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Hmm seems that some guy has measured the AC purifier here: Nice find. Still reading but this part is not good for ifi:
Her viser denne amir igjen at dette er ett område han ikke behersker.
Aktiv filtrering skal injisere støy,I MOTFASE til støykomponent(er) = kansellering.
Som vanlig "stjeler" audio bransjen fra de seriøse og sper på med egne forklaringer og at løsningen er "deres".
Har sett aktiv filtrering hos andre audio relatert filtre tidligere, husker ikke hvilket,
men ut i fra innmat så det bedre, mer seriøst ut enn IFi.
Electrical power equipment maintenance and testing
Some problems associated with passive filters are that:
Their effectiveness diminishes over time as their capacitors age, losing µF and thus raising their notch frequency.
They attract harmonic currents from all sources in the network--new, known, and unknown, so that they may become overloaded.
Active filters. This is a new and promising technology, but there are as yet few distribution feeder installations. Active filters are power electronic converters that inject equal-but-opposite distortion to yield more sinusoidal voltage waveforms throughout a network.
Active filters have the advantages of Time-domain operation so that they automatically tune to the problem harmonic or harmonics Current-limiting capability to prevent overload by new or unknown sources of harmonics on the network Multipoint voltage monitoring so that they can simultaneously minimize distortion at local and remote busses The performance of mitigation equipment must be verified by extensive monitoring, both before and after commissioning. At least 2 days of recordings before commissioning, and one week after, should be made to assure that the mitigation equipment is performing as planned. One week of measurements is needed so that the entire weekly load cycle can be observed.
Monitoring should include time traces of voltage and current THD, spectra, sample waveforms, power, and harmonic power.