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    Back at ya..


    The pandemic will be gruesome and persistent, but the socio-economic fallout will not only outlast, but also outmatch it. [2][3][4] An exact prediction of what is going to happen is next to impossible. What can be done, though, is to think not about what is certain, but what is possible and how probable it is. Therefore, we will structure the potential consequences in four consecutive stages, beginning with the most likely but least severe. The short term social and psychological implications will not be elaborated here, for we have done so in another article already.

    Stage I: health care overdrive

    The health care system will almost definitely be overburdened in most countries, even in the most developed ones. Millions – possibly multi-digit – will die from COVID-19 directly and indirectly from other conditions that cannot be treated because of the lack of available hospital beds, equipment, pharmaceuticals and funding. [1][2][13][28]

    Stage II: economic revolution

    The short to medium term future of the global economy is looking dire, that much we have established in Part I already. Some large critical corporations might get bailed out, but the middle class will be decimated. Disrupted supply chains and failed businesses will leave us with smaller supply and variety of products and services. The worldwide lack of jobs will disrupt incomes globally while prices will rise drastically. [3][23] Like back in the Great Depression, overall living standard will decline, pushing many into poverty. [6][8] With countries and funds going bankrupt and the investments they rely on tanking, even pensions are at stake. [17][18] Governments and businesses will have to act and cooperate decisively and creatively to dodge this bullet.

    In the long run, we might see the rise, growth and demise of mighty corporations. This will depend on how important and fit they are for the future. Moreover, the lack of competition will serve as a fertile breeding ground for new ideas. We might experience a boom of individual entrepreneurship as high unemployment forces people to get creative leveraging modern tools like the internet. The situation might even serve as a catalyst for modern concepts ranging from Home Office [4] to Universal Basic Income [12], the decentralization of production as well as new monetary and economic systems. [9][23][24][25] For example, cryptocurrencies will gain wider adoption [23][29]. Even the US senate is currently discussing a digital Crypto-Dollar that might require neither any private banks nor cash [10][11] while China is rolling out their own counterpart already [30]. [3]

    Stage III: basic service collapse

    Starvation is a consequence of the pandemic in less fortunate places like India already. [5] Depending on how fast we can get the spread of the virus under control, more or less businesses will fail and supply chains will be disrupted. Currently, basic services like food or pharmaceutical provision are affected moderately [4][7], but it might get worse or expand to other sectors. [3] If enough people fall sick at once or the supply chains are disrupted for long enough, even energy or the internet might be jeopardized (an highly unlikely worst-case scenario that could send us back into the Dark Ages). While countries will be affected differently, in a globalized society any damage done to anyone is damage done to everyone.

    Stage IV: geopolitical upheaval

    The polarization of regions like the EU will strengthen under the financial and humanitarian stress imposed by the crisis, threatening their unity [26]. Unable to carry the burden alone, nations like Italy might as well see an impact on their sovereignty [4]. At the same time, organized crime is trying to take advantage [27]. Others like the USA are hit hard as well [19] and could lose international power. Furthermore, mass-demonstrations and looting are already happening and bound to intensify [14][15][27], just as international tensions. By escalating into revolution and war they could put public order in jeopardy [4]. The potential loss of public trust in governments and FIAT money could add to this threat. The same goes for the limitation of rights and freedoms that are both necessary and easier to implement because of the pandemic and the financial crisis [25][28].

    Regions already battered by war, poverty and drought will be ravaged by the virus with particular force. Mass exodus from there would destabilize the world even more and fuel nationalism and fascism (the Second World War happened in the wake of the Great Depression). Those effects would vary from country to country as well, but they are likely to affect all of us one way or the other. [3][4] Overall, significant geopolitical upheaval is to be expected.

    With crisis comes opportunity

    Societal Collapse can happen pretty abruptly, faster than most see it coming – especially after a Black Swan Event like a pandemic. [22] However, the Chinese word for Crisis (“Weiji”) is a composition of “danger” and “opportunity”. [16] We should keep in mind that this are not all certainties, but only possibilities. Nowadays, the World is smaller and more interconnected than ever. The shared affliction might as well bring us together and usher in a new, global feeling of community and extensive cooperation. [20][21]

    In any case, what we as a global community do next will decide the fate of humanity. We MUST stay calm, show solidarity and be reasonable (shout-out to thepostboxproject, a real role model!). Next to all of the suffering this is an unprecedented chance for change, too.

    This is why Part III will explain how this crisis might even save mankind.


    Hundrevis av it-eksperter fra hele verden ut mot sporingsapper som norske Smittestopp
    Eksperter går i dag ut mot smittesporingsapper av den typen som innføres i Norge. Norsk professor ønsker ikke at Smittestopp skal gi legitimitet for overvåking i totalitære regimer.


    Torsdag rullet Folkehelseinstituttet ut sin smittesporingsapp med navnet Smittestopp.

    Appen er anbefalt av statsminister Erna Solberg og norske helsemyndigheter. Målet er at appen skal kunne spore smitten slik at nærkontakter av personer med koronavirus raskt skal kunne sette seg selv i karantene og ikke bære smitten videre til andre.

    Systemet har likevel fått kritikk fra flere hold for å ha valgt en for personverninngripende løsning. Spesielt knyttes dette til at systemet samler inn bevegelsene til alle brukerne til en stor sentral database.

    Nå har eksperter innen personvern-teknologi og kryptografi fra hele verden gått sammen om et opprop mot inngripende smittesporingssystemer som rulles ut i flere land.

    Over 280 eksperter fra sentrale forskningsmiljøer innen feltet i 26 land har signert.

    – Vi er bekymret for at noen av «løsningene» for krisen kan muliggjøre et omfang av overvåking av samfunnet som man aldri før har sett, skriver de i oppropet.

    Spesielt trekkes det fram at det er store utfordringer knyttet til innsamling av posisjonene til brukerne (GPS) til store sentrale lagre. Slik FHI og Simula har valgt å gjøre for appen Smittestopp i Norge.

    NTNU-professor mener Norge kan gi legitimitet til overvåking i Kina og andre land
    Én av dem som har skrevet under oppropet er den norske professoren Kristian Gjøsteen.

    Han er kryptolog og jobber ved NTNU. Tidligere har han blant annet jobbet med tekniske løsninger for sikre og anonyme digitale valg, og han satt også i det regjeringsoppnevnte digitale sårbarhetsutvalget.

    Gjøsteen frykter at Norges valg av en inngripende løsning for digital smittesporing kan gi støtte til mer totalitære regimer som kan finne på å bruke løsninger til overvåking eller andre formål som ikke er å bekjempe korona.

    – Hvis vi får en global aksept for at slike apper er godtatt vil det bli vanskelig å forby dem igjen senere. Da kan disse landene vi ikke liker å sammenligne oss med si at «vår app er helt OK for dere brukte jo det samme under koronakrisen, og nå har vi nye problemer som er tilsvarende», sier Gjøsteen til NRK.

    Professoren forteller at Kina allerede i stor grad bygger slike løsninger også utenom krisen.

    – Hvis man gjør dette på feil måte sitter man på en fullstendig og komplett oversikt over hvor alle er til enhver tid, og hvem man treffer og er sammen med. Dette er allerede realiteten i land som Kina hvor overvåkingen er skummel, og har vært det lenge, sier Gjøsteen.

    Mener det finnes bedre løsninger
    Selv mener NTNU-professoren at det finnes løsninger utviklet av eksperter innen feltet som kunne vært brukt i stedet for de valgene FHI og Simula har tatt.

    – Det finnes bedre løsninger. Det finnes norsk teknologi som kunne gjort dette bedre, sier kryptologen.

    Han forklarer at man kunne valgt en løsning med uttrekk av bare deler av befolkningen uten et stort lager av alles data, litt som en meningsmåling, for å få data til analyser.

    – De kunne også brukt løsningene som kommer fra Apple og Google som kommer i løpet av noen uker. Jeg vil gjette på at det kommer en ny versjon av appen om noen uker som løser noe av dette. Det vil jeg også forvente, sier Gjøsteen.

    I oppropet kommer det fram at ekspertene gjerne skulle sett at smittesporingsappene som lanseres over hele verden i større grad brukte lokal lagring bare på telefonene til brukerne, og at Bluetooth ble brukt til å spore kontakter og ikke GPS.

    Ekspertene mener at sentrale baser som kan rekonstruere livet til en bruker av appen minutt for minutt bør forkastes, og at det bør være full åpenhet om alle tekniske og personvernmessige valg.

    Gjøsteen ønsker veldig gjerne at appen Smittestopp skal fungere og bidra til å stoppe eller bremse koronasmitten. Derfor vil han anbefale folk til å installere appen.

    – Det er ikke slik at alt som er gjort nå er galt, det er bare det at det kan gjøres bedre. Derfor forventer jeg at det gjøres bedre over de neste ukene, sier Gjøsteen.

    FHI: – Smittestopp er utviklet for norske forhold
    Konfrontert med kritikken og frykten for at norske løsninger kan legitimere andre lands overvåking svarer Folkehelseinstituttet dette:

    – Smittestopp er utviklet for norske forhold, og baserer seg på tilliten mellom borgere og stat i Norge. Bakgrunnen er de svært inngripende tiltakene vi har i samfunnet i dag, og appen er ett av flere tiltak som kan hjelpe oss i å håndtere krisen, sier områdedirektør Gun Peggy Knudsen til NRK.

    Hun understreker at appen har støtte i en egen forskrift og derfor er nøye regulert.

    – Det er vanskelig å si om denne appen alene er noe som vil kunne legitimere overvåking i andre land, men dette aspektet er en av grunnene til at kildekoden foreløpig ikke er åpen – nettopp for å sikre at den ikke kan bli misbrukt i land som ikke har samme demokratiske styresett som Norge, svarer Knudsen.

    Områdedirektøren i FHI sier de er positive til debatt om slike løsninger som nå utvikles. De tar til seg innspillene og forsøker selv å bidra til debatten med informasjon om hvorfor norske myndigheter har tatt de valgene som er tatt.

    – Vil dere gjøre om på den norske digitale smittesporingsløsningen i tiden som kommer?

    – Det er for tidlig å si, siden vi først denne uken starter å teste ut løsningen i tre ulike kommuner, men vi er som nevnt åpne for å gjøre endringer. Vi vil blant annet se nærmere på løsningene fra Apple og Google når de kommer, og se om det er mulig å bruke disse i kombinasjon med Smittestopp, sier Gun Peggy Knudsen


    Sannsynligvis for godt til å være sant... men det er nå lov å håpe. En spiker til i den sosialistiske kisten i så fall.

    'Kim Jong-un dead' – multiple sources claim North Korean dictator died Saturday night
    KIM JONG-UN, North Korea's Supreme Leader is dead - according to multiple sources coming out of North Korea and the Far East, though due to the hyper-secretive nature of the pariah state the exact picture remains unlcear tonight.


    Redd det bare er bs . rødt ukrutt forgår ikke så lett.... vi får se


    dukker vel opp igjen på et witness protection program eller noe ..


    Ble medlem
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    Deffe har for lengst sluttet å snakke med noen andre enn seg selv. Jeg anbefaler sosial omgang med fysiske individer som en mulig hjelp, selv om de er Askøyvøringer.


    Ble medlem
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    Sannsynligvis for godt til å være sant... men det er nå lov å håpe. En spiker til i den sosialistiske kisten i så fall.

    'Kim Jong-un dead' – multiple sources claim North Korean dictator died Saturday night
    KIM JONG-UN, North Korea's Supreme Leader is dead - according to multiple sources coming out of North Korea and the Far East, though due to the hyper-secretive nature of the pariah state the exact picture remains unlcear tonight.


    Redd det bare er bs . rødt ukrutt forgår ikke så lett.... vi får se


    dukker vel opp igjen på et witness protection program eller noe ..
    Det er noe som heter: "Bedre med den djevel vi kjenner enn den djevel vi ikke kjenner!

    Tror det kan stemme her.

    Folk som "kan" Nord Korea sier at det naturlige ( og nødvendige ) er at Kimmerns søster "Kimmeline" kommer til å ta over. De sier også at hun er en mye verre/større djevel enn sin bror.

    Jeg kjenner ikke dama, men generell kunnskap om kvinner sier meg at de ofte kan være mye mer hjerteløse enn mannfolk. Spør bare kompisene dine som er skilt!;)


    Ble medlem
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    det er mange gode grunner til å si nei til sosialister&kommunister. det gjelder bare å ha synapsene intakt.

    Vis vedlegget 580867
    Denne damen har misforstått totalt. I følge gjeldene amerikansk "tenking" er det vel slik at gratis, dvs skattefinansiert, skole og helsevesen er definisjonen på komunisme.


    «Pandemien har nå gått inn i det antropologer kaller liminalfasen, mellomstadiet der mange muligheter åpner seg. Krisen har allerede sparket i gang tiltak som vi ikke kunne forestille oss, bare for noen uker siden.

    I Portugal mottar migranter nå fulle rettigheter som borgere. I gårsdagens verden mente politikere at slik politikk var farlig.

    I Frankrike gir supermarkedkjeder sine ansatte bonuser på opp til 1000 Euro for å møte opp på jobb. I gårsdagens verden hadde ikke arbeidsgiverne penger til lønnsøkning.

    I England får de hjemløse lov til å bo på hotell, helt gratis. I gårsdagens verden ble de ansett som kriminelle.

    Og i USA krever myndighetene at private fabrikker skal produsere varer til gode for alle. I gårsdagens verden stolte de samme lederne på at det frie markedet skulle håndtere all etterspørsel.

    På lengre sikt bør pandemien også markere starten på noe enda dypere: en ny forståelse av hvem som faktisk betyr noe i arbeidsstyrken.»


    Odd J

    Hi-Fi freak
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    Spania lovet vel å innføre borgerlønn som en del av løsningen på lockdownproblemene og at dette skulle bestå også etter den verste viruskrisa er over. Det skal bli spennende å se om de gjennomfører dette og virkningene av det.

    Dr Dong

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    landskapet uten motstand
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    kampen mot arbeidere som søker å organisere seg, pågår for fullt i bananland.

    The pattern is playing out across the American business landscape.

    “This is a continuation of behavior that has become all too common, of employers being willing to use increasingly aggressive tactics to stop unionizing,” said Sharon Block, a former National Labor Relations Board member appointed by former President Barack Obama. “The pandemic has given them another tool in their toolbox.”



    Kjetil Rolness

    Y-vernerne driver sin enøyde, pompøse kulturkamp enda lenger inn i komikken: "Det er skremmende at Solberg-regjeringen gjennomfører Norgeshistoriens mest kontroversielle ødeleggelse av et kulturminne under en unntakstilstand der normale politiske sammenkomster og demonstrasjoner er forbudt." Rivingen må derfor utsettes til "koronakrisen er over og demokratiet er tilbake".

    Men Y-vernene har uansett ikke særlig tiltro til demokratiet i saker der de ikke får viljen sin: "Fra klima- og miljøfeltet vet man hvordan det kan være et problem når demokratiet tar beslutninger på vegne av fremtidige generasjoner." I tilfelle Y-en har regjeringen - ifølge vernerne - også tatt en beslutning på vegne av fortidens generasjoner, som ikke har noen stemmerett.

    Javel, men hvem andre enn de folkevalgte er det som skal bestemme? Jo, det er selvsagt "faginstanser" og selvoppnevnte demokrati-forkjempere fra et snevert sosialt sjikt av akademikere og kulturfolk. Dette er de sanne representantene for folket - i nåtid, som i fortid og framtid. Selv om de ikke engang har giddet å spørre Oslo-borgere - i en meningsmåling - hva de synes om Y-blokken, dens forhold til nabobyggene og dens bidrag til livet mellom husene.

    De har heller ikke skjenket en tanke til det faktum at antikvariske myndigheter og kulturvernfolk protesterte sterkt mot rivingen av empirekvartalet på 50- og 60-tallet, for å gi plass til regjeringsbyggene. Hadde vi lyttet til protestene den gang - eller gitt etter for sivil ulydighet - hadde ikke Y-vernerne hadde noe å redde i dag.


    Dr Dong

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    med den politikken som nå føres i bananland, så er det litt vanskelig å ikke si seg enig.

    Ironic though it may be, history shows us that economic collapses, wars, pandemics, and other national and global crises, with all their horrors, can nonetheless create conditions for transformational positive change. In the United States, a labor movement born from the solidarity forged in organizing, strikes, sit-ins, and battles of the Depression surged in members and power before, during, and after World War II.
    Workers are both terrified and angry. Actions and strikes in both unionized and non-union workplaces have begun. Disproportionately, the frontline workers are women, workers of color, and immigrants, many of whom are active in the worker and community organizations that are leading actions to win protections for these “essential workers” and their families and communities. The absurdity and contradictions of workers being told they are “essential and heroes” while their lives are needlessly endangered by employers is a powerful moral foundation that provides an engine to power a movement whose goals are not to recreate the labor movement of the past, but instead birth a labor movement committed to a radical transformation of the political economy of the country.

    (vi har tidliger vært innom hykleriet…)

    This leads us to “what is not to be done.”

    There will be no upsurge if, guided by rose-colored nostalgia, we try to recreate the labor movement of the past—before the economy was fissured, reorganized, and financialized. If we are on defense instead of offense, we will fail. If we try to re-create workplace-centered organizing and bargaining narrowly focused just on wages and benefits, without looking at the full lives and needs of workers for housing, education, racial justice, and equality, we will fail. If our goal is to limit the damage and protect only existing union members, hoping unions will grow and revive when and if the economy recovers, there will be no upsurge.

    We only have to look back to the 2008 financial collapse to see opportunities squandered. The Great Recession left unions weaker, workers worse off, and wealth and power even more concentrated in the hands of the super-rich and corporations. Instead of challenging the growing financialization of the neoliberal economy and its accompanying austerity, many in labor and the progressive political world fell into the trap of seeking a return to the pre-crisis “normal” as the best we could hope for. Instead of union growth, we saw continued decline and the rise of the right in the U.S. and around the world. The super-rich and corporations had a plan to consolidate their wealth and power—which they did—while some in labor seemed to breathe a sigh of relief that unions had at least survived in some form.

    read on…



    De progressive kulturkrigerne får mer og mer makt i bananland. Passer godt inn i tidens røde ånd der det er viktig å sensurere og blokke ikke-ønskede tanker/bøker/forelesninger/debattinnlegg etc.



    Alaskan School District Gets Rid of The Great Gatsby, 4 Other 'Controversial' Books
    The Mat-Su School Board evidently doesn't understand the purpose of a school.


    In what has to be one of the most bafflingly uneducated decisions a school district has ever made, officials representing Alaska's Matanuska-Susitna (Mat-Su) Borough School District voted 5-2 to remove five "controversial" books from the English literature curriculum.

    This would be a thorny issue even if the reading list was indeed controversial, but it is not. The books in question are Invisible Man, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Catch-22, The Things They Carried, and The Great Gatsby. If these books are "controversial," the word has no meaning. The Great Gatsby, in fact, is often considered to be the quintessential work of 20th century American literature. It's perhaps the most widely read novel for U.S. high school students.

    Try telling this to the Nurse Ratcheds over at the Mat-Su School Board. (That's a reference from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, which I can't imagine any of them have read or else they would want to ban it as well.) One member of the board, Jeff Taylor, was quoted by the local news as making the following statement at last week's board meeting: "Is there a reason that we include books that we've labeled as controversial in our curriculum? I would prefer they were gone."

    It's true that these books do contain some reference to sex and violence, some graphic language, and some discussions of mature subjects. They do that because they are educational: Young people should consume (age-appropriate) literature that actually teaches them something about the ugly, messy, complicated world. Would the school board prefer to have high schoolers still reading Dr. Seuss?

    The most revealing comment came from board member Jim Hart, who said: "If I were to read this in a professional environment at my office, I would be dragged to the equal opportunity office." One almost feels some pity for the man who uttered this absurd statement—he is so beaten down by a culture of obedience to workplace political correctness that he thinks it is his job to similarly sanitize the small corner of the world over which he exerts some small authority.

    I've never read The Things They Carried or I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but the other three were all included in my high school English curriculum. Other than 1984, there was no book more important to me becoming a libertarian than Catch-22—it poignantly and humorously skewers incompetent bureaucrats and warmongers. Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man is a more challenging read, but a vital one: For many high school students, it's probably the first book they read that discusses 20th-century racism from the perspective of a disillusioned radical leftist. Ironically, an "equal opportunity" dictate leading to the banning of an anti-racism book is exactly the kind of madness that Invisible Man is criticizing. (And Catch-22, come to think of it.)

    The only good thing about this story is that the board's decision has been met with universal scorn. According to KTUU:

    River Kelly, a high school student at Mat-Su Career and Tech, told KTUU what he was hearing from his friends. "Almost everybody I've talked to has been shocked, demanding that these bans be taken back," the sophomore said.

    Former Colony high school English teacher Peter Hopple was even more succinct saying, "I'm stunned, absolutely stunned."

    "I'm pretty familiar with all the books," said Mike Okeson, the principal at Mat-Su Career & Tech, who used to teach English. "If you ask me to articulate for you what's controversial in "The Great Gatsby," I could not do that."

    Channel 2 searched for favorable reactions to the board's decision but was unable to find any prior to publication of this story.

    Dr Dong

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    nok en gang om hykleriet og klassekrigen.

    på en og samme tid i disse «pesttider», så bedrives utstrakt røveri og virkelighetens motsetninger trer tydligere frem. det er å håpe at de nå går fra klage over polarisert debatt til kamp mot en polarisert virkelighet. og de må identifisere fienden…

    The class war against front-line workers

    We talk incessantly about our appreciation for front-line workers in retail, delivery, food-processing and other sectors who allow the rest of us to live our socially distanced lives. Then we slap them in the face.
    Item One: President Trump, who has largely declined to use his power under the Defense Production Act for needed medical and protective equipment, used that same power on Tuesday night to force meat processors to remain open.
    Never mind that food-processing and meatpacking plants are hot spots for covid-19 — at least 79 have reported outbreaks. Never mind that at least 20 workers in the industry have died from the disease or that the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) reports that at least 6,500 workers in the industry have been diagnosed or exposed.
    And never mind that shutting down plants is often the only way local officials can force safety improvements to protect the larger community from the disease’s spread.
    Item Two: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who offered the economically illiterate suggestion that letting states go bankrupt might be better than Washington giving them needed assistance, now wants to hold that help hostage. In return for aid, he wants Congress to place federal limits on lawsuits against businesses that reopen during the pandemic. During a national calamity, the McConnell Republicans choose to put a check mark on their corporate wish list by disempowering citizens confronting private-sector power.
    Okay, a lot of people think Americans are too fond of suing each other. They might argue strong unions and thoughtful, well-enforced regulation can protect workers’ rights better than lawsuits.
    Fine, except that corporate interests, with the enthusiastic support of the GOP, have crushed unions. Now, McConnell wants to keep workers out of the courtroom. Notice a pattern? First, throttle worker power on one end. Then shut it down on the other. And to imagine that this administration will issue strong pro-worker regulations is like believing that Lysol really is a miracle cure for the coronavirus.
    Items One and Two are linked. One of the few meatpacking facilities in the country where workers won some concessions on safety is a Smithfield plant in Milan, Mo. Why? Because the workers went to court. In response to a lawsuit filed by an anonymous employee of the plant and the Rural Community Workers Alliance, U.S. District Judge Greg Kays ordered the plant to follow federal safety recommendations while the case continued. Sorry, Mitch. Sometimes it takes a lawsuit to make things better.
    The problem workers face, said Debbie Berkowitz, director of the worker health and safety program at the National Employment Law Project, is that while the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has provided “guidance,” it has so far “declined to issue any requirements” for coronavirus safety at the plants. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also issued “guidance.” But Berkowitz noted that it’s “very vague” and “keeps getting vaguer.”
    “Trump has created a false choice between worker safety and feeding America,” Berkowitz, who has spent decades working on safety issues in meat processing, said in an interview. “We can do both. Other parts of the economy are doing both.”
    And it’s not just meatpacking employees who find themselves at risk. An important report in The Post by Rachel Chason, Ovetta Wiggins and John D. Harden noted exceptionally high rates of coronavirus infections in Maryland’s Prince George’s County. One of the country’s wealthiest majority-black counties, it lies just outside Washington. One key reason for the high infection rate: “many residents are front-line workers exposed daily to the virus.”
    Alan Hanson, mobilization director at UFCW Local 400, noted that many of his members face not only direct problems at work but also day-to-day challenges that confront all lower-income Americans. For example, those in the D.C. area often rely on public transit at a moment of reduced service. More crowded buses and trains defeat efforts at distancing.
    And within the food industry itself, many facilities could be kept open safely if employers were willing to make concessions to the pandemic’s threat. “Poultry plants are dangerous places to work,” he told me, “but they can be made safer by slowing line speeds to allow for better social distancing.”
    “We can choose to honor the sacrifice of essential workers by ensuring they have a living wage, paid sick leave and a safe workplace,” Hanson said, “or we can choose to give corporations who endanger their workers’ lives blanket immunity. Mitch McConnell has unapologetically chosen the latter.”
    When social solidarity is essential, it’s common to hear pious sermons against class warfare. Unfortunately, there is a class war. And its victims, so many of them front-line workers, didn’t start it.


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    det er mange gode grunner til å si nei til sosialister&kommunister. det gjelder bare å ha synapsene intakt.

    Vis vedlegget 580867
    Denne damen har misforstått totalt. I følge gjeldene amerikansk "tenking" er det vel slik at gratis, dvs skattefinansiert, skole og helsevesen er definisjonen på komunisme.
    Det fikk jeg bekreftet i et kommentarfelt på facebook senest for et par dager siden. Der ble det hevdet at de godene du nevner gjør at "alle" får tilgang til de godene og verdiene som den enkelte har jobbet for, og derfor var kommunisme og nærmest ondskap satt i system. Jeg kan forstå tankegangen hvis man er stinkende, møkkete rik og generelt en kjip faen, men det som er mildt forbløffende er at det også er mennesker som tilsynelatende kanskje ikke er på lønnstoppen i samfunnet som forsvarer slike holdninger med nebb og klør. Altså de som hadde hatt mest nytte og godt av en slik ordning som f.eks. vi har her i Norge er så innbitte motstandere av å få gratis utdanning og helsevesen.

    Dr Dong

    Ble medlem
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    jeg har av og til litt problem med marx's begrep om falsk bevissthet, men det du referer til der må jo være et skoleeksempel på fenomenet i det minste.


    det er mange gode grunner til å si nei til sosialister&kommunister. det gjelder bare å ha synapsene intakt.

    Vis vedlegget 580867
    Denne damen har misforstått totalt. I følge gjeldene amerikansk "tenking" er det vel slik at gratis, dvs skattefinansiert, skole og helsevesen er definisjonen på komunisme.
    Det fikk jeg bekreftet i et kommentarfelt på facebook senest for et par dager siden. Der ble det hevdet at de godene du nevner gjør at "alle" får tilgang til de godene og verdiene som den enkelte har jobbet for, og derfor var kommunisme og nærmest ondskap satt i system. Jeg kan forstå tankegangen hvis man er stinkende, møkkete rik og generelt en kjip faen, men det som er mildt forbløffende er at det også er mennesker som tilsynelatende kanskje ikke er på lønnstoppen i samfunnet som forsvarer slike holdninger med nebb og klør. Altså de som hadde hatt mest nytte og godt av en slik ordning som f.eks. vi har her i Norge er så innbitte motstandere av å få gratis utdanning og helsevesen.
    Jeg har postet denne tidligere men vi tåler et gjensyn. Svært viktig for å forstå konteksten i det bildet det. Det handler igjen om kulturkrig og identitetspolitikk, og har pent lite med den slitne historien om de slemme stinkende møkkete flosshattene og de edle gode rettferdige oppofrende revolusjonære.


    The Culture-War Has Begun Due To Social Distance


    For Geoff Frost, the primary sign of the coronavirus culture war came last weekend on the golf links. His club, located in an affluent suburb of Atlanta, had recently introduced a slew of latest policies to encourage social distancing. The communal water jugs were gone, the restaurant was closed, and golfers had been asked to limit themselves to at least one person per cart. Frost, a 43-year-old Democrat, told me the club’s mixture of younger liberals and older conservatives had always gotten along just fine—but the rules were proving divisive.

    At the golf range, while Frost and his like-minded friends slathered available sanitizer and kept six feet apart, the white-haired Republicans appeared to the enjoyment of breaking the new rules. They made a show of shaking hands and complained loudly about the “stupid hoax” being propagated by virus alarmists. When their tee times were up, they piled defiantly into golf carts, shoulder to shoulder, and sped off toward the primary hole.

    Frost felt conflicted. He wanted to encourage the lads, a number of whom he’d known for years, to be more careful. “I care about their well-being,” he told me. “But it’s a troublesome call, just personally, because it’s become a political thing.”

    For a quick moment earlier this month, it seemed as if social distancing could be the one new a part of American life that wasn’t polarized along party lines. Schools were closed red states and blue; people across the political spectrum retreated into their homes. Though President Donald Trump had played down the pandemic initially, he was beginning to take the threat more seriously—and his media allies followed suit. Reminders to scrub your hands and avoid crowds became commonplace on both Fox News and MSNBC. those that chose to ignore this guidance—the spring-breakers clogging beaches, the revelers on Bourbon Street—appeared to try to so for apolitical reasons. For the foremost part, it seemed, everyone was on an equivalent page.

    The consensus didn’t last long. Trump, having apparently grown impatient with all the quarantines and lockdowns, began last week to involve a fast return to business as was common . “we cannot let the cure be worse than the matter itself,” he tweeted, in characteristic caps lock. chatting with Fox News, he added that he would “love” to ascertain businesses and churches reopened by Easter. Though Trump would later walk them back, the comments depart a well-known sequence—a Democratic backlash, a pile-on within the press, and a rush in MAGA-world to defend the president. because the coronavirus now emerges as another front within the culture war, social distancing has come to be viewed in some quarters as a political act—thanks to signal which side you’re on.

    Some of the more brazen departures from public-health consensus have carried a whiff of right-wing performance art. Jerry Falwell Jr., an outspoken Trump ally and president of the evangelical Liberty University, made headlines in the week for inviting students back to campus over objections from local officials. The conservative website The Federalist published a trollish piece proposing “chicken-pox parties” as a model for strategically spreading the coronavirus. Throughout the conservative media, calls to reopen the economy—even if it means sacrificing the sick and elderly—are gaining traction.

    “I would rather die than kill the country,” Glenn Beck declared on his radio show.

    “Those folks who are 70-plus, we’ll look out of ourselves,” Texas elected official Dan Patrick said on Fox News.

    Dennis Prager, a conservative commentator, even compared outbreak-mitigation efforts to Nazi appeasement: “That attitude, that the sole value is saving a life … it results in cowardice. It has to. nobody can die? Then it’s not a war.”

    This dynamic is playing calls in small ways across the country. Bret, a sales representative from Plano, Texas, who asked that I not use his surname, proudly told me how unfazed he and his conservative neighbors were by the threat of an epidemic. In his view, the recent wave of government-mandated lockdowns was a product of panic-mongering within the mainstream media, and he welcomed Trump’s involve businesses to reopen by Easter.

    When I asked whether the virus had interfered together with his lifestyle, Bret laughed. “Oh, I’m getting to the shooting gallery tomorrow,” he replied.

    Was he worried that his friends might disapprove if they found out?
    “No,” he told me, “around here, I buy far more of individuals saying, ‘Why don’t you go Saturday so I can go, too?’”

    Terry Trahan, a manager at a cutlery store in Lubbock, Texas, acknowledged that a particular “toxic tribalism” was informing people’s attitudes toward the pandemic. “If someone’s a Democrat, they’re gonna say it’s worse,” he told me, “and if someone’s a Republican, they’re gonna say it’s bad, but it’s recuperating .”

    As an immunocompromised cancer survivor, Trahan said he’s conversant in commonsense social-distancing practices. But as a conservative, he’s become convinced that a lot of Democrats are so invested within the concept the virus is going to be disastrous that they’re pushing for prolonged, unnecessary shutdowns in pursuit of vindication.

    Among experts, there’s a firm consensus that social distancing is important to containing the spread of the virus—and they warn that politicizing the practice could have dangerous ramifications. “This may be a pandemic, and shouldn’t be played out as a skirmish on an area playground,” Dina Borzekowski, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Public Health, recently told Stat. (For the instant, at least, the scientists seem to possess brought the president around: Yesterday, Trump announced he was extending social-distancing guidance until the top of April.)

    Of course, not everyone who flouts social distancing is making a political statement. Many need to work because they can’t afford to; others are acting out of ignorance or illusion. Beyond personal behavior, there’s a legitimate debate to be had about the way to balance economic demands while combatting a worldwide pandemic.

    Still, the polarization around public health seems to be accelerating: In recent days, Republican governors in Alabama and Mississippi have resisted calls to enact more forceful mitigation policies. Polling data suggest that Republicans throughout the U.S. are much less concerned about the coronavirus than Democrats are. consistent with a recent analysis by The NY Times, Trump won 23 of the 25 states where people have reduced personal travel the smallest amount.

    Some of this is often likely shaped by the very fact that the foremost serious outbreaks thus far within the U.S. are concentrated in urban centers on the coasts (a pattern which will not hold for long). But there are real ideological forces at work also.

    Katherine Vincent-Crowson, a 35-year-old self-defense instructor from Slidell, Louisiana, has watched in horror this month as businesses round her city were forced to shut by state decree. a lover of Rand, Vincent-Crowson told me Louisiana’s shelter-in-place order was a daunting example of state overreach.

    “It feels very militaristic,” she said. “I’m a bit like, ‘What the hell, is that this 1940s Germany?’”

    But once we spoke, she seemed even more aggravated by the “self-righteous” people on social media who spend their time publicly shaming anyone who isn’t staying locked in their house. “It really jogs my memory of my kids who tattle on their siblings once they do something bad,” she said. “I’m a libertarian … I don’t adore being told what to try to to .”
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    Ble medlem
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    Jeg har sikkert misforstått, men jeg har alltid trodd at poenget med å ha en stat og et statsapparat er å sørge for de felles tingene man har behov for - altså infrastruktur (vei, vann, kloakk etc), helse, utdanning, innbyggernes sikkerhet. Hva skal være statens oppgave hvis de ikke ikke skal gjøre dette? Hvorfor har man en statsdannelse da? Det disse folkene demonstrerer for er jo at de ønsker anarki - "jeg skal ha frihet til å gjøre akkurat som jeg vil". Man snakker jo så varmt om empati og at man tar vare på hverandre (og at USA er et så varmt samfunn), men det er jo det diametralt motsatte av det de demonstrerer for.

    Jeg husker at jeg for mange år siden kom tilbake etter en tur i USA og kommenterte for en amerikaner som jeg møtte her hjemme om hvor hyggelig alle amerikanere var. De smilte og spurte hvordan det sto til etc... Han sa da følgende "Det er bare utenpå. De bryr seg over hodet ikke. De bare later som om de gjør det." Det kan jo virke som om han hadde rett.
    NB: Jeg vet at jeg skjærer alle over en kam her og at virkeligheten er mye mer komplisert, men man kan jo lure.

    Dr Dong

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    landskapet uten motstand
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    Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?
    Two things result from this fact:
    I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power.
    II. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself.


    The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a most revolutionary part.
    The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self- interest, than callous “cash payment”. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom – Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation.

    The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage labourers.
    The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation.
    The bourgeoisie has disclosed how it came to pass that the brutal display of vigour in the Middle Ages, which reactionaries so much admire, found its fitting complement in the most slothful indolence. It has been the first to show what man’s activity can bring about. It has accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals; it has conducted expeditions that put in the shade all former Exoduses of nations and crusades.
    The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.
    The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere.
    The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation of the world market given a cosmopolitan character to production and consumption in every country. To the great chagrin of Reactionists, it has drawn from under the feet of industry the national ground on which it stood. All old-established national industries have been destroyed or are daily being destroyed. They are dislodged by new industries, whose introduction becomes a life and death question for all civilised nations, by industries that no longer work up indigenous raw material, but raw material drawn from the remotest zones; industries whose products are consumed, not only at home, but in every quarter of the globe. In place of the old wants, satisfied by the production of the country, we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes. In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations. And as in material, so also in intellectual production. The intellectual creations of individual nations become common property. National one-sidedness and narrow- mindedness become more and more impossible, and from the numerous national and local literatures, there arises a world literature.
    The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all, even the most barbarian, nations into civilisation. The cheap prices of commodities are the heavy artillery with which it batters down all Chinese walls, with which it forces the barbarians’ intensely obstinate hatred of foreigners to capitulate. It compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production; it compels them to introduce what it calls civilisation into their midst, i.e., to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it creates a world after its own image.

    les hele og ha en dag til å betenke velstanden.

    la ellers askøy budstikke bedrive den blodige kamp om henne, han og hen i sin instrumentalisering av identitetspolitikken (som de intet forstår av) og knefallet for de reaksjonære stemmer.

    Opp, alle jordens bundne trelle!
    Opp I, som sulten knuget har!
    Nå drønner det av rettens velde,
    til siste kamp det gjøres klar.
    Alt det gamle vi med jorden jevner:
    Opp slaver, nå til frihet frem!
    Vi intet var, men alt vi evner,
    til rydning for vårt samfunnshjem

    I høyden vi ei frelse venter
    hos guder eller fyrsters flokk.
    Nei, selv i samling vi den henter:
    i fellesskap vi vinner nok.
    Alt det stjålne tilbake vi krever,
    og for vår ånd et frihets vern!
    Vår egen hammer selv vi hever,
    og slår, mens vi har varme jern.

    Imot oss statens lover bøyes,
    av skatter blir vi tynget ned.
    Og fri for plikt den rike føyes;
    mens ringhets rett ei finner sted.
    Lenge nok vi ligget har i støvet:
    Vi stiller likhets krav mot rov.
    Mot alle retten skal bli øvet,
    slik vil vi ha vårt samfunns lov.

    De fyrster har oss slemt bedraget,
    Fred mellom oss, foruten svik!-
    Mot tyranni vi retter slaget,
    mot krigen selv vi fører krig!
    Kast geværet, la rekkene brytes!
    Deres helter vi slett ikke er.
    Og mordbud ikke mer skal lydes,
    på brødre vi ei skyter mer.

    Arbeider, bonde, våre hære
    de største er, som stevner frem!
    Vår arvedel skal jorden være,
    vi sammen bygge vil vårt hjem.
    Som av rovdyr vårt blod er blitt suget,
    men endelig slår vi dem ned.-
    Og mørket, som så tungt oss knuget,
    gir plass for solens lys og fred

    Så samles vi på valen,
    seiren, vet vi, at vi får!
    Og Internasjonalen
    skal få sin folkevår!

    Olav Kringen (1867-1951) 1904

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    Har du intet lært, selv etter menge ukers opplæring? .. vaksiner og desinfisering.. det virker også mot andre virus. En liten dusj før sengetid og man sover bedre. Vi skulle alle ønske at corona og kommunismen var onde drømmer, men slik er det dessverre ikke. Distansering hjelper, i påvente av vaksine eller flokkimmunitet.



    I Årdal så klarte de et lite tog....Sikkert noen som ikke er enig i at vi skal tryggleik for helse og arbeid.



    Siden det er førstemai i dag synes jeg vi skal hylle bevegelsens gamle helter. En som er litt ute av syne og glemt er gamle Gussy. Han som hadde slik en lysende fremtid. En visjonær blant oss enkle jordborere. En rettferdighetens og likhetens edle ridder. En sann progressiv som før sin tid innkvoterte 40% kvinner!


    In the 1960s and 1970s, Guzmán was a professor of philosophy active in left-wing politics and strongly influenced by Marxism and Maoism. He developed an ideology of armed struggle stressing the empowerment of the indigenous people. He went underground in the mid-1970s to become the leader of the Shining Path movement, which began what it called "the armed struggle" on 17 May 1980.

    The Communist Party of Peru – Shining Path (Spanish: Partido Comunista del Perú – Sendero Luminoso), more commonly known as the Shining Path (Spanish: Sendero Luminoso), is a revolutionary communist party and political organization in Peru espousing Marxism–Leninism–Maoism and Marxism–Leninism–Maoism–Gonzalo Thought.

    When it first launched during the internal conflict in Peru in 1980, its goal was to overthrow the state by guerrilla warfare and replace it with a New Democracy. The Shining Path believed that by establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat, inducing a cultural revolution, and eventually sparking a world revolution, they could arrive at full communism. Their representatives stated that the then-existing socialist countries were revisionist, and the Shining Path was the vanguard of the world communist movement. The Shining Path's ideology and tactics have influenced other Maoist insurgent groups such as the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) and other Revolutionary Internationalist Movement-affiliated organizations. The Peruvian guerrillas were peculiar in that they had a high proportion of women. At Shining Path, 50 per cent of the combatants and 40 per cent of the commanders were women.

    The Shining Path has been widely condemned for its brutality, including violence deployed against peasants, trade union organizers, elected officials and the general public. The Shining Path is regarded as a terrorist organization by Peru, Japan, the United States, the European Union, and Canada, which consequently prohibit funding and other financial support for the group. Since the capture of its leader Abimael Guzmán in 1992, the Shining Path has declined in activity.


    Hilst på denne også... trær er jo mitt fagfelt tross alt.

    A Chankiri Tree or Killing Tree is a tree in the Cambodian Killing Fields against which children and infants were smashed because their parents were accused of crimes against the Khmer Rouge. It was so the children "wouldn't grow up and take revenge for their parents' deaths".[1] Some of the soldiers laughed as they beat the children against the trees, as not laughing could have indicated sympathy, making oneself a target

    Da jeg besøkte stedet tok jeg med hjem en souvenir. To frøkapsler fra det treet. De blir en del av en talisman jeg planlegger.

    Jeg er ikke skyldfri jeg heller. Da Bin Laden ble raidet så tenkte jeg også .. ta nå med ormeyngelet når man først er i gang... så dette er en besnærende ideologi.

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