Ang. Conclusion 4 Bi-wiring;Her er det i hvert fall en som har prøvd å ransake litt. Jeg synes det ga en god oversikt og innsikt:De uransakelige..........
For de som ikke gidder å lese så kan man sammenfatte konklusjonene slik:
Conclusion 1: Skin effect is negligible and has no perceivable effect on audio quality.
Conclusion 2: Cable directionality - whether it is a real phenomenon or not - cannot be perceived by the human ear due to the nature of audio waves, therefore it is meaningless.
Conclusion 3: Break-in is a flawed concept as copper wire does not change its characteristic significantly under normal audiophile usage.
Conclusion 4: Bi-wiring has no benefits to audio, except to reduce impedance and power losses. The same effect can be had by choosing a thicker gauge conductor.
Conclusion 5: Capacitance and dielectrics have negligible effect on total impedance or phase shifts.
Conclusion 6: Phase shift and dispersion are real phenomena in speaker wires, but their influences are negligible as long as cable impedance is not excessive.
Conclusion 7: Use the shortest wires you can.
Conclusion 8: Use a thick enough gauge to stay below 5% impedance compared to the speaker impedance.
Conclusion 9: Use gold plated, robust spring construction banana plugs. Do not pay a fortune.
Conclusion 10: Use the rest to spend on wine.
Lurer på om de har testet ut basselementets returstrøm sin påvirkning på diskantelementet og forsterkerens evne til å håndtere nevnte returstrøm.
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