Politikk, religion og samfunn Elon Musk

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  • Ole_Martin

    Hi-Fi freak
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    VW har hatt sine famøse utspill dem også:

    In 2019, Herbert Diess told VW employees at a work event "EBIT macht frei", a play on the words “Arbeit macht frei” (Work makes you free) which was the slogan over the entrance to Auschwitz and other concentration camps.[6] During the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Herbert Diess called for Brussels (the EU) to push for a peace deal with Russia so that trade could resume and the EU's commercial interests would be protected.[7]


    Hi-Fi freak
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    VW har hatt sine famøse utspill dem også:

    In 2019, Herbert Diess told VW employees at a work event "EBIT macht frei", a play on the words “Arbeit macht frei” (Work makes you free) which was the slogan over the entrance to Auschwitz and other concentration camps.[6] During the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Herbert Diess called for Brussels (the EU) to push for a peace deal with Russia so that trade could resume and the EU's commercial interests would be protected.[7]


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Jeg ser frem til linker som knytter dagens ledelse i VAG opp mot nazismen og fascisme. Om de ikke kommer, så ser jeg frem til at slike idiot uttalelser stopper!
    VW er så nasistisk at den første bobla hadde hakekors hjul.


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Torget vurderinger
    Har du satt deg litt inn i VWs historie? Særlig hva som skjedde etter at britene tok KdF-prosjektet som "krigsbytte"
    Jeg håper du skjønner at det var en spøk. Alle vet at hakekors hjul er svært ukomfortable og derfor ble det skrota.
    Dessverre beholdt de hakekors veiv helt til det var slutt på luftkjølt motor.
    Det som var litt artig med denne motoren var at tomgangen lagde en heil lyd på hvert kompresjonsslag.
    Så tomgangen var heil hit heil hit heil hit hit heil hit


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Jeg håper du skjønner at det var en spøk. Alle vet at hakekors hjul er svært ukomfortable og derfor ble det skrota.
    Dessverre beholdt de hakekors veiv helt til det var slutt på luftkjølt motor.
    Det som var litt artig med denne motoren var at tomgangen lagde en heil lyd på hvert kompresjonsslag.
    Så tomgangen var heil hit heil hit heil hit hit heil hit
    Lite selvkritikk å spore...


    Ble medlem
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    Fra en markedskommentar jeg leser

    Put simply, every deficit of government emerges as a surplus of corporations, households, and foreign trading partners (income over and above their consumption and net investment). A government deficit means that it has spent, allocated, or consumed more goods and services than its income from tax revenue could finance. That also means that some other sector of the economy produced more goods and services than it consumed, and essentially traded that output to the government (or indirectly, the beneficiaries of that government spending). What do those “savers” get in return? Newly issued government liabilities. In equilibrium, the deficits of government emerge as the surpluses of other sectors, and those new “surpluses” are held by savers in the form of whatever liabilities (Treasury securities and newly created money) the government issued to finance its deficit.

    From 2016 through 2020, $8.4 trillion in new 10-year deficit spending was approved – a combination of tax cuts and net spending increases, with about $3.6 trillion of that related to pandemic response. From 2020 through 2024, another $4.3 trillion in 10-year deficit spending was approved, about $2.1 trillion of that being pandemic response (Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget). Government deficits, again, are always matched by surpluses in other sectors. In recent years, the primary beneficiaries have been business profits and household savings, though the household savings have gradually been spent down, largely becoming business profits as well.

    With regard to the record ratio of financial market capitalization to GDP, the government deficits of the past eight years have bloated the corporate profits on which investors are placing extreme price/earnings multiples while calling it “stock market capitalization.” Meanwhile, the highest income earners have also accumulated the cash and securities that the government issued to finance the deficits. As a result, the massive deficits of recent years are a significant portion of what the deepest pockets presently call “wealth.”

    While both the federal debt and federal deficits have declined since 2021, as a share of GDP, even deficits of the present size are unsustainable. Still, it matters enormously how the shortfalls are created. What matters isn’t only whether one borrows, but how revenue is obtained, and how the funds are spent. Long-time readers may recall that I advised members of Congress during the pandemic, and suggested that recovery of subsidies should be largely based on actual economic damage sustained during that crisis. Instead, many businesses received PPP subsidies even though they continued to operate without any shortfall in business, while profit margins soared. As I’ve detailed previously, much of the government support acted as a pure subsidy to corporate profits.

    I’m sorry, but there’s a certain irony in the ruse of billionaires consolidating their power under the pretense of “reducing deficits” when it’s exactly the massive deficits of recent years that have boosted their income, profits, and financial market “wealth.” There’s a certain irony to see foxes with mouths full of feathers claiming that they’re defending the henhouse; minding the store while their fingers are deep in the cookie jar of government contracts and foreign quid pro quo. They’re selling a house of cards, and everybody’s merrily picking out furniture.


    That’s not to say that there isn’t fraud in government spending. Indeed, confirmed fraud, as reported by the Office of Management and Budget, amounts to several billion a year: $7.3 billion in the pandemic year of 2020, $4.5 billion in 2021, and $4.4 billion in 2022. Given federal outlays on the order of $7 trillion, much more likely goes undetected. That’s certainly a reason for careful accounting and auditing. It’s not a justification for slash-and-burn by a brigade of drunk guys from the end of the bar ranting about the guvmint. I’ll say this – if one is looking for waste in government, the place to start would be billion-dollar government contracts with corporations, not experienced, career federal workers that comprise less than 1% of the population and less than 2% of the civilian labor force – half the 1950 level and close to the smallest share in U.S. history. The point of the firing isn’t to save money, it’s to install loyalists.
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