Siden den gamle tråden (fra juni 2011) om Hypex nye toppmodell handler om lanseringen av NC1200 og avartene, starter jeg en ny tråd om årets nyvinning Nilai 500 DIY :
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Her er også et par linker til hhv Audioexpress og Audio science review
Hypex Electronics develops and manufactures amplifiers, supplies and DSP's with the highest possible quality in mind. Hence we are involved in some of the most High-End audio applications found today. UcD and Ncore modules are well known to be one of the best amplifier modules available today.

DIYClassD Nilai500DIY 500W mono power amplifier kit
The DIYClassD Nilai500DIY 500W Mono power amplifer kit is easy to assemble and enables you to build a high-end mono amplifier at a fraction of the costs

DIYClassD Nilai500DIY 250W stereo power amplifier kit
The DIYClassD Nilai500DIY 250W Stereo amplifer kit is easy to assemble and enables you to build a high-end stereo amplifier at a fraction of the costs

Forvrengningen ut av denne er ganske eksepsjonell, fra dataarket:
Her er også et par linker til hhv Audioexpress og Audio science review

Hypex Presents New Nilai500 DIY Audio Amplifier Module
Following the announcement of the new and improved NCOREx Class-D amplifier technology, Hypex has also reserved a surprise for this year's High End Show in Munich. In a completely separate announcement, Hypex will be launching the Nilai500DIY module, which is specified to deliver 500W with 1%...

New Hypex Nilai500DIY modules )
Hi amigos, Seems that Hypex is full of nice touches this year) After the NCOREx technology , here the Nilai500DIY for DIY market ) Measurements seem promising checkout : The THD+N at 100W in 4 ohms is 0,00015% from 20 – 20.000Hz, :cool...
