech FP-TCS31 adds more “gravy” so to say, to create a creamier sound, which works very well with slower music like soul. With rock music however I start to long for a little more bite, and the more direct-coupled, timbrally more acoustical portrayal with the Cardas and even more so the Belden. The amp certainly does not require high end cables to sound its best, but it is interesting to know that it can be tweaked, should this be desired.

    Gustavson LS-One

    With the very efficient Gustavson speakers, the NuPrime provides a superbly intimate midrange, and quite unsuspected, smooth, fluid and airy treble. This was unsuspected because the NuPrime’s treble comes across as being a little rough with the Apogees and the Wilsons. The ST-10’s bass is faster and more articulate than that of the Brystons, and acoustically more convincing to my ears. That said I can imagine some listeneres preferring a warmer sound with these speakers. Even though each of my friends agree with me that the ST-10 has remarkably natural timbre and impulse behaviour to challenge the best tube amps we heard, some of them still prefer the warmer, richer sound of tubes, or the Brystons, especially when listening to vocal music. JW even happily admits that even though he sees the benefits, he has been listening to a fair amount of smear for so long that he finds it difficult to get used to such a clean sound. For upbeat music with lots of rhythm and percussion we all agree that the ST-10 is most fascinating and involving.

    Vivid Audio Giya G3 s2

    Now for the most unlikely combination of all: a 1500 euro NuPrime ST-10 with 35.000 euro Vivid Giya G3’s. Probably nobody would even think of even trying this but I am happy to confirm that the humble ST-10 drives them splendidly! The Vivids were delivered for review along with Mola-Mola Kaluga power amps and those amps really are worthy of their reputation. The main difference between these two very differently priced amps is the same as I have described further above and concerns ultimate resolution, the NuPrime just not reaching the insane levels that the Mola-Molas do. Futher, there is a difference in timbre, bass fulness and ultimate transparency.

    The Vivids really are very revealing speakers, perhaps even more so than the Wilsons, and it is with these speakers that I can most clearly hear that the NuPrime has some added character that the Mola-Molas do not. The NuPrime has a fuller tonality throughout the midbass and lower midrange which I actually like and prefer with some speakers. One might call it a colouration, another might call it more natural. In any event whereas many other class D amps sound quite thin, this extra body also adds to the ST-10’s more natural timbre. The Mola-Molas by comparison are ruler-flat and much more anonymous, which makes them ultimately more universally applicable. Now whether or not this is a pre or a con is a personal matter. While I appreciate both approaches, as well as the sound of tubes done well, many of my friends are more biased toward one or the other. I would say this is mostly a matter of taste and much less so of quality. What is a matter of quality however are resolution and transparency. The Mola-Molas are simply more finely resolving and transparent. This is most evident in the treble, which with the Mola-Molas (as well as with Jeff Rowland and Ayre) is more fluid and airy, but without adding any smear.

    So, whilst better performance can be obtained, you’d have to spend at least 10k to achieve this. It’s always the last few percent that cost the most to achieve! Nonetheless, the NuPrime just performs admirably even in the context of super high end speakers and that really is quite remarkable.

    Above: NuPrime amidst of some of the finest power amps available. In the back row: Analog Domain M75P, Mola-Mola Kaluga, Bryston 3B Cubed and 14B Cubed. In the front row: Mola-Mola Makua (which is a preamp), PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium and Jeff Rowland 625 s2.

    I’ve heard many class D amps, but have liked very few. While bass control and neutrality are often a piece of cake for these amps, they are usually let down by thinness, harmonic deficiences and an unnatural timbre. The NuPrime ST-10 is the first class D design that sounds timbrally wholly convincing to me. Piano really sounds like piano, not like synthesizer and vocals are just as direct-coupled as they are in real life. Add in bass heft and thundering dynamics like I have not yet heard from other class D designs. Only the Mola-Mola Kalugas ultimately provide more refinement and transparency but these are placed at the complete opposite price spectrum.

    On balance, there is just no denying that at any price the ST-10 is an exceptional amp. Heck, at a mere 1595 euro, it is simply sublime! NuPrime are not exaggerating when they say that they have implemented both solid state and tube elements into the sound. Just don’t expect the ST-10 to sound like a generic romantic and mushy tube amp but rather more like a lightning fast SET with ultra clean, clear midrange. Like a good SET, the ST-10 does not add warmth or romantic colourations but produces pure, honest and lively music, complete with the highly lyrical qualities that come along with this type of amp.

    Finally, NuPrime believe that the customer should be able to choose from a palette of amps with different characteristics, to match personal taste. So, should all this talk about purity and powerful dynamics put you off and you’d prefer a more creamy-rich sounding amp, then NuPrime has alternative solutions for that such as the the MCH-K38 or STA-9. In any event the ST-10 is my new class D reference in its price category, and way above it.

    Manufacturer’s website
    Distributor for the BeNeLux: Dimex


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    Ser Nuprime oppgir på hjemmesiden sin att den Svenske distributøren også har overtatt Norge:

    MYC AUDIO (Distributor) Sweden, Norway +46 243-332011 SvetsgrÌ_nd 1, 784 77 BorlÌ_nge, Sweden BorlÌ_nge


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    Sist redigert:


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Ser dempefaktor på Nuprime er 600 på det høyeste. Vil NuPrime Evolution kunne drive tungdrevne høytalere, som eks eldre Kef 107/2 ? Devialet har til gjengjeld mellom 8 og 10 000 i dempefaktor, og kontrollerer Kef fantastisk. Jeg vurderer NuPrime i et oppsett nr 2 og ønsker teste dem på Kef også.
    Hva er amperstyrken på NuPrime forsterkere?
    Sist redigert:


    Betyr dette att Norske kunder ikke vil få refundert MVA (moms) ved eventuell bruk av angrefristen på 14 dager, da denne betales til DHL :

    Som privatperson har du rett til å kansellere et kjøp innen 14 dager etter kvitteringen.

    Kunder utenfor Sverige:
    Toll og avgifter refunderes ikke til kunden dersom kunden ønsker å returnere varene.""


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Ser dempefaktor på Nuprime er 600 på det høyeste. Vil NuPrime Evolution kunne drive tungdrevne høytalere, som eks eldre Kef 107/2 ? Devialet har til gjengjeld mellom 8 og 10 000 i dempefaktor, og kontrollerer Kef fantastisk. Jeg vurderer NuPrime i et oppsett nr 2 og ønsker teste dem på Kef også.
    Hva er amperstyrken på NuPrime forsterkere?
    Dempefaktor er definert som 8 ohm/utgangsimpedansen, så høy dempefaktor betyr bare lav utgangsimpedans fra forsterkeren. Utdrag fra Bruno Putzeys intervju;

    Bruno: It’s quite possible that shop owners would have less fun if all amps had sensibly low output impedance. But beyond “sensible”, damping factor is completely overrated in my view. Once output impedance is low enough to keep response changes due to load variations to within a small fraction of a dB it’s low enough. The term damping factor is seriously misleading because some folks think that an amp with a DF of 1000 is ten times better at stopping a moving cone than one with a DF of 100. It doesn’t make a jot of difference. In both cases the resistance of the voice coil, the crossover filter and even the speaker cable will dominate totally. In actual fact you wouldn’t even want to have infinite damping because the speaker designer counts on the natural resonance to define the bass response. So it’s rather a good thing that the speaker has its built-in resistance in series with the amp.


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    Hvilken strømkabel anbefaler folket til IDA-16? Ser at postere både her og på audiocircle anbefaler å bytte fra fabrikkablene.


    Totalt bortkastede penger å skifte strømkabel på IDA16.


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    Utsnitt av IDA16 innmat.

    Vurder sterkt om det virkelig er behov for dyr strømkabel.


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    Point taken, der var IDA16 på vei, tipper det blir en ørliten oppgradering fra Primare i22 på Dynaudioene mine


    Hi-Fi entusiast
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    Det tyske magasinet HiFiTest ( har gjort målinger av ST-10:

    Funksjoner og spesifikasjoner:
    NuPrime ST-10
    Pris: 1600
    salg: TAD Audio Vertrieb GmbH, Bad Kötzting
    telefon: 09941 9084210
    internett: TAD-Audiovertrieb GmbH +++ Ruark Audio, Rega, Opera, Unison Research, The Gryphon, Tannoy +++
    Dimensjoner (L x W x t i mm): 59/355/394
    innganger: 1 x RCA stereo, 1 x XLR stereo
    utganger: 1 x stereohøyttalere
    Strøm (8 ohm i Watts): ca. 220 Watt
    Power (4 Ohm i watt): om 295 Watt
    Samme data om IDA 16:
    Pris: 2500
    Salg: TAD-Audiovertrieb GmbH, Bad Kötzting
    Telefon: 09941 9084210
    Størrelse: (B x H x D i mm) 430/55/370
    Strøm 4 Ohm (i Watt): 335
    Strøm 8 Ohm (i Watt): 175

    Litt under spec i 8 ohm altså, men langt over 2x200 i 4 som produsenten anfører.


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    Har hatt hjemme flere klasse d forsterkere, merker ingen forksjell på kabel som følger med og 4mm2 tverssnitt til hinsides pris.
    Men de har alle vært best koblet til eget stikk i veggen og ikke dele padde med andre komponenter.


    Overivrig entusiast
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    Ser dempefaktor på Nuprime er 600 på det høyeste. Vil NuPrime Evolution kunne drive tungdrevne høytalere, som eks eldre Kef 107/2 ? Devialet har til gjengjeld mellom 8 og 10 000 i dempefaktor, og kontrollerer Kef fantastisk. Jeg vurderer NuPrime i et oppsett nr 2 og ønsker teste dem på Kef også.
    Hva er amperstyrken på NuPrime forsterkere?
    Testen i innlegg #165 tyder på at ST-10 kan drive det meste, men sikker kan man kanskje aldri være.


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    Sitter med en ganske triviell problemstilling:
    Har to par kurante høyttalere - Magnepan 1.7 og Pylon Emerald 25.
    Pr i dag bruker jeg en Coda CS forsterker, Musical Innovation MI 11 pre og en dac fra Audio gd.
    På sikt kan det bli aktuelt å gjøre oppsettet "enklere".
    Har da kikket litt på IDA 16, samt Devialet D200. Begge deler bør kunne erstatte både effekt, pre og dac.
    Men hva er "best"??
    Hadde jo vært greiest å teste ut begge kandidatene, men det er ikke alltid like enkelt.

    Dessuten; hvordan vil IDA 16 eller Devialet D200 stå seg ifht dagens tredelte løsning?
    IDA 16 fikk jo mye skryt da den kom, noe også D200 fikk...



    Lorden av Nord!
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    Nuprime er etter mitt øre ganske så bra. Hadde st10 effektamp en god stund og kunne levd med den enda.

    IDA16 er nok et kinderegg, men man måtte vistnok ikke matche den med lystklingende utstyr :)


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Nuprime er etter mitt øre ganske så bra. Hadde st10 effektamp en god stund og kunne levd med den enda.

    IDA16 er nok et kinderegg, men man måtte vistnok ikke matche den med lystklingende utstyr :)
    Takk for innspill.
    Da skal man kanskje tenke seg om en gang eller to ifht både Magnepan og Pylon.



    Lorden av Nord!
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    Ja det kan være verdt å få teste før man slår til :)


    Overivrig entusiast
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    Nuprime er etter mitt øre ganske så bra. Hadde st10 effektamp en god stund og kunne levd med den enda.

    IDA16 er nok et kinderegg, men man måtte vistnok ikke matche den med lystklingende utstyr :)
    Takk for innspill.
    Da skal man kanskje tenke seg om en gang eller to ifht både Magnepan og Pylon.

    Tror ikke den er spesielt lystklingende, kun ganske ærlig, også i diskanten. Det kan jo være en smakssak, så klart.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Nuprime er etter mitt øre ganske så bra. Hadde st10 effektamp en god stund og kunne levd med den enda.

    IDA16 er nok et kinderegg, men man måtte vistnok ikke matche den med lystklingende utstyr :)
    Takk for innspill.
    Da skal man kanskje tenke seg om en gang eller to ifht både Magnepan og Pylon.

    Tror ikke den er spesielt lystklingende, kun ganske ærlig, også i diskanten. Det kan jo være en smakssak, så klart.
    Er litt nysgjerrig på hva som vil slå best ut, dersom jeg skulle forlate effekt-pre-dac-kjeden og gå for en all-in-one-løsning.
    Aktuelle kandidater er da IDA 16 og en Devialet, minimum D200....



    Lorden av Nord!
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    De er jo 2 forsterkere som har sine ulikheter.

    Personlig hadde det nok blitt nuprime. Men devialet sin Sam frister litt til å prøve for å se om det faktisk gjør noe med høytalerne.


    Hei Roger
    Jeg ville bestemt meg først for hvilken høyttaler du skal bruke før du kjøper en ny komponent. Høyttalerne etter min mening vil avgjøre mye mer hvordan anlegget vil låte i rommet ditt enn en forsterker.
    Beklager hvis jeg er den store gledesdreperen. ;)


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Hei Roger
    Jeg ville bestemt meg først for hvilken høyttaler du skal bruke før du kjøper en ny komponent. Høyttalerne etter min mening vil avgjøre mye mer hvordan anlegget vil låte i rommet ditt enn en forsterker.
    Beklager hvis jeg er den store gledesdreperen. ;)
    Går helt fint, MP.
    Jobber med høyttalersaken. Pylon gjør seg langt fra bort, men må gjerne koble opp Maggiene igjen snart, for å kunne sammenlikne.
    Drømte forresten at du skulle dempe stueveggene med bitumenplater - all over! ;)



    Overivrig entusiast
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    Proffen, hvis du vil kan du låne min NuPrime ST-10 effektforsterker noen dager, og se om du liker "firmalyden". ST-10 gir sikkert en god pekepinn på hva du kan forvente av IDA-16, og skal ikke ha noen særlig problemer med å drive noen av høyttalerne du nevner. ST-10 er en bedre effekt enn IDA-16, mer korrekt om du vil, men noe mindre effekt pr kanal. Så spørs det hvor mye du trenger...
    Bare å sende PM, ser vi bor i Bergen begge to.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Bra forsterker men ville gått for Devialet 200 eller den fantastiske Gato dia som ingen i prisklassen kan konkurrere mot. Latterlig priset


    Lorden av Nord!
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    Proffen, hvis du vil kan du låne min NuPrime ST-10 effektforsterker noen dager, og se om du liker "firmalyden". ST-10 gir sikkert en god pekepinn på hva du kan forvente av IDA-16, og skal ikke ha noen særlig problemer med å drive noen av høyttalerne du nevner. ST-10 er en bedre effekt enn IDA-16, mer korrekt om du vil, men noe mindre effekt pr kanal. Så spørs det hvor mye du trenger...
    Bare å sende PM, ser vi bor i Bergen begge to.
    ST10 har en annen firmalyd enn IDA16. St10 vrir seg mer mot det varme og skal være litt klasse A lignende.. IDA16 er helt nøytral.

    Bra forsterker men ville gått for Devialet 200 eller den fantastiske Gato dia som ingen i prisklassen kan konkurrere mot. Latterlig priset
    Det samme ble sagt om IDA16.. vistnok ikke mye under 50 lapper som var bedre ifølge diverse magasiner om man vil tro sånt :)
    Så alle 3 er nok bra og har sine pluss og minus :)


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    Vurderer Nuprime Ida-16 til mine JBL Studio 530. Noen med synspkt. på hvorvidt dette paret kan matche hverandre?

    Proffen, hvis du vil kan du låne min NuPrime ST-10 effektforsterker noen dager, og se om du liker "firmalyden". ST-10 gir sikkert en god pekepinn på hva du kan forvente av IDA-16, og skal ikke ha noen særlig problemer med å drive noen av høyttalerne du nevner. ST-10 er en bedre effekt enn IDA-16, mer korrekt om du vil, men noe mindre effekt pr kanal. Så spørs det hvor mye du trenger...
    Bare å sende PM, ser vi bor i Bergen begge to.
    ST10 har en annen firmalyd enn IDA16. St10 vrir seg mer mot det varme og skal være litt klasse A lignende.. IDA16 er helt nøytral.

    Bra forsterker men ville gått for Devialet 200 eller den fantastiske Gato dia som ingen i prisklassen kan konkurrere mot. Latterlig priset
    Det samme ble sagt om IDA16.. vistnok ikke mye under 50 lapper som var bedre ifølge diverse magasiner om man vil tro sånt :)
    Så alle 3 er nok bra og har sine pluss og minus :)
    Sist redigert:


    Overivrig entusiast
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    Den skal ikke ha problem med å drive dem. Ser på anmeldelsene at JBLen har en liten partypukkel, regner jeg med. Hvis det er i overgangen øvre bass/mid, er det akkurat der ST-10 har en ørliten heving. Den komboen kan være for mye. Sånn sett kan IDA-16 være bedre match. Den har mer rå kraft også.


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    Min nye IDA 16 er seriøst følsomme for EM-støy. Har av nødvendighet koblet en AC-adapter i nærheten, og forsterkeren lager en lav skurrelyd som øker jo nærmere støpselet jeg dytter forsterkeren. Noen umiddelbar fiks, eller burde jeg ta fram alu-folien? ;)


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    Nuprime Ida-16 og JBL Studio-530 fungerer godt sammen: Organisatorisk, detaljert og med god lokalisering av intrumenter.
    Fremførelsen av vokal/lydbildet er noe tilbaketrukket, noe som er helt OK. På gode opptak så kan det høres/se ut som om
    lyden ikke kommer fra høyttalerkassene i det hele tatt. Lydbildet befinner seg kun i mellom enhetene. Lokaliseringen av vokal
    er dog betydelig lavthengende og lengre nede mot gulvet enn ønskelig. Her er tips om mulighet for justering kjœrkomment:)
    Høyttalerplassering er testet med 1m fra bakvegg, og helt ut til 3m ut i rommet uten vesentlig forskjell, bortsett fra at holografi
    oppfattes bedre jo lengre ut i rommet høyttalerne står. Variasjoner i breddeplassering av høyttalerne er foretrukket med ca 3m+
    avstand, og muligens ligger noe av problemet her? Uansett, med kort avstand i mellom høyttalere så har allikevel vokalisten
    funnet det behagelig og satt seg ned og muligens på baken på gulvet under opptaket av innspillingen.
    Tar mer enn gjerne imot gode råd for forbedring av ovennevnte situasjon!


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    Da kan jeg melde meg inn her, har idag gått til innkjøp av en IDA-8 til mitt anlegg nr to. Denne er kjøpt uhørt, kun basert på anmeldelser på nettet, så jeg hører veldig gjerne hva dere tenker om denne. Jeg har fra før en Nuforce DDA-100 i det samme oppsettet, og har vært mektig imponert over hva den får til størrelse&pris tatt i betrakning. Mitt inntrykk er at IDA-8 vil være noen hakk lenger opp, det er ihvertfall det jeg håper på :)
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