Jau, jau. (Sjekk det som står med store bokstaver nederst i dokumentet).
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Morsom liste!
Vi har vel vært inne på det før. Tro kan gjøre mye rart med mennesker...![]()
Fløy fra rettssal til golfbane
Tidligere president Donald Trump kaller tiltalen mot ham ond og avskyelig. Han hevder også at den er politisk motivert.www.nrk.no
Jeg må bare innse at det er saker jeg bare ikke klarer å begripe, uansett hvor mye jeg prøver. Det DJ Trump nå ytrer og påstår, er så absurd, så snudd på hodet, og så inni helvete useriøst, at jeg bare ikke forstår at en hver person med puls over 40 ikke ser det hele ved et enkelt øyekast. Hvordan er det egentlig mulig at noen som helst aksepterer denne dritten?
Det er 100% sikkert, Pence har allerede vært ute og sagt at Trump hverken bør tiltales eller dømmes.Det er vel ikke sikkert han blir benådet om Mike Pence skulle vinne?
Jeg finner ikke så mye om det, annet enn at Pence sier at 'nobody is above the law'.Det er 100% sikkert, Pence har allerede vært ute og sagt at Trump hverken bør tiltales eller dømmes.
Eksakt hva USA behøver akkurat nå; enda en nutcase i ledelsen.kan leses.
Beware: we ignore Robert F Kennedy Jr’s candidacy at our peril | Naomi Klein
Given the strengths that Kennedy possesses as a candidate, we should expect him to continue to build momentum. Ignoring him is not an optionwww.theguardian.com
Det har jo de aller fleste av oss sett temmelig klart fra dag én i presidentskapet. Og jeg kommer aldri til å forstå de folka som ikke oppfatter at det er noe fundamentalt gærent med hele gubben.Lesverdig:
Kortversjon: Splitter pine.![]()
What do those 'beautiful mind paper boxes' say about Donald Trump's mental health?
One of the most intriguing references in the Department of Justice’s 37 felony count indictment against Donald Trump in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case comes during a discussion about whether to remove some boxes of his papers into a storage...www.dailykos.com
Det er mange ballonger som er kastet i luften og noen sprekker. Vi får se om noen har muskler til å få Trump dømt. Er det ikke primærvalg til Jul?Husker jeg spådde ham bak gitter innen to år av presidentskapet. Der tok jeg grundig feil av effektiviteten i det amerikanske rettssystemet. Men bak gitter havner han til slutt.
Former President Donald Trump offered a dizzying multitude of new justifications Monday for keeping classified material after leaving the White House and refusing to give them back to the National Archives and Records Administration.
“I was very busy,” he told Fox News’ Bret Baier, explaining that he wanted to go through all the boxes identified by the Archives to remove personal things before handing them over.
Trump said he wanted to pull out “all sorts of things, golf shirts, clothing, pants, shoes,” interspersed with papers in his boxes.
He deflected about why exactly he kept all the sensitive material in the first place: “I don’t say I do.”
Republicans can defend Trump against prosecution all they want, but for Barr, that’s not the point.
“The question is, should we be putting someone like this forward as the leader of the country, leader of the free world, who has engaged in this kind of conduct?” he asked.
When CBS’ Robert Costa asked if putting Trump in the White House again would put the country at risk, here’s how Barr answered:
“He will always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else, including the country’s interests. There’s no question about it.”
Barr wasn’t done.
“Our country can’t be a therapy session for, you know, a troubled man like this.”
Johnson was arrested in 1993 and convicted in 1996 of eight federal criminal counts relating to her involvement in a Memphis, Tennessee-based cocaine trafficking organization.[6] In addition to drug conspiracy counts, she was convicted of money laundering and structuring, the latter crime because of her purchase of a house with a down payment structured to avoid hitting a $10,000 reporting threshold.[6] The Memphis operation involved over a dozen individuals.[9] The indictment, which named 16 defendants,[10] described her as a leader in a multi-million dollar cocaine ring, and detailed dozens of drug transactions and deliveries.[11] Evidence presented at trial showed that the Memphis operation was connected to Colombian drug dealers based in Texas.[12] She was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole in 1997. At the sentencing hearing, U.S. District Judge Julia Gibbonssaid that Johnson was "the quintessential entrepreneur" in an operation that dealt in 2,000 to 3,000 kilograms of cocaine, with a "very significant" impact on the community.[12]
In 2018, Kim Kardashian and President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner sought to persuade Trump to grant clemency to Johnson.[14] In late May 2018, Kardashian met with the President in the Oval Office to urge him to pardon Johnson.[22] On June 6, 2018, following Kardashian's appeal, Trump commuted Johnson's sentence,[6] and Johnson was released.[11] The commutation was one of a series of acts of clemency made by Trump in a "few high-profile cases brought to him by associates and allies."[6] The Washington Post's Wonkblogdescribed the pardon as somewhat surprising given Trump's past statements in favor of executing drug dealers.[23]
When Trump delivered his State of the Union address on February 5, 2019, Johnson was a guest of the president. Trump asked her to stand up to be recognized, and she received a standing ovation from members of Congress.[24] On August 28, 2020—one day after Johnson spoke at the 2020 Republican National Convention—Trump granted her a full pardon.[4][3]
Daniel Rodriguez, the man who attacked then-Washington, DC, police officer Michael Fanone with an electroshock weapon in the neck during the US Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, was sentenced Wednesday to 12 and a half years in prison.
Rodriguez, 40, had pleaded guilty to four counts in February, including conspiracy, assault with a dangerous weapon and obstruction of an official proceeding.
As Rodriguez exited the courtroom Wednesday, he defiantly shouted that “Trump won!” repeating the same lie that ultimately culminated in the Capitol attack.