Politikk, religion og samfunn Russland - En tikkende bombe eller bare fjas?

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  • BurntIsland

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    USA hinter om at Ukraina må gi fra seg Krim?

    Sannsynligheten er ikke stor for at Ukraina kan klare å presse Russland helt ut av okkupert territorium, inkludert Krymhalvøya, mener USAs forsvarssjef

    i Ukraina er de ikke fornøyd med Mark Milleys uttalelser, ihvertfall ikke Mykola Bielieskov..

    lengre ned i tråden hevdes det at "Gen.Milley has been known for extreme ambitions and poor judgement."


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    Best når det brenner (aftenposten.no)

    Men ikke alt har gått knirkefritt. Allerede i mars kunne Filter Nyheter melde om krangel internt i regjeringen fordi Ukrainas ønsker om hjelp ikke ble besvart raskt nok. Senere er det særlig ett tema som skiller seg ut. Ukraina har bedt om hjelp til behandling av sårede ukrainske soldater. En del er blitt evakuert hit. Men i lange perioder har slike transporter stoppet helt opp. Av nesten helt absurde årsaker.


    Sa ja. Så sa det stopp.
    Først sa regjeringen ja til å hente sårede ukrainske soldater.

    Men så kom den på at dette reiste «prinsipielle, praktiske og juridiske problemstillinger». Departementene lurte på hva slags formell oppholdstillatelse som skulle gis, hvorvidt kostnadene kunne klassifiseres som «bistand» i statistikken og mer til. Norge har tradisjonelt vært skeptiske til flyktninger med militær bakgrunn. PST ble derfor koblet inn for å kunne søke i sine registre om de aktuelle soldatene kunne utgjøre noen sikkerhetsrisiko.

    Alt dette brukte regjeringen over én måned på å grunne over. Fra 29. april til 31. mai ble ikke en eneste såret soldat hentet i Norge.

    Bedre gikk det i juni. Men i juli var det stopp igjen. Ukraina ba nemlig om en forsikring om at de sårede soldatenes behandling skulle være gratis.

    Da gikk alarmklokkene igjen. Evakueringene stoppet opp.

    To og en halv måned brukte norske myndigheter på å besvare spørsmålet. Det hele kokte ned til et spørsmål om egenandeler hos fastlegen eller fysioterapi.

    Kunne virkelig Norge garantere at soldatene ikke skulle belastes med de 160 kronene en slik konsultasjon koster? Hvordan skulle dette eventuelt løses? Var det behov for en særordning?

    Evakuere først, egenandeler senere
    Fra et byråkratisk ståsted er dette utvilsomt spørsmål som må løses. Men behovet for medisinsk hjelp i en krig er helt klart en hastesak. Et godt fungerende embetsverk må også ha evne til å prioritere det viktigste først.

    En tommelfingerregel i krig kan være å evakuere først, og løse problemet med kommunale egenandeler senere.

    Det er snakk om et meget begrenset antall kroner. Norge har et egenandelstak på 3000 kroner. Antallet soldater som så langt har kommet, er godt under 100.

    At denne usikkerheten skal kunne stoppe opp norsk hjelpeinnsats i to og en halv måned, er nesten ikke til å tro.

    Manglende kriseforståelse
    Men slik går det når kriseforståelsen mangler. Helseminister Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) har erkjent at det gikk for tregt. Det sto ikke på politisk vilje. Regjeringen hadde allerede bestemt seg for å hjelpe med dette. Men klarte det altså ikke.

    Både juli, august og halve september gikk forbi uten at Norge ville evakuere en eneste soldat. Hvor mange soldater det totalt gjelder, er unntatt offentlighet. Heldigvis for dem var andre land langt raskere med responsen. Soldatene fikk hjelp.

    For vel er Norge et av verdens aller best fungerende byråkratier. Men det er ikke særlig godt trent i krig. Det er klart at man på ett eller annet tidspunkt bør finne ut om både hvilken oppholdsstatus og hva slags egenandeler de skal betale. Men når huset brenner, prioriterer man å slukke brannen heller enn å kontrollere brannapparatet.


    Det skal sies at Norge har gjort en stor og vellykket innsats på mange felt også. Våpenhjelpen har for eksempel vært effektivt behandlet. Det ombygde SAS-flyet Grimhild Viking flyr to ganger i uken fra Rzeszow i Polen til ulike land for å evakuere skadede ukrainere.

    Noe av hjelpen har gått raskt. Noe burde ha gått fortere. Men lite er så pinlig som historien om de skadede ukrainske soldatene.


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    Jeg synes det alltid er interessant når folk på norske diskusjonsfora er helt på linje med den russiske narrativ.

    Peskov roser USA for «restraint» og for å være «professional». Som om «konflikten» bør overlates til voksne. Man kjenner igjen retorikken.

    «When cooler heads prevail», kommenterte @Hardingfele om samme sak, på engelsk, uten å gidde å oversette til norsk.


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    Av og til kan det se ut som om svart-hvitt ikke helt forstår situasjon eller forklaring, men dersom det sammenfaller med russisk opplevelse eller ordlyd, så er det feil oppfatning pr. default.

    Voksne tenker ofte konsekvens før handling, fremfor det motsatte.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Av og til kan det se ut som om svart-hvitt ikke helt forstår situasjon eller forklaring, men dersom det sammenfaller med russisk opplevelse eller ordlyd, så er det feil oppfatning pr. default.

    Voksne tenker ofte konsekvens før handling, fremfor det motsatte.
    Interessant at du føler behov for å forsvare @Hardingfele sin fremstilling av Zelensky som en hothead.


    Slava Ukraini!
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    Av og til kan det se ut som om svart-hvitt ikke helt forstår situasjon eller forklaring

    Det virker for min del som om s-h enten misforstår med vilje, uvisst av hvilken grunn, eller som om han kun innehar to modi: av og "full knee-jerk" (fant ingen god norsk formulering i farten).


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Det virker for min del som om s-h enten misforstår med vilje, uvisst av hvilken grunn, eller som om han kun innehar to modi: av og "full knee-jerk" (fant ingen god norsk formulering i farten).
    Det er åpenbart at rakettene i Polen for tiden er russiske trolls beste kort. Hendelsen brukes over en lav sko for å nedvurdere Ukraina og fremstille Zelensky som en klovn.

    Når man bruker samme retorikk på HFS som Russland og deres trollfabrikker, så får man tåle steken.

    E. Largo

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    Det er åpenbart at rakettene i Polen for tiden er russiske trolls beste kort. Hendelsen brukes over en lav sko for å nedvurdere Ukraina og fremstille Zelensky som en klovn.

    Når man bruker samme retorikk på HFS som Russland og deres trollfabrikker, så får man tåle steken.


    Slava Ukraini!
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    Om det bare hadde vært en reell stek der så, og ikke bare et figment av din egen fantasi.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Om det bare hadde vært en reell stek der så, og ikke bare et figment av din egen fantasi.
    Hvorfor tror du @Hardingfele skrev «When cooler heads prevail»?

    Hvem tror du liker denne kommentaren mest; russerne eller ukrainerne?

    Jeg forsøker å veien mine ord slik at de tjener ukrainerne og Vesten for øvrig, ikke Russland. Hva tenker du om det?


    Ble medlem
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    Interessant at du føler behov for å forsvare @Hardingfele sin fremstilling av Zelensky som en hothead.
    :D du er meg en fin plante.
    Begrepet Hothead om Zelensky er jo utelukkende ditt (ref. #29994), og ikke Hardingfele sitt.
    Alt fela sa, var at han var glad det ikke var de med kortest lunte som bestemte responsen her. Han nevnte slett ikke noen president i den sammenhengen, det var kun din tolkning av det. Og den tolkningen var dessuten feil.
    Så jeg tror ikke du kan utlede mitt forrige innlegg på den måten, for å si det svært forsiktig.


    Slava Ukraini!
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    ^Det han sa.

    Vekten du veier dine ord på har nok forlengst gått tom for batteri eller behøver en skikkelig service.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    :D du er meg en fin plante.
    Begrepet Hothead om Zelensky er jo utelukkende ditt (ref. #29994), og ikke Hardingfele sitt.
    Alt fela sa, var at han var glad det ikke var de med kortest lunte som bestemte responsen her. Han nevnte slett ikke noen president i den sammenhengen, det var kun din tolkning av det. Og den tolkningen var dessuten feil.
    Så jeg tror ikke du kan utlede mitt forrige innlegg på den måten, for å si det svært forsiktig.
    @Hardingfele skrev «When cooler heads prevail».

    Hvordan fremstiller det Ukraina og Zelensky?


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Det var ikke myntet på Ukraina / Zelensky overhodet, så det fremstiller ingenting av det du insinuerer. Fremstillingen din er derimot ganske langt ute nå, er jeg redd.
    Det er tre ting her:

    (1) Kommentaren fra @Hardingfele om «cooler heads» kom etter et stort bilde med Zelensky. Se utklippet nedenfor. At kommentaren ikke var «myntet på Ukraina / Zelensky overhodet», er derfor feil.
    (2) Jeg spurte så, for flere dager siden, @Hardingfele om han virkelig mente at Zelensky er en hothead, som er motsatsen av «cooler heads», men han svarte ikke.
    (3) Hvordan kan du vite så mye om hva @Hardingfele egentlig mente og hvorfor forsvarer du hans kommentar som er på linje med den russiske narrativ?

    Det var en stund enkelte med åpenbare pro-russiske standpunkter på HFS. Disse er nesten borte. Men når Ukraina opplever et stort PR-messig tilbakeslag som unyttes av russiske trollfabrikker, kryper likevel kommentarer frem som tjener russerne mer enn ukrainerne.


    Harry Stoteles

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    Jeg vil si det er betydelig flere enn tre ting her, og i alle fall flere enn to mulige konklusjoner.


    :D du er meg en fin plante.
    Begrepet Hothead om Zelensky er jo utelukkende ditt (ref. #29994), og ikke Hardingfele sitt.
    Alt fela sa, var at han var glad det ikke var de med kortest lunte som bestemte responsen her. Han nevnte slett ikke noen president i den sammenhengen, det var kun din tolkning av det. Og den tolkningen var dessuten feil.
    Så jeg tror ikke du kan utlede mitt forrige innlegg på den måten, for å si det svært forsiktig.
    Dette kan jeg oppklare. Jeg tenkte på kommentatorer i ulike nettråder, som straks ville ha no-fly soner, bombe Svartehavsflåten, osv.

    S-H "følger" jeg ikke, for å si det slik. Livet er for kort og forstanden må bevares. Men jeg ser ditt sitat.

    Hva gjelder missilets opprinnelse, er det lite som flyr et lite stykke over bakkehøyde i Ukraina som ikke registreres av radarsystemer. Polen har en strålende lekker radar stående ikke langt fra både bane og nedslagsfelt for missilet, og NATO har nok sett på hva radaren oppdaget.


    Ble medlem
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    Dette kan jeg oppklare. Jeg tenkte på kommentatorer i ulike nettråder, som straks ville ha no-fly soner, bombe Svartehavsflåten, osv.

    S-H "følger" jeg ikke, for å si det slik. Livet er for kort og forstanden må bevares. Men jeg ser ditt sitat.

    Hva gjelder missilets opprinnelse, er det lite som flyr et lite stykke over bakkehøyde i Ukraina som ikke registreres av radarsystemer. Polen har en strålende lekker radar stående ikke langt fra både bane og nedslagsfelt for missilet, og NATO har nok sett på hva radaren oppdaget.
    Jeg tolket det eksakt slik du beskriver det, derfor var jeg temmelig sikker på at svart-hvitt hadde mistolket det hele, og argumenterte ut fra en misforståelse han selv hadde skapt.

    Dr Dong

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    det intellektuelle fyrtårnet for den realistiske skole i utenrikspolitisk teori, vår kjære mearsheimer, spydspissen for de som både fornektet suverenitetsprisippet for stater, og hadde nada forståelse for at et menneske har interesser som går ut over å bli sett på som en bonde i et spill, har innlatt seg på et intervju. ja, han hadde visst sågar begått en «tjenestereise» til drittsekken og putintilhengeren i ungarn, men ville ikke snakke om det.

    et lite tillegg: denne måten å tenke på – den realistiske skole – ble sågar omfavnet av deler av den tradisjonelle venstresiden. forbausende er dette på bakgrunn av at mye av det som ble bedrevet som venstretenking på 60-tallet, jo var at en begynte å ta inn over seg et begrep om ansvar, som jo aldri hadde vært et begrep som en brydde seg om, den gang deler av venstresiden uten særlig sjokkskade, både holdt kjeft overfor stalin og senere mao sine eksesser hva angår å instrumentalisere individer helt inn i utslettelsen. det var alltid de andre! eller et høyverdig mål i deres fantasi. hvilket skulle tilsi at både stalin og mao ikke hadde noe usnakket med den realistiske skole …
    Sist redigert:

    Dr Dong

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    John Mearsheimer on Putin’s Ambitions After Nine Months of War
    The realist political scientist explains why Russia’s move to annex four Ukrainian provinces isn’t imperialism.

    By Isaac Chotiner
    November 17, 2022

    Back in February, a few days after Russia launched its war in Ukraine, I spoke with the political scientist John Mearsheimer. A longtime observer of U.S. foreign policy—on which he has tended to cast a skeptical eye—Mearsheimer largely blamed Putin’s invasion on the West, arguing that, by expanding NATO, the West had cornered Russia, and made a conflict with Ukraine much more likely. Mearsheimer, a dedicated realist, had been making a version of this argument for some time. In 2014, when Putin annexed Crimea and offered support to separatists in Eastern Ukraine, Mearsheimer said that it was predominantly the fault of Europe and the United States. This June, a couple of months after our first conversation, against the backdrop of a war that was dragging on with increasing brutality, Mearsheimer said in a speech, “The United States is principally responsible for causing the Ukraine crisis.”
    Recently, Mearsheimer and I spoke by phone again. He had just returned from a trip to Hungary, where he met with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, an ally of Putin. (Mearsheimer is the author of multiple books, perhaps most famously “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” which he co-wrote with Stephen Walt.) During our conversation, which has been edited for length and clarity, we discussed why he thinks Putin told the truth about his motives for invading Ukraine, why he doesn’t believe Putin is trying to recreate the Russian imperial era, and why he doesn’t want to discuss his meeting with Orbán.
    How was the Hungary trip?
    It was actually fascinating. I learned a great deal. I was there for five days, Monday to Friday. I had a three-hour meeting with Viktor Orbán.
    I’ve heard of him.
    Yeah. And I had a one-hour meeting with the President of Hungary.

    Let’s just start with other stuff, and then I can ask you about that. Since the last time we talked, what in your view has changed or stayed the same about the way you see the war in Ukraine?
    It has become clear that the Russians are having difficulties defeating the Ukrainians, in ways that most people didn’t anticipate back when we first talked. What also changed is that the war has escalated and the Russians are behaving more ruthlessly towards the Ukrainians than they were initially. That the Russians are now tearing apart the electric grid, which is causing immense human suffering and doing grave economic damage to Ukraine, is evidence of this.
    Why do you think the Russians are being so brutal?
    I think the Russians want to win the war, and to win the war you invariably look for ways to escalate, to gain advantage over the other side.
    What do you think a Russian victory looks like to the Russians at this point?
    I think their goal is to conquer and control those four oblasts that they have annexed, and to make sure that the Ukrainian rump state that is left is neutral and is not associated with NATO in any formal or informal way.
    When we last talked, you told me, “My argument is that [Putin is] not going to re-create the Soviet Union or try to build a greater Russia, that he’s not interested in conquering and integrating Ukraine into Russia. It’s very important to understand that we invented this story that Putin is highly aggressive and he’s principally responsible for this crisis in Ukraine.” How do you think that argument holds up?
    I think it’s still true. What we were talking about back in February was whether or not he was interested in conquering all of Ukraine, occupying it, and then integrating into a greater Russia. And I do not think he’s interested in doing that now. What he is interested in doing now that he was not interested in doing when we talked is integrating those four oblasts in the eastern part of Ukraine into Russia. I think there’s no question that his goals have escalated since the war started on February 24th, but not to the point where he’s interested in conquering all of Ukraine. But he is interested for sure in conquering a part of Ukraine and incorporating that part into Russia.

    Given that he is interested in integrating into Russia the parts of Ukraine that he’s conquered successfully, does that suggest that if the war had gone better for him and he’d been able to conquer more of Ukraine that he would’ve been interested in integrating those parts too?

    It’s possible. It’s hard to say. I think he probably would’ve gone to Odesa and incorporated all of Ukraine that runs along the Black Sea up to Odesa into Russia. Whether he would’ve gone beyond that, it’s hard to say.

    There was a recent article in the Times about the liberation of Kherson. In occupied Kherson, students were forced to sing the Russian national anthem. Bills had to be paid in rubles. You could be arrested for speaking Ukrainian. Students were even told that they were Russian, not Ukrainian. It seems that he is very interested in incorporating these areas.

    I think that’s true. He said that Kherson is one of the four oblasts that is now part of Russia. The Russians, in fact, have annexed it. They don’t control all of it. They certainly don’t control the city of Kherson today, but they have said that they’re going to come back and take it.

    You also said to me, back in February, “The argument that the foreign-policy establishment in the United States, and in the West more generally, has invented revolves around the claim that [Putin] is interested in creating a greater Russia.” Do you think that that’s something he’s more interested in now?

    No, I’ve thought from the beginning that this conflict is all about balance-of-power politics. The conventional wisdom in the United States is that it’s not about balance-of-power politics, and, in fact, Putin is an imperialist who is interested in conquering Ukraine for the purpose of making it part of a greater Russia. I don’t think that is the case. I don’t think he had or has imperial ambitions. What motivates him is fear of Ukraine becoming a part of NATO.

    Do you think there’s a reason Putin himself has been talking about this in terms of imperial ambitions? He talked about Peter the Great. “What was [Peter] doing?” Putin asked. “Taking back and reinforcing. That’s what he did.” He then said, “And it looks like it fell on us to take back and reinforce as well,” in terms of returning land to Russia. How do you view those comments?

    He did not make any comments of those sorts before February 24th. And the only such comment he has made since February 24th is the Peter the Great comment. I don’t think that’s indicative that he is interested in conquering all of Ukraine and making it part of the greater Russia. He has never said that. What he’s interested in doing is conquering those four oblasts in the eastern part of Ukraine. And he was not interested in conquering those four oblasts before the war started. It was only after the war started.

    We know that?


    Oh, O.K.

    There’s no evidence that he was interested in conquering those four oblasts. The war started on February 24th. On February 21st, he gave a famous speech—this is three days before the war started—where he recognized the two oblasts in the Donbas. This is Donetsk and Lugansk. He recognized them as independent republics. So he was not interested in conquering that territory.

    He was forced into invading them?

    Well, I think that what happened was, on February 24th, they invaded Ukraine. And what invariably happens when a war starts is that not only do goals escalate but the means of waging the war escalate. In terms of the goals escalating, what happened here was he decided at some point that these four oblasts would become part of Russia.

    There was an argument about what Putin’s aims were, whether they were primarily imperialabout taking more land and integrating it into Russiaor whether they were about NATO expansion. And then the war starts, and, at least in the areas that he’s conquered, he seems to be pursuing the former goal. It feels a little unprovable to say, well, he’s only doing that now, not because the people saying so initially were right.

    Well, first of all, there’s no evidence that he had imperial ambitions before the war. He would have had to say that it was desirable. There would have to be evidence that he had said that it was desirable to conquer Ukraine and incorporate it into Russia. There would have to be evidence that he had said it was feasible. And there would have to be evidence that he had said that that was what he was doing. And there is no evidence to support any of those.

    Why would him saying one thing or the other before the war count as evidence necessarily?
    Russia meddled in the 2016 Presidential election, but Putin says they didn’t. So what does that prove or not?
    All we can do is base our judgment on what his intentions were on the available evidence.
    So, not on what happened but what he said before the war?
    Yes. It may be that thirty years from now we unlock the archives and discover that there is massive evidence that he was an imperialist at heart. That is possible, but we do not have any evidence of that sort at this point in time. We have a huge amount of evidence that it was NATO expansion and the more general policy of making Ukraine a western bulwark on Russia’s border that motivated him to attack on February 24th.
    He has said that Russians and Ukrainians are one people. He said that before the war.
    He said that in a famous article that he wrote on July 12, 2021. But in that same article, he made it very clear that he recognized Ukrainian nationalism, that he recognized that Ukraine was a sovereign state. There is no evidence in there that he was bent on conquering Ukraine and incorporating it into a greater Russia.

    Before he violated Ukrainian sovereignty, he respected Ukrainian sovereignty, because he said he did?
    I’m just telling you what he said in the July 12, 2021, article that he wrote, the famous article.
    I just meant that if he’s saying that he respects Ukrainian sovereignty and then he invades Ukraine, it makes me wonder if we should believe him when he says he respects its sovereignty. I don’t know.
    I have another point to make that’s really important. What we’ve been talking about are Russian intentions, and in particular, Putin’s intentions. What did he intend to do? We also have to look at capabilities. The Russians did not have the military capability to conquer all of Ukraine. At most, a hundred and ninety thousand Russian troops went into Ukraine. There is no way a hundred and ninety thousand Russian troops could come close to conquering and occupying all of Ukraine.
    You could say that Donald Rumsfeld wanted to invade Iraq in 2003 with a force that wasn’t big enough to control Iraq. But that doesn’t mean that Donald Rumsfeld wasn’t leading a military that wanted to take Iraq from Saddam Hussein and subdue it, right? Just because he turned out to be wrong doesn’t necessarily say anything about his intentions, right?
    The United States was not interested in conquering, occupying, and integrating Iraq into a greater United States.
    I wasn’t making that point. I was just saying that you can’t necessarily tell intent by erroneous military strategy. That’s all.
    I think you can look at the capabilities of a particular state, the military capabilities of a particular state, and that tells you a lot about what they can and cannot do. And I do not think that a Russian army of approximately a hundred and ninety thousand soldiers is capable of conquering all of Ukraine. If you look at the operation itself on February 24th, they made no attempt to conquer all of Ukraine. Nothing close to that, because they didn’t have the capability.

    So, it was to take the capital, but not the whole country?
    Absolutely. I mean, there’s no question that he went after Kyiv. It doesn’t look like he was interested in conquering Kyiv. It looks like he was interested in threatening Kyiv for the purpose of coercing the government to change its policy on membership in NATO.
    You gave a speech about all this and said, “One might argue that Putin was lying about his motives, that he was attempting to disguise his imperial ambitions. As it turns out, I have written a book about lying in international politics—‘Why Leaders Lie: The Truth about Lying in International Politics’—and it is clear to me that Putin was not lying.” What is it about your study of leaders and lying that makes you think Putin was not lying?
    Well, first of all, leaders don’t lie to each other very often. One of the central findings in my book is that leaders lie more often to their domestic audiences than they do to international audiences, or to other foreign leaders. And the idea that Putin would have devised this massive deception campaign where he consistently lied about what the reason was for going to war would’ve been unprecedented in history. There’s just simply no other case that even comes close to any leader lying time after time for purposes of fooling the other side.
    Would Munich be an example of a leader lying?
    Munich was a single case. I mean, there’s no question that Hitler lied at Munich, and one can point to one or two other instances where Hitler lied.

    Maybe more than one or two.
    For Putin to have said time after time that NATO, that Ukraine in NATO, was an existential threat to Russia, when in fact it wasn’t, and this was all done to disguise the real motive, which was to incorporate Ukraine into a greater Russia for the purposes of satisfying his imperial ambitions is an argument that is just not supported by the historical record. Putin was very clear, as were all his lieutenants, that their great fear was that Ukraine was becoming a Western bulwark on Russia’s borders. For them, that was an existential threat. It was simply unacceptable.

    What about something like election interference, where Putin apparently told both Obama and Trump that he did not interfere in the election? How would we understand that?
    Well, I don’t know whether the Russians interfered in the election in a serious way.
    We don’t know that?
    This is a highly disputed issue.
    I didn’t realize it was highly disputed still. That’s why I was asking.
    Well, there’s the whole question of whether the Russians broke into the D.N.C. computers and gave that information to Julian Assange.
    Who broke into the D.N.C.? I haven’t been following the latest on who it was.
    Look, I don’t know about this issue. I mean, you wanted to talk about Ukraine. You know what I mean? I would appreciate if you’d not use any of this discussion about the D.N.C. and so forth and so on. I mean, this is not my area of expertise.

    So let’s turn to your trip to Hungary, which you mentioned at the beginning. You said you were there for five days.
    I didn’t think we were going to talk about Hungary. I thought we were going to talk Ukraine and nuclear—
    I’ll ask you about nuclear weapons. How concerned are you about the risk of a nuclear war, and what do you think the United States should be doing to make sure that we don’t escalate into one?
    Well, I’m very concerned about the possibility of a nuclear war. It’s impossible to say how likely it is that nuclear weapons will be used in this conflict, but there is a non-trivial chance. And of course the Biden Administration, to its credit, recognizes this and it has gone to great lengths to pursue policies that don’t put the Russians in a position where they might think about using nuclear weapons. And that’s all for the good.
    And why, strategically, would they use nuclear weapons?
    I think that, if they feel that their survival is at risk, they will at least countenance using nuclear weapons—and might very well use them. I can think of two scenarios where that’s possible. One is where they’re facing defeat at the hands of the Ukrainian Army inside of Ukraine. The other scenario is if the United States comes in. If you’re losing a war and losing is viewed as a threat to your survival, you are likely to think about using nuclear weapons, and maybe even use them.
    Right, although nuclear weapons have never been used by a power who was about to lose a war. They have only been used once in wartime, and it was by America, which was winning.
    The reason the United States used those nuclear weapons was that it was desperate to avoid having to invade the Japanese home islands. If you fast forward to the Ukraine situation, assuming that the Ukrainians are rolling up the Russian forces inside Ukraine and they’re pushing the Russian forces out of Ukraine, it’s easy to imagine the Russians using nuclear weapons in Ukraine because they would not have to fear nuclear retaliation. Ukraine has no nuclear weapon, and the United States is certainly not going to use nuclear weapons if the Russians only use them in Ukraine.

    I am curious about your meeting with Orbán, because it seems like he is maybe trying to play somewhat of a mediating role. What can you tell me about your trip? You said you were there for five days.
    I think the Hungarians are deeply interested in ending this war as soon as possible. The Hungarians, as opposed to the Poles, are not interested in further escalation. They want to de-escalate the war. And, in fact, the Orbán government is not happy at all about sanctions, and it’s not happy about NATO’s efforts to try to defeat Russia inside of Ukraine. The basic belief in Hungary is that this is just making the bad situation worse, and instead of escalating, what we should be doing is everything possible to de-escalate.
    I know Orbán said that the “hope for peace is named Donald Trump,” and suggested him as a mediator in terms of bringing the war to an end.
    I don’t know that.
    Orbán tweeted, “The #liberals have got it all wrong - that’s the bottom-line of our great conversation with Prof Mearsheimer today. We–”
    Look, I don’t want to talk about Orbán. You told me that we were going to talk about Ukraine.
    We did talk about Ukraine.
    Right, but I don’t want to talk about my visit to Hungary and my talk with Orbán. I really don’t. I mean, I answered that one question, yes, but I just don’t want to get into that. I really don’t want you quoting me on anything other than what I just said a minute ago. I mean, you should tell me what you want to talk about. Because you know that I’m in a very delicate position when I talk to you.

    No, tell me why. I don’t know that.

    This is off the record.

    This conversation’s on the record, so can we keep it on the record?

    I don’t want to talk about this. I actually think this is unfair to me. I think you’re being unfair. You wanted to talk about Ukraine and you wanted to talk about mainly nuclear issues.

    Right. I told you over e-mail that I wanted to talk about Ukraine. You e-mailed me back and said you were in Hungary. I noticed that Orbán had tweeted about you, and I thought we could talk about that.

    You did not say that. You did not say that. You said you wanted to talk about Ukraine. And you said you wanted to talk about nuclear issues.

    Well, you did talk about both those things. If you don’t want to talk about Hungary, then you absolutely don’t have to. No one’s forcing you to talk about Hungary.

    I don’t want to. I told you. I don’t want to talk about Hungary.

    When the head of a country tweets a photo of you and him, I think it’s fair to ask you about it.

    I just told you I didn’t want to talk about Hungary.



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    Robin Horsfall
    Robin Horsfall• FollowingFormer SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner and Public Speaker. Operations Nimrod and Mikado45m • 45 minutes ago

    Give us our stuff back and pay for the damage.

    40% of Ukraine's power grid is down. We might equally state that in spite of Russian attacks, 60% is still functioning. The snow has arrived, so people are going to struggle to heat their homes and cook their food. The authorities will have to set up civilian sleeping and feeding areas until power is restored. It isn't what Russia destroys that is important. It is how quickly Ukraine can repair and restore it that matters most.

    On the other hand, Russian soldiers are getting very cold in badly constructed defences with poor quality clothing and food. Most of them are not trained to cope with winter outside. They couldn't fight effectively in the summer so it is highly unlikely that they will do any better now.

    Russia is losing an average of 500 killed every day. Killed, not wounded! Pundits and experts have calculated that Russia has lost 82,000 men dead since February. That is more than the whole of the British Army.

    However, it is not the manpower losses that hurt Russia most, it is the loss of heavy weapons and ammunition. Russia has become the biggest contributor to the Ukrainian army's war effort, with hundreds of armoured vehicles, tanks, artillery guns and hundreds of tons of ammunition 'donated' free of charge to Ukraine. This is very convenient as it is equipment that UA forces are familiar with. I'm sure that Ukraine will return it all soon.

    It appears that Ukraine intends to continue aggressive actions into the winter so that Russian forces receive no respite or rest.

    Zelensky's terms for peace are simple; Go home, leave our lands and pay reparations. Two simple demands, give us our stuff back and pay for the damage.

    Russia, to save 500 lives every day, all you have to do is go home.

    Slava Ukraini!

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    Tipper Ukraina er "preparing the battle field" og venter på at telen skal sete seg slik at det er mulig å avansere andre steder enn på hovedveiene.
    Sist redigert:


    Hi-Fi interessert
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    Gps kordinatene til Liev, Kiev og området hvor raketten traff.
    Kiev: 50.4501N, 305324E
    Lviev: 49.84295N, 24031N

    Nedslag rakett:
    50.4501N, 24031N

    Hvis dette stemmer så kan vi nok skylde på vodka.


    Gps kordinatene til Liev, Kiev og området hvor raketten traff.
    Kiev: 50.4501N, 305324E
    Lviev: 49.84295N, 24031N

    Nedslag rakett:
    50.4501N, 24031N

    Hvis dette stemmer så kan vi nok skylde på vodka.
    Alternativt undre oss over lengdegraden til Lviev?

    Her er de korrekte koordinatene for nedslaget:

    50°28′28″N 23°55′19″E
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    Hi-Fi freak
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    det er litt skrivefeil i innlegget til TOH ser det ut som.
    Lviv, om man korrigerer feilen:


    Nedslaget som Hardingfele presiserer er bare 8km unna dette punktet.


    Om man velger å snu øvelsen på hodet og tar utgangspunkt i det faktiske nedslagspunktet, og ser koordinatene til Fela skrevet på en annen måte:

    50.474444, 23.921944
    så vil dette altså bli
    50.474444, 30.5324
    49.84295, 23.921944
    nå er halvparten av disse dataene basert på spekulasjoner, så ikke ta målene som nøyaktige, men du ender uansett opp i Kyiv og Lviv om man gjør det på denne måten også.

    Dette beviser jo ingenting, men om ikke annet, så sannsynliggjør det jo til en viss grad at det kan ha vært litt fyllerør på gang, og at koordinatene har vært mot to ulike mål i henholdsvis Kyiv og Lviv, uten at det endelige koordinatet kan fortelle oss hvor de opprinnelige målene faktisk var, OM det var dette som skjedde i det heletatt.
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    Hi-Fi freak
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    Fra Cornucopia?:
    16:10 En Kh-55 kryssningsrobot som sköts ner över Kyjiv igår var laddad (eller oladdad) med en blindladdning för en atombomb, och tillhörde lagret av kärnvapenbärande kryssningsrobotar rapporterar Ukrinform.


    Så sent som på föreläsningen igår hos I 15 Kamratförening som Lena och jag höll i Borås igår sade jag att Ryssland håller på att få slut på kryssningsrobotar om de inte börjar ladda konventionella laddningar i lagret av robotar avsedda för kärnvapen.
    Sagt och gjort.
    Dock hade de alltså blindladdat roboten.
    Varför kan man fråga sig. Har Ryssland börjat skjuta extra kryssningsrobotar som skenmål för att dränera Ukrainas luftförsvar på robotar? Eller missade man att installera en konventionell laddning? Eller har man inga konventionella laddningar kvar och tänkte rent kinetiskt slå mot t ex ett ställverk. En Kh-55 som i 500 km/h träffar ett ställverk kommer ju även utan sprängladdning att slå ut anläggningen.

    Kanske är robotar med konventionella laddningar slut nu och man är inne på övningsrobotar? Eller så blindladdar man kärnvapenrobotarna och skjuter dem för kinetisk skada (=skada av stor vikt i hög hastighet mot ett mål) mot stora mål som ställverk? Stora mål, för precisionen har visat sig vara sådär och utan en laddning kommer man inte göra så stor skada om man missar målet.

    Så många frågor. Vi får se om det upprepas.


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    ^ Det der var snodige greier. Nesten som når et krigsskip har gått tomt for skarp ammunisjon og skyter øvingsgranater, luftverngranater og kokkens kasseroller i stedet. Da er det ikke lenge igjen.
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