Godt nytt om vaksinen leverer. Skal bli en utfordring å få den distribuert uten uro, men om den fungerer som indikert vil den vel også kunne bli lisensprodusert utenfor Pfizer.
Den trengs. I Stockholm har immuniteten gått over.
Litt om vaksinen:
Some items - 90% protective means that it prevents COVID cases from developing into moderate or severe conditions. Even those “protected” might still get COVID and be contagious, although of course that data isn’t available yet.
This is one of the mRNA vaccines. As the article notes, these have some pretty hefty storage and transport issues. That said, production scale-up for this type of vaccine is something that can be fixed by throwing money at it. It should be a lot easier to mass produce these than conventional vaccines.
That said, mRNA vaccines are not conventional vaccines. If approved, I believe this will be the first approved mRNA vaccine of any type. So there’s some additional uncertainty associated with it, although the current consensus is that there is no reason to believe that there will be problems with them.
What I would be looking out for - does the vaccine reduce viral shedding in infected people, and how well does the vaccine work in older populations. IMO, those are the current biggest questions about it.
Den trengs. I Stockholm har immuniteten gått over.
Nakstad om smitteutviklingen i Stockholm: – Det er skremmende
Hver femte coronatest i Stockholm regionen er positiv. Det tyder på en omfattende smittespredning i samfunnet, ifølge assisterende helsedirektør Espen Rostrup Nakstad.
Litt om vaksinen:
Some items - 90% protective means that it prevents COVID cases from developing into moderate or severe conditions. Even those “protected” might still get COVID and be contagious, although of course that data isn’t available yet.
This is one of the mRNA vaccines. As the article notes, these have some pretty hefty storage and transport issues. That said, production scale-up for this type of vaccine is something that can be fixed by throwing money at it. It should be a lot easier to mass produce these than conventional vaccines.
That said, mRNA vaccines are not conventional vaccines. If approved, I believe this will be the first approved mRNA vaccine of any type. So there’s some additional uncertainty associated with it, although the current consensus is that there is no reason to believe that there will be problems with them.
What I would be looking out for - does the vaccine reduce viral shedding in infected people, and how well does the vaccine work in older populations. IMO, those are the current biggest questions about it.