Ja, det er snodig hvor vanskelig det er å ha to tanker i hodet på samme tid. For å berolige enkelte her; jeg klippet dette fra en annen diskusjon et annet sted, og for å berolige Larsson, selv om jeg ikke er enig i alt i dette innlegget og at det definitivt er nyanser her som forfatteren ikke fanger opp, så mener jeg det er betydelige mengder sannhet i det:
"The US has murdered more innocent people than any other single nation state in the post-war era.* It then blatantly lies about it. All the time. Every war. Even when there is not a war. The most perverse of those lies are the legalistic lies.
Take Raqqa. The US and its allies destroyed it. But Americans created grotesque legal fictions for support, so that American leaders may say that strict legal protocols were followed. Then we can say look how bad other countries behave. Like Russia. Russia destroyed Aleppo illegally. Therefore, Russia bad, America good.
Then there are the now
decades of drone strikes, carried out under purportedly rigorous legal protocols. At one point, the process involved the sitting US President making final decisions on targets personally. To hide civilians inconveniently killed during these strikes, the US created fictitious labels like “enemy combatants” that have been assiduously and readily adopted by every administration since the terms were established.
Then there is the case of Libya, where the US President brazenly violated the War Powers Resolution and aided in the “allied” effort to literally destroy a country – which also resulted in its leader being murdered in the street. At least the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq enjoyed Congressional blessing in the form of AUMFs. The hundreds of thousands of dead civilians and their families probably don’t really care much about American legal niceties.
And there is of course Vietnam, and various clandestine efforts all over the world. Every US administration in the post-war era has committed war crimes and violated international law; every US President after FDR could have or should stand trial under international law, if those laws were to be applied equally and effectively. No US President will have to face such an indignity, though"
Kan vi så gå over til å forholde oss til krigen i Ukraina og alt Russland driver med i den sammenheng? Og kan noen vennligst forstå at Norges egen sikkerhetssituasjon må sees i sammenheng med hvem vi allierer oss med?